Adam's eyes opened up and he saw himself in a hospital room in the Argo, he looked around and soon noticed his headache. He placed a hand on his forehead and groaned at the sharp pain in his head. He laid down on the bed again and rested his head. The headache soon ceased and Adam rose from his hospital bed and leaned upwards.
He then saw his uniform was on a stand a few meters from his bed, he looked at himself and he was in a hospital gown. He looked in the corner of the room and... there was a security camera. "Hopefully no pervert's watch me dress up..." said Adam. He got out of the bed and walked to the stand. He gave one last look to the security camera and gave a heavy sigh, he took off his hospital gown and quickly got on his uniform (pants first). He then put on his long sleeve camo shirt and gloves.
Adam looked outside one of the windows in his hospital room and it appeared to be sundown hince the golden clouds. Adam stood there and watched the clouds for a good 2-3 minutes, thinking to himself. Mainly about Moonhidora, she still doesn't fully understand why she captured him in the first place. The way she treated him gave him some Ideas but they seemed to ridiculous to be true.
Soon, Mark and Chen were on there way to his room. "Mark, I just don't think we should tell him! He just woke up, surely a lot is on his mind" said Chen
"The Sooner we do, the better" said Mark
"He just got up, Mark! Just try to imagine what he would feel if he knew she is in love with him?" said Chen
"Chen, I get your concern, but we need to tell him as soon as possible. It's best if we tell him now" said Mark
*Click, Door opens*
"Tell me what?" said Adam as he walked out of the Hospital Room.
They both were silent for a moment
"...Adam, may you please follow us?" said Chen.
"Okay..?" said Adam.
They soon walked down the hallway to some sort of office. It was 4x4x3 meter room with a large window behind a hardwood desk. There were filing cabinets around the room and LED sights lit up the top edges of the room.
Mark sat at the back of the Desk while Adam and Chen sat in the front (they were facing the window). "As you know, 2 days ago at approximately 01400 hours, you were kidnapped by Moonhidora" said Mark
"Your telling me like I didn't realize?" said Adam
"Well Adam, we need you to listen to this" said Chen, she handed him a tape recorder. Adam looked at it, kinda astonished at the fact that tape recorders still existed today. He turned it on and listened... it was faint so he turned up the volume.
It sounded very familiar... almost too familiar. He soon reconized it as Moonhidora's love or mating call or whatever the hell Monarch wants to call it. "Its the love call, what does that have to do with this?" said Adam.
"Well... We would tell you, but It might be-" said Chen, Mark raised a finger to silence Chen.
"Adam... that love call was for you" said Mark
Adam's face fell... "...You can't be serious" said Adam with a look of terror in his face.
"Adam, this may be hard for you to handle. But this is real fact, right when she took you, her love calls ceased as if she found whoever she was calling" said Mark
"Witch, in this case... is you" said Chen.
Adam looked at the tape recorder. With his hand slight shaking.
"Adam... I know how you feel... but-" said Chen.
Adam stood from his chair and threw the tape recorder into the wall with enough force to break it beyond repair. "Everyone get out" said Adam.
Mark and Chen rose from the chair, Mark began walking to the door, Chen placed her hand on Adam's shoulder. "Get Out!" shouted Adam as he pulled away from Chen. She too began to walk out the door.
Adam let out a deep sigh and sat down in the chair, crossed his arms on the desk and put his face down in his arms. He stayed like that for several seconds, until he felt a presence behind him. "I SAID, GET OUT!!!" he yelled as he turned to face who was behind him. Only to come face to face with Ichi, the Middle head of King Ghidorah, with his red eyes staring down at him.
Ichi rose upwards into what seemed like darkness and Adam soon found the room around him was in complete darkness with him and the desk behind emitted by a unseen lightsource. Adam got up from his chair and looked around, "What the Fuck?!" he said in confusion.
Thinking he must be losing it, Adam sat back down and placed his hands on his forehead and closed his eyes. He soon felt something gripping his lower part of his body. He looked and saw Moonhidora holding him in the air, looking down at him lovingly. Adam breath went heavy as he made eye contact with him.
Adam looked around and saw they were in the middle of the ocean on top of a sea stack. It was bright and sunny and the clouds were beautifully floating along the sky. When he blinked, the weather went from warm and sunny to cold and stormy. He looked up at Moonhidora... but it wasn't Moonhidora holding him, no... it was Ghidorah. Each head looking down at him sadistically.
Adam struggled... trying to escape his grasp. He tried very hard to escape but it was useless. He looked back up at him but... he was Moonhidora again! "What the hell?" he whispered. Soon... she kept changing from Ghidorah to Moonhidora and Adam's vision was getting blurry and he heard his ears ringing and he felt dizzy.
Adam placed his hands over his face... and soon he found himself back in the office! He looked around, confused and terrified. He then let out a deep sigh and looked out the window, his mind was racing with so many thoughts. He took off his glasses and put his hand in his face with a slight pinch in his face.
He then heard a click behind him, he turned around and Mark was at the door, "Do you still need more time... or?" said Mark. Adam shook his head and put on his glasses, Mark then walked in and sat next to him.
"Do you ever feel cursed?" said Adam, "What do you mean?" said Mark
"First... that thing killed my father... now this?" said Adam, "She didn't kill your father" said Mark, "You know what I meant".
"Well... try to look on the bright side" said Mark. "What bright side?" said Adam. "You have someone in love with you"
Adam looked at him as if Mark just made a sick joke. "What did you come in here for?" said Adam. "Well... I need you to follow me into the control room" said Mark. Adam rolled his eyes and got up and walked out the door.
Mark soon followed, "Look, obviously I can't imagine what you must be feeling, Adam. To lose your father to an Astro Hydra and have another love crazed for you" said Mark. "I don't know what to think... that bitch seriously thinks kidnapping me and bringing me to the most dangerous place on earth is gonna make me love her?" said Adam.
"She is an Animal, they tend not to think like us humans" said Mark, Adam gave a slight nod and said "True".
Adam soon made it into the control room, where Cornel Foster, Dr Stanton, Sam, Chen and others were there. "Adams, it good to see your well" said Foster, "Yes ma'm" said Adams.
"Enough Chit-Chat... we got more important things to worry about" said Foster.
"Moonhidora is attacking several Monarch Bases, it would seem she's on a hunt for our man here, Adam" said Foster.
Everyone looked at him, he just looked at the screen. He noticed everyone was looking at him as if they were expecting him to say something, "What do you all want me to say?" said Adam. "We were hoping you would make a comment about how a titan is in love with you" said Chen
Adam sighed, "To be honest, I don't know what to say or what to feel. Ghidorah killed my dad when I was young... she may not be Ghidorah but she is still a member of that species. In witch, I still don't feel completely comfortable. I mean, whenever I look at her, I think of him" said Adam. Everyone murmured in agreement.
"Right... but this does not change the fact that Moonhidora is raging through several Monarch Bases, destroying them. It's clear she's looking for Adam, and we need some way to ease her" said Colonel Foster
"She wants Adam, maybe if we give him to her, she'll stop her rampage" said Chen. Adam looked at Chen and shook his head, clearly he does not want to go back to her.
Some soldiers murmured in agreement with Chen. Richards rose from his chair "No!" she shouted. Everyone looked at him, "Cornol, I've known Adam for as long as I can remember, hes a great guy and that... thing took his father. His father was his best friend, bosom buddies. Chen, we all get your reasoning, and I'm totally with you that she will stop if we give Adam to her... but do you think its something that should happen. Man and Titan lovers? Im just gonna come out and say it, those 2 are not meant for eachother" said Richards.
"Richards, he may be your friend but what else will stop Moonhidora?" said Chen
"Maybe Godzilla?" said Richards
"He may be the protector of the planet, but she has only been attacking Monarch Outposts. Not big Urban Cities so I don't think Godzilla will-" said Chen
"Enough! Both of You!" said Foster
"Chen, he's right. Adam is a human, like all of us. Moonhidora is a Titan, don't forget she's 100x his size and not to mention she weighs an approximate 115,000 tons. She is simply too big to interact with Adam safely. I really don't think we should force Adam back to Moonhidora" said Foster.
Adam nodded in agreement, he is with Richards. A relationship between a Titan and a Human? Don't matter what you say, it just wouldn't work out! "Well... enough about me and Moonhidora! What are we gonna do?" said Adam
"That's why we're here, anyone got any Idea's on stopping Moonhidora that does not have to do with Adam?" said Foster, pretty much everyone did not raise there hands. Richards raised his hand, "Yes Richards?" said Foster
"These creatures communicate like whales, right? They can hear sonar for thousands of miles, wasn't there a device built in 2019 called the ORCA that pretty much used different frequencies from other Titans to communicate to other Titans?" said Richards.
"Yes?" said Foster
"What if we somehow built that thing again, but this time it could use specific human vocalizations as different frequencies, like Adam" said Richards "If we could do that, and play it on a speaker loud enough..."
"We could send Moonhidora on a wild goose chase" said Foster, Richards nodded in agreement. Adam nodded, liking that idea. It would seem Moonhidora does seem love crazed enough to follow Adam wherever he goes, so she will definitely follow that ORCA frequency.
"Mark, do you still have the blueprints for the ORCA and can recreate it?" said Foster, "I think so, but its gonna take some time to create" said Mark, "We will take that time, in the meantime we will try to distract her" said Foster.
Mark definitely didn't seem to agree with the idea of recreating the ORCA, but this seemed like there best idea. "Lets get this started with then" said Mark.
The Reconstruction of the Orca is now in progress.
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