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The last day on set was a whirlwind of emotions for Nora. As the final scenes were shot, she felt a mixture of accomplishment, nostalgia, and a hint of sadness. The journey of filming "A Family Affair" had been transformative, both professionally and personally.

The wrap party was held at an elegant restaurant, the entire cast and crew gathered to celebrate their hard work. The atmosphere was jubilant, filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and heartfelt toasts. As Nora moved through the crowd, she exchanged warm farewells and thank-yous with her colleagues.

Zac, who had been busy chatting with the director and producers, finally made his way to Nora. His eyes shone with a mixture of excitement and something deeper that she couldn't quite place.

"Nora, can we talk for a minute?" Zac asked, his voice tinged with urgency.

"Of course, Zac," she replied, following him to a quieter corner of the room.

They found a secluded spot near the balcony, away from the lively chatter. Zac turned to her, his expression serious yet tender.

"Nora, I've been wanting to say this for a while now," Zac began, taking a deep breath. "Working with you on this film has been incredible. You're not only a fantastic actress but also an amazing person. Over the past few weeks, I've realized that my feelings for you go beyond friendship."

Nora's heart pounded in her chest. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, yet hearing Zac's confession left her momentarily speechless.

"I know this might come as a surprise," Zac continued, "but I can't keep it to myself any longer. I've fallen for you, Nora. I love you."

Nora felt a rush of emotions, a mix of joy, disbelief, and overwhelming happiness. Her childhood crush, her role model, and now her friend, was confessing his love to her.

"Zac, I... I don't know what to say," Nora stammered, her voice trembling. "I've admired you for so long, and getting to know you has only deepened those feelings. I love you too, more than I ever thought possible."

A radiant smile spread across Zac's face as he pulled her into a tight embrace. They held each other for a moment, the world around them fading away. When they finally pulled back, Zac cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently, a kiss that felt like a promise of something beautiful and enduring.

After their tender moment, Zac took her hand. "We should probably keep this discreet for now," he suggested. "At least until the premiere. We deserve to enjoy this without the media breathing down our necks."

Nora nodded, understanding the need for privacy. "Agreed. But we should tell our families and closest friends. They deserve to know."

"Absolutely," Zac said, squeezing her hand. "Let's start with your family."

The next morning, Nora called her family to share the news. Her parents and sisters were overjoyed, their happiness evident through the phone. Her father, a seasoned actor himself, expressed his pride and excitement.

"Nora, this is wonderful news! Zac seems like a great guy. We can't wait to see you both at the premiere," her father said warmly.

Nora felt a sense of relief and happiness as she spoke with her family. Sharing this part of her life with them made it all the more real and special.

Later that day, Zac invited her to his apartment, where they would call his family together. As they settled on the couch, Zac dialed his mother, Starla, first.

"Mom, I have some news," Zac began, a smile playing on his lips. "Nora and I are together."

Starla's delighted gasp filled the room. "Oh, Zac! That's wonderful! I'm so happy for both of you. Welcome to the family, Nora."

Nora beamed, feeling the warmth and acceptance in Starla's voice. "Thank you, Mrs. Efron. I'm so happy to be a part of your family."

Zac's father, David, and his siblings were equally thrilled when they heard the news. The conversations were filled with congratulations and words of encouragement, making the couple feel incredibly supported.

Once they finished the call with Zac's family, Nora felt it was time to share the news with her closest friends. She dialed Samy Jo on FaceTime, unable to contain her excitement.

"Samy Jo, guess what?" Nora said, her voice bubbling with happiness.

"Nora, you look positively radiant! What's up?" Samy Jo replied, sensing something major.

"Zac and I are together!" she exclaimed.

Samy Jo's eyes widened with delight. "Oh my God, Nora! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! I knew there was something between you two."

Nora laughed, feeling a wave of relief. "Thank you, Samy Jo. It feels so surreal."

After ending the call with Samy Jo, Nora reached out to her other close friends: Omar Sy, Enrico Macias, and Kev Adams. Each conversation was filled with joyous reactions and heartfelt congratulations.

"Nora, this is wonderful news," Omar said. "I'm thrilled for you."

Enrico, who had been like a second father to her during her first big movie, was particularly emotional. "Nora, I've always known you were destined for great things, both on and off the screen. This is just the beginning."

Kev added with his usual humor, "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to step up my game to impress you now. Seriously, Nora, congratulations. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

As the days passed, Nora and Zac navigated their newfound relationship with care and discretion. On set, they maintained their professionalism, but their off-screen moments were filled with shared secrets, stolen glances, and growing intimacy. They found solace in each other, cherishing the privacy they had before their relationship became public knowledge.

Despite the intense media scrutiny, Nora felt a profound sense of peace and happiness. For the first time, she was in a relationship that felt truly right, and she was determined to protect it.

As the premiere of "A Family Affair" approached, Nora and Zac prepared to face the world as a couple. They knew that the spotlight would soon be on them, but they were ready to take that step together, confident in their love and the strength of their bond.

Their journey was just beginning, and with each passing day, Nora felt more certain that she was exactly where she was meant to be—by Zac's side, ready to face whatever the future held, hand in hand.

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