First Task

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The first task has finally arrived for the castle to be all abuzz as I sit in front of the twins who were taking bets which is not pleasing my mood at the moment or my nerves that are skyrocketing, "come on, Lily, lets go and get you some water" Hermione encourages as she helps me up as I feel lightheaded on the task ahead, "watch your step" Hermione tells me but I was ultimately out of it which makes me to trip on the step landing on my knees and hands for some fellow students to laugh at my miss stepping as I try not to cry on my fall that hurts, "is she ok?" someone asks as I see Lee helping me up with Hermione doing the same, "I think she is more grief stricken that her brother is entered in the tasks then anything at the moment" Hermione tells Jorden as they help me away from the stands and the people, "could you please get the twins to not bet on my brother at this time, it is making me more nervous" I whisper out for Lee to nod on my request, "its ok, hun, I'll go talk with them" Jorden tells me leaving us for Hermione to support my arm as we are walking towards a tent that looks to be the champion tent, "Harry, Harry, are you there" Hermione questions as I feel my mood lifting on seeing my brother, "yes, is everything alright" Harry asks as she smiles at me knowing the colour is returning to my cheeks on hearing my brothers voice, "Lillian just needed to hear your voice" Hermione tells Harry as I nod on that patting her shoulder in thanks on helping me find Harry, "I'll go back to the stands" I tell her as I leave them breathing in happy that my brother is ok and it seems that Hermione wishes to discuss something with Harry before the task. Fred and George appeared to keep the words of Harry's bets to themselves, and they gave me glances to ensure I was ok. 

Hermione joined me slightly afterwards with a glare on her features, but I did not wish to ask questions as Fleur, Victor and Cedric had gone and collected their eggs, and they did it amazingly with a few near misses. Still, other than that, they went well in collecting the golden eggs from the centre, "it's Harry's turn now", Hermione whispers to me as she has a hold on my hand to keep me upright as Harry steps out, not seeing the dragon at first seeing only the egg which had him heading that way as he then notices the blasted dragon who blew fire at him as I watch my brother move quickly out of the way, "his wand, why isn't he using his wand?" I ask Hermione as Harry dodges attacks from the dragon-like an idiot not remembering his wand; it seems, "Your wand, Harry, your wand." I yell for him to look like he realised he has one. 

He pulls it out to point his wand into the air, summoning his broom for it to be coming as my brother then jumps on it, flying around the arena for people to cheer on my brother's skills. He is terrific on a broom. That is why we all came up with this. The dragon gives chase for it to break. The chain it was hooked on for it to smash, then a stand where the teachers are for people to cheer on as the twins are louder than ever about the teachers nearly getting taken out from the dragon, "Well done, dragon", Fred yells. 

Out as I roll my eyes at them, thinking that Harry is more my worry as he is flying off towards the school without any help. Still, the dragon on his tail, "That was pretty cool," I whisper to Hermione, who nods at my words, "Don't let the teachers hear you say that, Lil's. They will have your head on a mounting block before we can get to you," Hermione tells me as someone leans on the railing near us, which makes me sigh, knowing that it is one of the lovely twins that I am always talking to when they wish to butt in, "whatcha talking about?" George asks as I look up at them and then at Hermione, who has an evil tint in her eyes. On the following words to pass, which I dread by the look in her eyes, "Lil's crush", Hermione answers as I go wide-eyed at the words she gave to the twins that I wish for them to not know about, "but Lil's you said you would tell us first" Fred tells me as I turn away trying to keep my face void of any emotion knowing that I am going to kill Hermione for this little game she is playing to admit it to Fred that I like him. 

Before any words can pass my lips, I see my twin brother flying in on his broom, "look, everyone, Harry", I yell out as I point while standing up and cheering with everyone else in this place, but I suspect that the other schools and Slythrien are not cheering at this moment. Harry goes straight for the egg sitting there, as my brother looks a little batted and bruised from the dragon, I suspect, while I am dancing around with Hermione in the stands with a big smile on my lips about what my brother has done. Later that night, I am standing in the common room next to Hermione as Harry lifts the egg for all to see. 

The twins then hoist my brother on their shoulders, making me roll my eyes at the action, shaking my head as my red hair moves slightly on the action while looking at the twins with a little smile on my lips, "We knew you wouldn't die, Harry." George comments as I watch the famous red-haired twins who will do excellent in the future with what they wish to do, "Lose a leg." Fred adds in after his brother with the egg being passed around for someone to throw it to me as I look at it for a second, passing it to someone else to have a look at my brother, "Or an arm." George continues as I give Hermione a look at that, thinking if something like that happened, I would be devastated by the ordeal and probably kill the dragon myself if that happened. "Pack it in altogether." Fred puts it with me, turning my eyes back to the boys to watch them, feeling they are just a bunch of jokesters when they need to be, "NEVER!" the twins yell for the Gryffindor common room to be in a buzz on Harry being a champion now even if some of them were not pleased in the beginning they accept it now, "Go on Harry, what's the clue?" Seamus asks as he hands the egg to my brother, whom I look at, who also wants to know the clue. 

It must be interesting if it is in a golden egg like this: "Who wants me to open it?" Harry asks the group while he is holding the egg up with people cheering, which makes me roll my eyes at my brother's actions, "You want me to open it?" Harry asks another question for everyone to cheer on that, but when my brother opens it, it lets out a screech-like noise for my brother to be dropped and all of us to cover our ears on the dreadful noise while I cover my ears in pain. Harry closes the egg when I look up for a second, which has me breathing in, helping Hermione up when she bent over on the noise, "What the bloody hell was that?" I heard Ron ask as I turned my eyes to look that way, with everyone wondering what Ron wanted now in talking with my brother. 

People were looking between Harry and Ron as I bit my lip lightly at them, not wishing more fighting through them because it hurts to watch them, "Alright, everyone, go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosey sods listening in." Fred says as Ginny comes over to grab my arm, leading me away with Hermione and her as we sit by the fire, which has me looking at the girls with wonder on what they wish to discuss with me, "so Lil's, are you going to tell him?" Ginny asks as I look at her, not wanting to say what they are implying in this packed common room. 

Still, I will act dumb for now, "tell who?" someone asks as I feel they will never leave me alone when I wish to be when it comes to the Weasley twins that I look up to, "her crush", Ginny answers as I whip my head to look over at her with shock on what she is talking about in front of the guy I like here, "Ginny!" With a frown coming onto her features, I hiss for her to look at me. 

She looks a lot like her mother when she does that, "what he will find out...." she was telling me, but I sprout off the couch to cover her mouth, feeling a blush work its way on my cheeks on her going to tell her brother that I like him. I look at the twins, who look at us with raised brows at my actions, "so he's in this room?" Fred questions as I get the blush from my cheeks, looking at them with shock. He is going with it, "no, he is not", I squeak out for them to humm on that, "what house is he in, Pebble's?" George asks as I try to think quickly on my following words, "he's not from our school," I tell them as I feel like I am digging my grave right now in front of the boy I like, "Drumstag", Fred states as I nod like a bobble head looking at Hermione and Ginny who look to be holding in their laughter that my lies are forming in front of all, "is it Viktor Krum" the twins then nearly yell the room down for people to look at us as I go wide-eyed on the yelling, "shush" I hiss looking at them with a finger to my lips as they watch me for the following words, "I don't want to tell the whole school" I tell them as I relax in my spot letting Ginny go who looks at me with a raised brow. 

Still, I do not spare her a look. The twins jump over the couch to sit there looking at me, "Lil's, your taste in guys is kinder strange", George comments as I look up at him with a frown. He looks at me with his dark eyes as he smirks; oh god, he knows who I like, and it is not Viktor or a Drumstag boy, "why do you say it like that?" I ask as Fred chuckles on that as I give him a pointed look at the words that have passed, "his head is full of sawdust, Lil's," Fred tells me as I kick his leg with a frown on my features on his words that are not nice, "that doesn't matter to me, it's his personality, not his brain, you would never understand, like always" I hiss leaving the place where I am sitting to go up to my dorm room sitting by the window as Hermione and Ginny enter the dorm as the stars are shining brightly in the sky, "you are so stupid Lil's" Ginny tells me straight forwardly as I look over to her when she sits on my bed which has me to sigh knowing she is right about that, "I know, why did I not tell him openly" I tell the girls while resting my head on my knees with me disappointed in what just happened down there, "because there are too many people in the room" Hermione answers as I nod a little on what she is implying about the people being in there to tell Fred the truth, "I don't want people to see me rejected in front of the first boy I like here" I mumble touching the window closing my eyes thinking that I am so dumb to my emotions that it is not silly.

Edited: 19/12/23

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