Teen romance <3

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‼️no warnings! happy reading‼️

I sit in my class bored out of my mind doodling on my book cover, i gently tapped my nails on the table watching them rise and fall with my head relaxed on the desk

"miss y/l/n, attention"
the teacher snaps at me, breaking my focus on my hands

i say softly still half zoned out

"i don't blame you, i hate science"
a boy with half pink half black hair speaks to me softly laughing

i froze for a moment, he was beautiful. his hair, his tattoos, his smile, his deep eyes, he was perfect down to the last detail

"me too"
i smile
"i haven't seen you in here before?"
i question quietly

"i'm new, i'm Gustav, well Gus but you can call me peep or peepers"
he smiled as he ran a hand through his beautiful two-toned hair

"peep? like the marshmallow? that's so cute!"
i smiled uncontrollably as i tuck my hair behind my ear

"my mom calls me peep, always has. and you are? well besides gorgeous"
he smiled, showing a glimpse of his grillz, his smile trusty lit up the room. it was contagious

did this beautiful man really call me gorgeous?

"i'm y/n, just y/n"
i smiled as we made eye contact, not awkward or daunting just enough to feel connected

"well, y/n. i think you're cool"
peep smiled as he gently stroked my hair
"wow soft"
he giggled and smiled

"you'd be the only one who thinks that here peep"
i half smile as i stroke his hand, i notice his nails are painted black

"beautiful nails gus"
i smile at him

"they match yours gorgeous!"
he exclaimed as he ran his thumb over my long black nails

i smiled widely as we moved closer to eachother

"why do you say i'm the only one who thinks you're cool?"
he questioned as he played with my hair gently and smiled at me

"not many people talk to me, i just kinda keep myself to myself. plus i do kinda smell like weed and my appearance isn't the most friendly"
i say a little quieter than before as i gently stroked his hand that stroked my hair

"that makes you cool to me, your look is hot."
he says smirking as i blush heavily
"and as for the weed, we should smoke together boo"

i say excitedly as i smiled

"i'd love to as well, y/n"
he said gently as he took my hand in his and held it. our hands interlocked and explored each other

we shared a brief moment of looking lovingly at each other until gus started to blush and realised he was staring

"i love your drawing too, you're very good"
he said a little flustered

"it's just doodles, much better than this"

i smiled whist pointing at the front of the class

"awhhh look at the lil hello kitty"
he smiled as he pointed to the hello kitty i had drawn

"i love hello kitty sm and all of the sanrio characters"
i smiled as i held his hand tighter

he exclaimed
"but hello kitty is my favourite, we have the same birthday"
he smiled sweetly, so innocently

"that's so cool!"
i smiled widely

*bell noises*

"oh well i guess that's the end of the day"
i said a little sad knowing i had to leave gus

"maybe for school, but not for us"
he smiled as he got up, kissed my hand and helped me out of my chair

"come to my house, i live about 2 minutes away. please baby"
he begged as his eyes lit up

"peep id love to, let me ask my mum!"
i squealed as he carried my bag for me and put his arm round me as we walked


y/n - please can i go to my friends house tonight? x

mum <3 - which friend? x

y/n - a new friend he's new, he's called gus x

mum - oooo! a boy finally! have fun and text me when you're gonna come home or if you need picking up! x

y/n - thank you! i will :) x

*end of texts*

"well, what did she say"
gus said eagerly

i said happily whilst smiling at him

Gus exclaimed as he hugged me tightly

he smelt like a deep sensual aftershave, boy sweat and lightly of weed

it was sexy.

Peep Pov:

she smelt like vanilla, so sweet and gently yet faintly of weed

it was so hot

i felt her chest press against me as i i hugged her, she was beautiful i was already obsessed with her

"you'll love my bedroom, i know you will!"
i smiled as i held her closer
"you're so pretty"
i blurted out

i watched her blush and tuck her hair behind her ear, she held onto me tighter and smiled,
"thank you peep, you're so beautiful"
she smiled sweetly

"i love your tattoos too, i want some when i can"
she smiled as she ran her nails over the tats on my arm

"wait you really like them? you don't think they make me look disgusting or creepy?"
i said shocked, she liked them?

she stopped us and took both my hands and said

"i love them so much, you could never disgust me. it makes you stand out: it fits your whole look and i love the look you have. you're beautiful, tats and all"
she smiled genuinely and sincerely as she stroked my cheek and hugged me

"i love you"
i gently whisper

"what was that peep?"
she said softly as she pulled away from the hug and rubbed my arms gently

"nothing baby, let's go to my place"

i smiled and put my arm around her waist as we walked to my house, i didn't let go of her the whole way. i really did love her so much but it was too soon i don't wanna scare her off

the walk went silent but it was a comfortable silence, where we shared loving glances and held each other closer and tighter

she whispered gently

"yes boo?"
i replied smiling

she leaned in and whispered in my ear
"i love you too"
then pulled away and smiled

i smiled, shocked at her words. she kept walking along but i stopped in my tracks, so shocked. i love her i love her

i pulled her back by her arm and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss, our tongues intertwined

oh god she tasted amazing i felt myself get hard at just us kissing

she pulled away and ran her hands through my hair

"peep i need you, i love you"
she said passionately whilst looking into my eyes

i felt my cock throb and twitch

"oh y/n come here, i love you i'm obsessed with you. i'm gonna make you feel so good. come on"
i said flustered as i held her wrist and pulled her into my house,

i stopped, pinning her against the wall, kissing her deeply as my hands explored her body: until i heard a voice

"hey peep, is this the girl you told me you've been seeing around school but too scared to talk to?"
my mom blurted out

i groaned

"hi mrs peep!"
y/n said softly whist wiping her mouth and adjusting her skirt

"hi honey!"
my mom replied and smiled

"we're gonna go up to my room now mom"
peep said a little embarrassed

"alright! you two have fun, door open!"
she giggled playfully

we walked up to my room, i was still holding her hand tightly. we sat on my bed and cuddled up close

"i love your room peep"
she smiled as she played with my hair

"thank you baby"
i replied as i held her closer and put her arm around me: she smiled at this action of mine which gave me butterflies

"is that true gus, what your mum said? you've seen me but have been too scared to talk to me?"
she questioned nervously

i took a deep breath in and sat up to face her
"yes, i've seen you around and heard you talk and i thought you were beautiful and so cool and interesting and i wanted to get to know you because you seemed so perfect for me so i switched classes to try start some conversation with you and i love you y/n"
i blurted out a little out of breath

she smiled and held my hand
"honey, you could've just said hi to me! i don't bite. unless we're having fun"
she giggled
"i love you too"

i laid her down and put her hands above her hand slightly pinning them down as i straddled her and got on top of her.

i spoke deeply while looking into her eyes
"please will you be mine, y/n will you be my girlfriend"

i spoke passionately as i leaned closer

"yes yes yes i want nothing more"
she said excitedly as we kissed

*getting to know eachother time skippp* (still peeps pov)

"baby, my mum here to pick me up"
she said deflated whist cuddling into my chest tighter

"noooo stay foreverrrrr"
i wined as i held her in my arms

"tomorrow you can come over to my house and see my pretty pink room and i can show you off to my mum. she's been desperate for me to get a boyfriend and now i have one i can't wait to show off and i'm so proud of"
she said excitedly whilst kissing me as got up together and went downstairs

"i love you so much"
i said holding her tight

"i love you so much too peep"
she smiled back

she sat on the bottom of the stairs about to put her shoes on but i interjected
"no no no let me baby, i wanna help princess"
i insisted as i helped her put her shoes on: she watched me lovingly and smiling as she ruffled my hair

"thank you so much gus, i love you"
she smiled hugging me

"i love you more baby, never thank me for treating you how you deserve to be treated now, let me walk you to your car"
i said kissing her forehead, taking her hand and walking her to her car

"hi guys, this must be gus!"
y/n's mom said enthusiastically

"hi mrs y/l/n, i'm gus"
i looked at y/n and she smiled and nodded
"i'm y/n's boyfriend"

her face lit up

"oh y/n finally a handsome boy in your life!, you must come over for tea tomorrow gus!"
y/n's mom smiled as she leaned out of the window

"that would be lovely, thank you!"
i smiled, she seems so happy for us already

"right i'll let you say goodbye honey while i turn the car round!"
y/n's mom smiled as she drove away

"i'm gonna miss you so much gus"
y/n said emotionally

"i'm gonna miss you more, text me! let me know you get home safe baby okay?"
i stroked her hair and smiled

"of course, we can facetime too!"
she said excitedly

i screamed as we hugged

"okay my baby, my mums waiting so i best go"
she sighed

"okay my baby"
i smiled

we kissed passionately and i led my hands to her ass and placed a light squeeze to which she smiled and gently bit my lip

"i love you so much and i'll miss you!"
i smiled

"i love you so much too and i'll miss you moreee!"
she smiled widely

she walked away and got in the car, i waved her goodbye,

i walked back in my house and said

"what did you think of my girlfriend mom?"

before i even acknowledged her answer i looked at my phone

1 text: my Y/N 🫶🏻: i miss you already

i smiled, she lit up my life

"i think she's very pretty and seems very sweet peep!"
my mom said happily
"i love seeing you so happy!"

"i love feeling so happy mom, i love her"

- End-

hope you enjoyeddd  🫶🏻

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