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"Yuta!" Johnny yelled as he creaked open yuta's door. Yuta hummed in response so johnny was aware of him paying attention. "I'm inviting ten over, I just wanted to let you know." He said before walking off to where ever he was headed before yuta could even respond.

It had been a rough few months for yuta. He had been battling his internal issues for years prior, but as time passed it had done nothing but get worse. Going to school had been something he frequently enjoyed. That was until his depression took that away from him too.

Waking up everyday had already been hell for him, having to go to school and face the outside world wasn't helping that. He dropped out of college a year ago. He thought he would do better if he tried it online, he was wrong. He had begged his professors to allow him to do all of his work online. After a few months of online schoolwork, he lost all motivation to even open his laptop in the morning.

Since he wasn't doing the given work and had decided to drop out, he had to move out of his dorm. This either left him homeless or staying with his two brothers; johnny and shotaro. Although living with his very sexually active older brother wasn't his ideal living situation, he'd take this over being homeless any day.

With school no longer in the picture, he didn't really have anything to look forward to. Quick store runs had became the highlight of his week, that was until his depression took that away from him as well.

Yuta hadn't left his home in four months. Getting out of bed was beginning to feel like a challenge for him. His room was messy. Clothes sprawled out across the floor, accompanied with dirty dishes and empty water bottles.

He felt like nothing more than a disappointment.

His mother was excited when he was accepted into college, she knew he struggled with his depression often so something as difficult as college felt like a huge accomplishment. Which it was.

It would've been an even better accomplishment if he had actually graduated. His mother tried her best to reassure him that it was okay to take the time to better himself, but he couldn't help but let his emotions eat away at him.

He felt like his illness was eating away at him. Slowly but surely taking away anything and everything he enjoyed. He wouldn't necessarily say he was sad, he was numb to any emotions. He'd much rather feel sadness than not feel at all.

Yuta stepped out of his room, walking downstairs and out into the lounge room. He dragged his feet past johnny and ten cuddling on the couch and into the kitchen.

He walked back through lounge room with a bowl of honey nut cheerios in hand. He was going to head back to his room when ten stopped him. "Hey, yuta?" he called out for him.

"Bro, it's 3 in the afternoon, why are you eating cereal?" johnny interrupted whatever ten was going to say. He simply shrugged in return, not really caring for his poor eating habits.

"Anyways, I have a friend that you should probably meet. he'll help you come out of your shell." ten suggested, yuta simply raised his eyebrow.

"Come out of my shell?" he scoffed. "I'd have a better chance coming out of the closet."

"I think you could use a friend." johnny spoke up and turned to ten, "invite him over."

"Do you two share a braincell?" yuta asked more to himself than the others. "Actually, I don't care."

Yuta then proceeded to dash out of the lounge and into the comfort of his own bedroom, safe and away from the world.

He sighed as he gulped down his cereal before it could get soggy and undesirable. Hah, a 'friend'.

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