Godzilla started the fight by firing his Atomic Breath, only for it to be blocked by Ghidorah's wings. Moonhidora charged in and bit and clawed at Ghidorah, they both bit/claws and Ghidorah fired his gravity beams, Moonhidora fired her different elemental breaths.
Ghidorah quickly overpowered Moonhidora and tossed her behind him onto her side. Ghidorah then went straight for Godzilla, Godzilla grabbed two of Ghidorah's heads and bit down on the middle head.
Ghidorah and Godzilla where biting and clawing at each other in a grizzly tackle. Godzilla ounce again didn't have the help of extra radiation or Mothra to help ventilate that radiation to defeat Ghidorah.
Moonhidora is his help.
Ghidorah breaks free from Godzillas grip and bites down on his arms and shoulder. Godzilla roars in pain and claws at Ghidorah's necks, Moonhidora gets back up and grabs Ghidorah from behind and bites down on all of his necks.
Ghidorah roars and lets go of Godzilla, he soon fires his atomic breath at Ghidorah, soon sending Ghidorah onto his back. Moonhidora flew back as soon as Ghidorah began to topple over, Moon soon landed on top of Ghidorah and bit and clawed at Ghidorah
Ghidorah pushed Moonhidora off and he fired his gravity beam at her, it strikes her in the chest and she gets pushed back several meters into a cliff! Godzilla fires his atomic breath at Ghidorah, witch sends him on his back.
Godzilla charges Ghidorah and jumps into the air and tries to stomp Ghidorah into the ground, Ghidorah rolls out of the way and bites Godzilla. Godzilla roars and manages to push the middle head of Ghidorah away.
Moonhidora grabbed Ghidorah by the back and dragged him away from Godzilla. Ghidorah bit down at Moonhidora and threw her off, and he went back for Godzilla again. He clearly wanted Godzilla more then Moonhidora.
Godzilla fired his atomic breath at Ghidorah and it hit him in the chest, it began pushing him back. However, Moonhidora began firing her elemental breaths at Ghidorah's back, and all 3 of her blast's combined where just as powerful as Godzilla's atomic breath. They had Ghidorah pinned against two powerful beams from front and back, and Ghidorah was getting even more angry.
Ghidorah soon took to the sky upwards and got out of the blasts, and he fired at Godzilla from the air. Moonhidora flew upwards after Ghidorah and grabbed onto his with her claws, she then latched her fangs onto each of Ghidorah's necks. Ghidorah roared in pain and he then began dive bombing into the ground, smashing Moonhidora into the ground.
Ghidorah and Moonhidora kept tacking eachother in the dirt, but soon he pulled her off and fired his Gravity Beams straight at Moonhidora and pushed her straight into the giant lake! The quaking of the three titans's fighting made Adam stumble off his feet several times, he could only watch as they fought each other to the death, hoping Ghidorah would be defeated again.
Adam didn't know for sure if Moonhidora was gonna be fine, but it was only a matter of time before his area started getting affected by all the quaking from the titans battling. He soon decided to move somewhere else because he feared a landslide was gonna form and take him out, he moved through a cave network and eventually onto a beach.
He looked around, not knowing where to go. It was still hard to properly stand due to all the earthquakes created by the battling titans. Soon, he looked up at the sky an osprey was approaching him! Looks like Monarch has come to his rescue!
Soon, the Osprey landed on the beach and the back door opened, where a red-haired woman came out. "Well, what are you waiting for, get in!" she said. Adam soon ran inside and the Osprey began to fly off.
"So, who are you. I've never seen you before" said Adam, "Name's Celena, I'm a Monarch Researcher. I study nocturnal titans, but I mostly study your girlfriend there," said Celena.
"You see, I've taken notice you and Moonhidora have a... special relationship and I want to see if you can give any insight on why you stand out to her among every other human on the planet," said Celena. "Hell if I know, all I know is what we first met back in Los Angles when Ghidorah was killed and she saw me out in the ocean. She seemed pretty interested, but I think she was more interested in the boat until she saw me. I don't know what makes her like me so much, but she does" said Adam.
"I see," said Celena as she was taking notes, "Do YOU like her?" said Celena, "Uhhh... I don't know, as long as she's not killing me or anyone else I guess," said Adam. "I wanna know, how is your relationship with Moon? Does she treat you well?" said Celena, "Okay... why are you so curious about me and Moon's relationship?!" said Adam.
"I'm a Monarch Researcher, I just need you to tell me what you can all in the name of science," said Celena, "Well, she does treat me well. She can be a little overprotective at times, but she is still a pretty good girlfriend. She can't talk but she always gives me attention and affection and I give her affection and attention back" said Adam. "Well, that's nice," said Celena as she kept taking notes.
"Okay, is there anything else you'd like to add?" said Celena, "No, I think that's all," said Adam. He soon looked out the window and watched the battle continue. Ghidorah was clearly the bigger Titan and was overpowering Moon, Godzilla had a better fighting advantage against Ghidorah than Moonhidora, but he was still struggling to put down Ghidorah.
Godzilla fired his atomic breath at Ghidorah's chest and he fell to his back, and Ghidorah fired his Gravity Beams at Godzilla and he fell on his back. Moonhidora soon pounced onto Ghidorah's back and bit Ghidorah's necks and pulled onto them.
Ghidorah thrashed around, he bit at Moonhidora. Soon, Moonhidora pulled off all of Ghidorah's heads! His body soon ceased all active moment and slumped onto the ground, and Moon knew what had to be done now to once and for all put down Ghidorah.
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