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A month after.// February

Well, it's safe for us to say that they died. Yes, we have accepted well, not really cause Renae still calls his phone, but gets the same result each time, I do check my phone to see if he responds or at least reads it.

I have learned how to control my emotions since lately, I cried less, and it is like I became numb, I visited my mom, and she became my second therapy.

I'm going to visit her again today and bring her some flowers.

And guh tek out yuh man problem pon ih poor oman.

At least she is listening.


My mom has been in a coma for a month now, and I have learned to live without her presence at home.

I'm focused on my school work. Well, not entirely. My mind does run on a few things, and I get distracted for a long time.

Reaching the hospital, I entered the building, and nurse Juliette led me to my mother's room.

She left us shortly, and I did my normal routine with cleaning her room even though I knew it was clean, but I just wanted to be extra.

I changed the flowers and placed the freshly ones I picked because mi nah waste nuh money pon no plastic flowers a wah dis?


Anyways, after doing that, I sat down on the chair that was next to her bed and began talking.

"Mommy, mi say, mi almost done one a mi sba, it a stress mi," I sigh, "Mi feel feh lick dung dem teacha yah yuh see mommy, just stressing and annoying so, buuuutttt, I'm doing good in school, oh yea mi wah ask yuh, mi see summo inna yuh room, wah slippaz, mi try it on and guess what?.... it fit mi, well nuh really fit mi fit mi, but it can gwaan so mi a borrow it inna the mean time yer." I said.

"...mommy mia try eno, mia try hard fr, and mnk if mi can do it," I say while pulling the chair closer to her bed and resting my head on her stomach, "It just hard, everything ago wrong, first you now daniel, and then school work, mnk mommy, mi did promise say mi neva did ago love again but him, mi wah know if him a the one?" I asked.

"...when yah guh get up?" I asked another question. As I feel the tears coming, I bite down hard on my lips, trying to keep calm and steady.

"Mi miss yuh," I whispered as tears fell from my eye.

I held her hands, squeezing it, and cried softly.

"It's draining, mommy," I whimpered.

"Mi....mi-mi-mi-mi....mi caah tek it nuh more mommy," I sobbed uncontrollably.

As I cried with my eyes closed, I drifted off to sleep.

Someone tap my shoulder, and it was nurse Juliette. She had a smile on her face and said my time was up, I looked at my mom, who was laying peacefully on the bed.

As nurse Juliette comforted me, she rubbed my shoulder and gave me a tight squeeze.

Walking to the exit, I found that my brother was already outside waiting for me.

As I walked up to him with my mind far out, he spoke in a lady like tone, "Are you lost, sweetie?"

"Chro, move nuh," I hissed playfully before opening the back door, getting in as his oman is in the front cause every weh Rushawn deh Chops deh.

Dem mus deh tpc.

He started the car and drove off in the next minute.

The car ride was noisy as they played music and talked about stuff I seriously wasn't interested in.

I stared out the window, looking up to the sky, watching the clouds as they go by.

As I was lost in thoughts, loud voices brought me back to reality.

"Anuh dat bombo ole, yuh should a scrape mi vehicle and yuh see if mi nuu tear off piece a yuh face," my brother says in a loud angry tone.

As I looked out the window to see a thick male walking up to my brother, I pulled the door cause I'm ready to get physical.

As the man shouts back at my brother, I just waited to see if he's going to swing cause I was ready.

As the thick guy lifted his shirt to show my brother the glock he was carrying on his waist, I gave an eye to chops who were standing behind him.

Chops grab unto Rushawn's hands, pulling him back cause things were about to get messy.

My brother is sick in the head.

And I somewhat believe he had something to do with Mario death.

As my brother shouts at chops to let him go, I looked around to see that people were videoing.

Calling to my brother, cause one a him screw get loose it wah tightened, I gave him the look, he hissed his teeth before taking a deep breath and get back in the car.

I looked over at the thick man and gave him a small smile.

You is a dead man walking.

As Rushawn got back inside the car still fuming, I was confused. What had happened a while ago?

As he drives off at a high speed, I look at him, wondering if we have nine lives.


Stepping out of the car, the car just sped off back down the road.

Well ig it's just me home alone.

Well, it's not like I don't have a lot of homework and projects and sba to be completed, right?


As I went inside, I saw someone who sicks me to the core.

I rolled my eye at him and just walked past him, shutting the door in his face.

Going to my room to focus on my work, he tried to speak to me, but I blocked out his face and acted like he didn't exist.

"Weh yuu bredda?" He asked.

"Yuh, have a phone call him n ask, as you can see he isn't here, so get the fuxk out and come back once he's here," I pointed to the exit.

"Shaniece," he pleads.

"I will murder you and feed yuh to mi neighbors dem dawg then come a yuh funeral an bawl, don't fuxk with me, I said to leave, leave while yuh ave a chance cause mi mad head will tek mi," I said bitterly.

He just stood there shock at my words before turning on his heels and left.

Yuh serious?

Of course I am

I warned him not to utter a word to me, but yet he still tried to find a way to talk to me like he didn't just mess up my fuxking life.

Ain't no fucking way.

Getting something from the fridge to eat I started on my sba and send a copy to my teacher to see if I'm on the right track, while waiting for her response I started on my project for a lil minute when I received a notification and check to see my teacher said I need to fix something but I'm doing okay.

Right now is har blutclaat face mi wah fix and ih piece a wig pon him head.

After making the corrections, she was pleased, so I continued with it.

Taking a break to start on my homework, I was exhausted.

Mi hard work must pay off.

My phone started to buzz, andย  it was an unknown number calling me, I looked at the screen confused before answering.


The line was silent.

I stayed silent.

I speak again, "yuh nuh ave mouth?"

The call ended after I finished my sentence.

Well, maybe it guh off by accident.

Putting back my focus on my work, I felt tired.

This is really draining all the energy out of me, bro.

Resting my head on the desk, I turned on my phone and went to his chat, but it still had one tick.

Part of me feels like he's out there, and the next part feels like he's not here with us anymore. Which one should I believe?

Should I let him go, and just focus on my work.

I think that's the right thing to do.

After blocking his number on whatsapp, I closed my phone.

Time for a fresh start.

Am I hurt?


Do I still love him?


Going back to his chat, I unblocked him....whatt?....what if him alive and a txt mi back?

Mi did know, guh slp nuh.

It too early feh dat man.

Wanting to do another tik tok to post.

I do a lip sync to jada Kingdom Song.

Mi not even memba how it guh but mk summo in deh weh call stress nah wear so mi tek it off.

Yeah, I really need to hear some of that rn.

After finishing doing that, I uploaded the video and got off tik tok.

Diving back into my school work, I'm all focused now.


It's 8:35p.m. and my brother still isn't back.

After getting all my homework finsh, I only had one project left to do, but I'm too tired.

Laying in bed, I scroll through Instagram, sending reels to Renae as I find them relatable to us.

Getting tired of my phone, I just turned it off and went out on the verandah.

Getting tired on the verandah, I just went back in and closed the door.

Why don't I just finish that last project, I got nothing else to do.

As I worked on my project, it took me ten minutes to complete as I was distracted by my phone most of the time.

I checked to see that it was 9:40p.m..

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I head to the kitchen, deciding to make something to eat since I was hungry.

Feeling too tired to cook, I just took out a snack n head to my safe place. I feel comfortable more, my mother's room.

As I hugged the pillow that had her scent, I was relaxed, laying on her bed while closing my eyes, I didn't want anything to eat anymore.

I'm not hungry.

I just want my mother right now.


Daniece Pov

"Doh tek out yuh gyal problem pon mi," I stared at him up and down before looking through the window.

His hissed his teeth a million times.

He stops the car and takes his face into his palms before letting out a sigh.

Going onto my phone, I see that Shaniece made a post on tik tok, so I went over to like an repost, seeing that it alrdy got 86 likes with 10 comments, I leave a like and repost it and made a comment as well.

Shortly after the car engine starts and he sped off at a high speed.

I looked across to see if he's okay.

He overtook another car and was driving on the wrong side of the road.

"Rushawn!" I yelled his name.

But that doesn't stop him from speeding up.

Why did I even decide feh guh out with him in the first place, I have work to do, and this ediat wah dash weh mi life just so?

"Rushawn, stop gwaan like yah mad mn nuh," I cursed.

And a sinister grin spread across his face.

"Yuh feel it funny?....it doh fucking funny....stop drive so wreckless bredda," I started to get upset with his childish behavior.

He slowed down a minute after hearing how scared I was, and I could tell he knew I was becoming uncomfortable.

I could finally breathe, and I told him that I wanted to go home.

"Bring mi a mi yaad Rushawn and nuh inna no long chatting wid mi," I say with attitude.

"Stfu," he hissed.

"Mnk if a one a yuh gyal piss you off mek yah behave so but a the wrong bomboclaat smaddy yah tek out yuh anger pon," I snare.

"Like yuh gimmie gyal," he hissed.

"Anything yuh say," I grumble.

"Talk louder mek mi hear nuh," he said in a harsh tone.

"Fuck off nuh,", I showed him my middle finger even though he didn't look cause his focus was on the road.

As he got into my community, I was more relaxed than ever, and he played his music.

As he reaches my gate, he locks the door, and I just roll my eyes in annoyance.

He pulled me by the throat and kissed me before staring into my eyes.

"Sorry," he said in a low tone.

"Mhmm," I hum.

"We good?" He asked.

I didn't answer.

"B?" He said impatiently.

"...mi sorry fr," his tone calm.

He sounds like a baby.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully as a small smile appeared on my lips.

"Mi wah mek it stuck yuh see," he grinned.

"Let mi go," I laughed a little.

"Mi wah know if we good?" He gets serious.

"Yes Rushawn," I answered his question he asked earlier.



He pulled me in for another kissed and he unlocked the door and I went out of the car and opened my gate, and got in.

He honks his horn before driving off, and I just smile.

Stepping inside, I met with my father, who was standing in the living area.

"Weh yah come from?" He asked.

"Shan yad," I lied.

So Rushawn name change now?

He just looks at me before turning his attention back on the TV.

I head to my room and continue with my school work.

Getting tired, I save my work before shutting off the laptop.

Getting into bed, I checked my phone to see that I received a message from Rushawn, but I couldn't bother to answer.

Placing my phone down, I turn the lights off and go to bed.

Next morning

As my father made a lot of noise as usual, he came into my room and woke me.

I didn't have school since as the accident where a lot of people died our school as closed until next week.

People were scared to be out on the road a certain time, and some didn't even wanna leave their home.

I don't see the point in them closing school and making us do extra work at home.

After anuh the school dem shoot or summo.

And look how long well not long just last month it happened and school closed since then.

This is outrageous.

Wah see the long notes them an work bout how feh write off and do, cause mi wah know who and dem teacha yah, cause one teacher cannot be sending us a story to write off and expect we feh complete them work.

Bout dem ago check book.

Naah, kill up myself eno cause this is so unfair.

Me sure know say dem couldn't write so much notes pon ih board and add class work to it, but no true we deh home dem expect people naah nth feh do.

As I get my morning routines done as I had a early shower, brush my teeth, made my bed, and sweep my room since it been a week since I swept it, went to the kitchen to do the dishes and cleaned it as well, then made me an my father breakfast.

It took me about a half-hour to finish my chores and made breakfast all in one.

My father leaves shortly after since he got work.

De man say, after staying a yad and a look inna yuh ugly face caah put a Dalla inna mi pocket.

Mi say mi shame!!!

After I devoured my breakfast, I set up my school station where I would be doing some school work.

I set timer to when I would finish one of my classes so I could move on and won't spend too much time writing off one work, when I could get more done.

I will be taking my lunch break at 12.

It's now 8:25a.m.

So I get started, cause by 9:45a.m. I will be finishing this class, I turn on my laptop, put in the pin, and head straight to Google Classroom.

As Iย  went on English, I saw a ton load of notes, including class work.

Bax him, him fuxk.

"Stay focused," I whisper to myself.

I started writing the notes from the screen.

Midway down in my work, I get a call from Rushawn.

"Wyd?" He questioned me.

"Doing some schoolwork," I answered him.

"...wanna come over?" I add.

Yuh love too much blutclaat man!!!

"Yuh fadda nuh deh deh?"

"Yuh coming, yes r no?"

The line went silent, and the call ended.


That feh reach yuh man.

Getting back to my work, the timer went off, indicating that this class time was up.

Closing the book, I picked up my physical book, opened it, and started to write the work.

While halfway into my work, an incoming call from Rushawn, but I didn't answer cause I was still vex from earlier.

At least him wah yuh focus girl.

Shut up

Continuing with my work, a knock on the door surprise me.

A who dat now?

What if a one a the man dem a run from police and land a my yaad?

No mi naah ansa it.

Walking up to the door, I called "Who deh deh?"

Nuh, you say yuh naah ansa it?


The person on the outside hissed.

"Yuh nuh gwaan suck yuh teeth, guh brush it cause it sound like it dirty,"

"Daniece, open the door," Rushawn said in a deep tone.


Unlocking the door, he pushed his way in, and I closed the door, passed him, and headed back to my work station.

No girl mi nuu understand yuh.

He followed behind me, taking in his surroundings.

A fly him fly cause how him reach yah so fast?

Sitting down, he stands behind me, taking in my school work.

"Wull a dat yah write off?" He asked, shocked.

"Yuh sick?" I retorted.

"Feh you yes," he rubs my shoulder.

Sir tek yuh hand off a mi.

Yuh like it so shut up.

Finish writing off everything, I started the class work but the timer goes off, so it was time for the next class.


"Rushaaaawn," I moaned.

Bomboclaat likkle girl!!?....nuh you say next class mi neva expect dis!!!

As I was bent over on the desk I was currently working, he slams into me from the back.

As I try to use my hands to ease him off me it was no use as he just grabbed it and hold it down.

As he moves in and out of me he slaps my ass.

"Fuxk mi," he demands.

As I cried, he slaps me again and repeat the same phrase.

As I make an attempt to move, it was me to run away from him.

"Weh tf yah run guh?" He asked, giving me a hard stroke.

"Please....rus....rush.....awwnnn," I cried out.

Mi want him stop and mi nuh want him feh stop.

A weh the blutclaat dis??

As he fuxked every word out of me, my mouth was wide open with my eyes rolled back to the back of my head.


Mi tiad.

Who wouldn't?

Walking to my room, I head straight to bathroom to get this sex scent off me.

Getting ready to get in, Rushawn came in and a small smile spread across his lips.

"No," I say before he could open his mouth.

"Put yuh pon one more backass naah guh hurt?" He said with a smirk.

"Rushawn come out," I say in a tired tone.

"Mi out, nuh wah mi back inside?" He grinned.

Getting in the shower, I Iet the water run down my body.

He just stood there and watch.

"Nah bade yuu frownsey self?"

"Just say yuh wah mi bade wid yuh,"

"Oh please," I rolled my eyes.

How yuh love man so likkle girl?.....no man.

Excuse my mistakes
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Won't be updating for awhile

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