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I've been waiting for this day since forever .  Today is the day I'll be going to Hawaii . I woke up extra early today , because I'll have all the time to get ready . First I woke up took a bath , did my makeup and changed my clothes.

^^^^^^^^^I wore this^^^^^^^^

Jaden was picking me up and on the way we would pick up Chase,
I still had 1 hour left , I didn't know what to do .


Charlie : Hawaii ain't ready for me

Avani : Hawaii is jealous of you😍😍
Madi : your much hotter then Middle East  🔥🔥
User5: still don't get the Hype😠😠
Perez Hilton: that's so innapropriate for a 15 year old girl 😡😡
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Jaden : I'm here

Charlie : kk on my way

End of texts


went outside and saw Jaden sitting in his car , he saw me and got out of the car , he took my suitcase and loaded it in the car , he's such a gentlemen 😍😍

We sat in the car

Charlie : you look really good today

Jaden : thank you I woke up extra early to look this good

Charlie : your so self obsessed

Jaden : so I wanted to ask you something

Charlie : go on

Jaden : I'm only asking you this is a friend nothing more ok

Charlie : ok now tell me your stressing me out

Jaden : are you and Chase a thing

Charlie : no why would you say that

Jaden : cuz you and Chase have made it pretty obvious

Charlie : really

Jaden : so do you like Chase

Charlie : idk I'm confused

Jaden : oh well , we have reached Chase's place

Chase got in the car

Charlie: heyyyy Chase

Chase  : yo Charlie how have you been

Charlie : I've been fine

Chase : what about you Jaden you look really hot today who you
tryna impress

Charlie : god you both are so gay

Jaden : your the one talking ,have actually heard yourself talking to Avani and Madi .

I just laughed it of


Charlie: on my way to Hawaii


LOREN: nobody loves me like you do

User5 : she changes boys like she's changing her clothes
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Charlie : yo Chase did Loren get a new boyfriend

Chase : idk did she

Charlie : yeah its hrvy

Jaden : there's something seriously wrong with that girl

An hour passed away and we finally arrived at the airport.  We met Avani , Anthony and Cynthia at the airport.  I don't know if it was just me but I got some bad vibes from Cynthia.

In the airplane Avani sat with Anthony,  Cynthia sat with Chase and I sat with Jaden. Cynthia seemed a little obsessed with Chase , she was always around him and didn't leave him alone. I was upset . Jaden saw how upset I was.

Jaden : Charlie is everything ok

Charlie : yeah

When I said that I looked at Cynthia and Chase they were laughing and she was touching his shoulder.

Jaden : so it's about Chase

Charlie : maybe

Jaden : so you like him

Charlie : yessss I do

Jaden : He's stupid if he doesn't see that the perfect girl is  right in front of him , if it was upto me I would date you in a heart beat.

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