That Night Back at Mitras Pt.2 [Special Insert]

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“You… fucking… piece… of… goddamn…” I sent my bloodied knuckles at his jaw on every single word that escaped my mouth, leading up to my final blow as I growled; “Shit!”

Even in the dim light, I could see the blood trickling out of his nose as he groaned. His body laid flat on the wet grounds of the dark tunnel with me on top of him, spitting out insults at the pathetic boy. My hand rose up and wiped off the blood on my forehead as my dark eyes glared down at him under my shawl.

“Now you and your pathetic lackeys better let us pass or I’ll slice your fucking head off!” I could taste the blood in my mouth as I aggressively barked out at him. My hand fumbled around the damp gravel around us in search for my machete, as I kept my other hand tightly clawed onto the collar of his shirt.

Oh shit. Where the fuck did my machete go?!

I heard him grumbling under his breath, but before I could turn around to face him again, a hard blow was smashed under my chin, sending additional pain rippling up my face. Hurriedly, I cupped my chin in agony, scowling at him in disbelief. But before I could even record his sudden recovery, a wave of horror washed over me as my eyes caught the quick outline of his big hand swooping up for my face.

A strong force pulled my head down towards him as my hoodie was under his influence. The dark haired boy was tugging onto the shawl that kept my identity veiled. The last thing I needed now was to be exposed to a band of worthless crap thug wannabes that could potentially sell me out.

I struggled, refusing to be pulled towards him as I stretched my hands out and attempted to dig my fingers into his stupid slanted eyes. My dark eyes widen in terror as I listened to the slow tearing behind me.

Don’t tell me … he was ripping my shawl off?!

How much more of a douche can he get?

My throbbing fist cut off his snickering, as I frantically tried to pull away from him solid grip.

“What the hell, man?! That’s cheating!” I screeched at him, my nails clawing into his hand, praying that the tattered fabric could endure more of his rough handling. The back of my neck was bleeding from a slash he sent before, staining my cloth red.

His vulture-like grip persistently gripped onto my hoodie, slowly tearing it away from my head. This creep was just … wow, I have no words to describe him. Mitras was famous for being the location of underground freaks, I’ll never return to this stupid place ever again after this job.

“You’ve underestimated us.” He stated in his monotone voice, and I had.

He was the first person I fought with that had considerably good combat level, compared to all the easy shit I had to deal with. Nevertheless, I had to get away from him. That was an absolute HAVE TO. This weird raven haired boy could potentially donate a chain of clingy military police after me. My cloak wasn’t going to last very long either, and that was like code black.

Code fucking black.

“Let... go … you motherfucker!” I growled after every drained kick in his torso area. That distinct sound of cloth ripping was a direct clear signal that time was already up. Immediately, I sent one last kick and launched off his body, sprinting to the darkest and furthest corner away from him. The cold wind brushed across my cheeks as I dashed hurriedly away.

The hoodie part of my cloak that hid my face from the outside world was now gone. I no longer had that protection over my head.

My hand reached back and resolved to my last resort. The dark hair tie that kept my long curls in a neat ponytail was promptly torn off, immediately resulting to my waves loosening up in all different directions.  With one swift flick, I sent my knee-length hair flipping everywhere around me, like the wings of darkness clawing out into thin air behind me.

With a little Bowie knife by my side now as I currently tread on unfamiliar grounds, I knew perfectly well that I was at a disadvantage. I needed that stupid long machete. The light footsteps echoed behind me, and I knew that the dark haired boy was on his feet again, hunting after me.

But I’ll kick his ass tonight no matter what.

I swear I will.


I could pick up his panting in the distance, catching his breath as his footsteps echoed down the passageway, closing the distance between us. Stinginess spread across my wounded knuckles as I wiped the blood off my busted lips behind my dark curtain of hair.

This guy was so damn persistent, it was sickening.

We weren’t even getting anywhere, except receiving more damage like hell. He puts up a good fight, but I didn’t need this now.

Why on earth was it always me who had to clean up the hardest stains of town? Couldn’t I just get an easier job? Like I dunno, rob merchants passing through the gateways?

My eyes scanned hysterically around the brick walls, looking for another way out. Behind me was just another one of those disgusting grimy brick walls. This place was like a stupid maze, not to mention that it was dark and damp and disgusting. Perfect place to dump a dead body, right?

It was just so fucking gross.

The growing scale of restlessness within me couldn’t be supressed down as I backed up against the barrier, watching the dark raven-haired boy approach calmly. I had a Bowie blade in my pocket, but I had no plan.

And no plan means no game.

Holy crap.

This was like one of those horror movies all over again. 

Uneasiness welled up inside me as I peered through my drape of wet dark hair, watching his boots stroll closer, resonating echoes down the wet dark tunnels. His attire was rather simple, just another one of those casual white button up shirts, dark pants and a black shawl.

Now I needed that shawl on him, he doesn’t even look like he needs it.

But, how on earth am I going to get it?

…another robbery kinda thing?

Oh, I have too much experience in that field. It'll be as easy as taking candy off a baby, but once I emerge from the shadows, I was walking on suicidal grounds.

Which leads back to square one.

He just has to be the one that comes to me.

There was one plan left, although I wasn’t sure enough if it’ll work. And it includes stomping my dignity down to a dirt ground level. The thought of it was really … degrading. It just wasn’t good sportsmanship, but when had I ever consulted to fairness in a game anyway?

Survival’s the key, right?

If I can’t outmatch him in combat, I just had to use my wits.

And that cloak on him was an absolute essential.

This plan was as necessary as hell. I had to do this.

“You’re not from around here, are you?” His blunt voice questioned, accompanying the background humming of the autumn falling rain. My fists clenched up firmly as I steadied myself into a fighting stance.

What was he to me? Just another overly confident brat hiding in the tunnels. That stupid glower of his doesn’t even scare shit on the ground.

And that black robe wrapped around him is mine.

His gloved hands thrust my aching shoulders against the disgusting, damp wall behind me. Those dark slanted eyes of his glared down ominously, trying to catch mine through my thin curtain of dark hair. This pathetic loser has no clue what was coming around the corner, does he?

My face screwed up in disgust as I watched him lower his head to my eye level.

“Short stack.” I couldn’t help but mutter behind my hair, even though I was still somewhat smaller than him. A smirk grew on my face but was immediately smeared off when he sent his fist into my stomach, delivering fresh currents of agony spreading across my whole torso range.

I guess he doesn’t like being called short then, huh?

“You need to learn some manners.” He hissed, pushing my head against the brick wall. My muscles tensed up a little as I felt his hard-skinned fingertips slide down my forehead, splitting my drooping dark hair in half to reveal my face.

Here goes nothing.

With one hand, I gripped tightly onto the collar of his shawl. With my other free arm, I wrapped it around his neck and pulled his stupid face down towards mine. My muscles trembled to the thought of what was going to happen next.

Immediately, he flinched back as I pressed my lips firmly onto his. The dark haired boy was twitching; his formerly cool face was warming up with pure embarrassment as he tried to push me off. For once, those shitty slanted eyes were wide in astonishment.

I should be the most badass bitch in the house, why was I committing myself to such a low level of combat?

My face was burning with shame and humiliation too as my hand tugged his shawl loose, still keeping my dry lips forcefully onto his fine ones. The smell of blood lingered in my mouth, but I had to keep hold of him. 

So this was what those hyped kisses were like. There was always one of these in those cliché fairy tales, where there consists of a pitiful helpless princess and a dashing prince made to be loved that comes and saves the day.

If I was Snow White for example, one; I probably wouldn’t clean the dwarfs’ house because … I just don’t clean.

Two; I don’t even like apples or fruits in general, so I would most likely just wave away the old apple selling lady and go back to sleep.

And three? I would beat the shit out of the Wicked Queen without waiting for the stupid prince to gallop on its retarded horse.

Wouldn’t I make the perfect Snow White that other girls can relate to?

Urgghh…no, because apparently Snow White has to eat the apple, and then finally meet the prince. No one told her about the stranger danger rule, have they?

What the heck? They call that entertainment?

Love is overrated as hell.                                       

Yet, I couldn’t get over the fact that his thin lips were surprisingly … soft. The thought of those unrealistically fine thin lips of his was enough to make my knees weak, sending an additional wash of blush all over me again.

His struggling eased off a bit as he lightly placed his gloved hand over mine which frantically yanked onto his dark cloak.


I couldn’t give half a rat’s ass about that right now.

He was nothing to me. The cloak was worth more than his blood.

Finally, I raised my sore leg up and kicked away his dazed figure, whirling my newly claimed cloak around my shoulders. Thank God this worked, or else my pride was traded away for nothing.

“Right kid,” I grumbled in an annoyed tone even though he obviously looked older than me, “Get the fuck out of my way. You’ve given me enough trouble already.” My face was still warm and written over with embarrassment as I desperately scrubbed my mouth clean.

“You’re one fucked up-” His face was slightly tinted with pink as he glared down at the ground, but I immediately snapped back at him hostilely, cutting him off.

“I warn you, I’m quite an eyesore under all this hair, don’t disappoint yourself. So back off and save those stupid lips for someone else, why don’t ya?”

Did I just tell this douche to back off because I was … ummm, yeah… ugly.

His eyes narrowed with hate as I slowed my speech down, speaking with threatening tongue. “Let me off and I won’t tell the world about your trampled pride, mister.”

Honestly Hazel, why are you such a genius?

Just in time, I could hear the other two of his lackeys’ footsteps approaching down the tunnel towards us. They had Luisa with them, and by the looks of things, she was alive and well. Good, because if they even think about touching one fine hair on her head and I’ll rip out their throats.

“Big bro!” I heard one of their cheery voices call out.

I slowly started my stroll towards the arriving figures of so-called Farlan and Isabel, focussing my dark eyes down at the little girl in the red-headed girl’s grip. My exhausted figure sauntered down the brick passageway, the sound of my boots echoing as my dark wavy hair sashayed behind me.

I’ve won this round. I mentally snickered to myself.

That’s all I cared about now. To get away from here in one piece.

Suddenly, there was a hard tug on my hair, halting me from my hurried advancement. My pupils shifted to the side enough to catch sight of the stupid raven-haired boy behind me, gripping tightly to my hair, stopping me from proceeding any further. With one swift thoughtless move, I slashed off my dark long curls behind me with the aid of my miniature Bowie blade. Dark long pieces of hair floated down to the damp ground beneath, and the boy furrowed his eyebrow in disbelief to my impulsive action.

My once knee reaching dark hair was now just over my shoulder, not that I care. It was better to sacrifice my own hair then lose to a bunch of worthless thugs.

“Remember, asshole. Don’t disappoint yourself.” I hissed as I flipped my shortened locks, gripping tightly to the stolen shawl around my body.

I already had the cloak.

There was nothing stopping me now.


I lightly placed my hand on her head, rustling her blond hair as I knelt down to her eye level again. Her small hands lowered from her face as she looked up at me, her eyes widening in worry.

“Blood.” I watched her hand rise up to my forehead, slowly wiping the plasma away from my skin. And I thought she was gonna say something about my hair just a second ago.

“Come on.” My voice softened as my hand gently held hers, “We’re getting you away from these shitheads.”

My mouth lifted up into a small smile, mirroring her developing one as I stood up again.

 “Thank you for the unnecessary drama.” My voice toughened up again as I glared at the trio. The red-headed brat Isabel, the stupid Farlan jerk and finally to the dark haired, mysterious ringleader who has that constant frown like a stupid broomstick was stuck up his asshole.

Obviously, the boy with the dark raven hair stared at me in his displeased expression, keeping those cold eyes fixed on me to quite an uncomfortable state. 

Lightly exhaling a huff, I slowly lead the girl away down the tunnel, away from those maniacs.

“You think you’re gonna walk away from this just like that?” That familiar voice of the red-headed brat called out, “Big bro! You’re just gonna letting her get away?!”

I waved them off like flies. They were no longer my concerns, I’ve shut their powerhouse down, and that was enough. Now I just had to get the little one to our destination and that was that.

“Hey, but-” I could recognise the voice of Farlan raising a question.

“Stop. Leave her.”

The stone was of anxiety was slowly lifted from my heart after I heard his cold voice down the tunnel. Man, I was relieved that genius plan didn't flunk out on me. Let’s just pray that they won’t come after us again. I reached out and whipped up my machete I dropped near the opening, sliding it back into its sack.

My hand fished into my pockets and drew out a collection of colourfully wrapped sweets. I turned back around and threw it in the opposite direction where the thugs were. Let’s just call them a little parting gift.

 “I poisoned those. You shouldn’t eat them.” I called out sarcastically, handing one down to Luisa beside me who beamed as she accepted. We continued our way, me holding onto the little girl’s hand as she popped the sugary candy in her mouth.

 “Abigail," I halted to the echo down the tunnel of the sham name I took, "See you again and you’re fucking dead.” A discourteous smiled showed on my face as his cold, blunt voice echoed down the brick tunnel.

“God bless you and those lips of yours.” I cackled humorously, imaging him cringing to my voice.

Immediately, I received a few confused huhs? at the other end of the tunnel, puzzled by my sudden mention that was supposed to be kept under the current, deeply hidden beneath the surface of the water. My mocking chuckle bounced off the walls of the brick shaft.

What a pity I didn’t get to film his reaction.

The young girl looked up beside me, her eyes curiously peering at my uneasy expression as she finally picked up what I meant. Luisa beamed teasingly, “Did you kiss him?”

The girl’s stupid voice was loud enough for the titans outside the walls to pick up. I ran my fingers over my lips as a blush slowly crept onto my cheeks. I honestly needed to calm down. Too much has happened for my mind’s comprehension.

“Go to hell.” I snapped back viciously, crossing my arms as I fought the flush off my face.

 Fate, be nice and cut our ties here.

I don't ever expect to meet them, especially him again. 


Again, I paused as the sweaty girl's hand was still held tightly in my grasp.

"What-" But I immediately knelt down and covered her mouth. My alert eyes peering around until I caught sight of the firearms casually thrown over their shoulders as they marched around at the end of the tunnel. 

Military Police.

Why were there so many of them? Here? Now?

If only I hadn’t fought those jumbo sized freaks back then, I could have gotten away from this place like ages ago. Curse that stupid raven haired boy and his stupid dogs.

"So when was the smuggler going to show up again?" One of them asked curiously, their firearm slung over their side.

"They should be arriving. At least, it was what the rat said."


Holy shit.

Was I sold out?

There was only one person on the top of my head that could possibly know anything about this. But... it couldn't be. They sold this job out themselves. How can they just sell me out like this? Don't they care about Luisa's life too?!

She was just a fucking child. 

Luisa trembled in my hold, and I knew it wasn't just her fear this time. I worriedly looked at her sweaty, pale face. 

"Hang in there, girl." I whispered to her soothingly, "I'll get you to a doctor soon." 

I knew well enough already that we would never make it to a doctor in time. Of course, even if we did, they would never open their doors to us. We didn't have any money at the moment. Luisa was clever enough to know that too.

The world we exist in is one cruel place.

People only come to your aid when you have the nice smelling leafy greens. 

Her glistening eyes widen in shock and dread. 

It was coming, wasn't it?

The round of smooth bullets.

I wrapped my arms around the feverish girl, covering her from blanket of bullets as we rolled to the side of the tunnel, into the hospitality provided by the litter and cardboard boxes left behind.

"Dammit, I missed." The guy shouted angrily as he reloaded his weapon.

But I knew well that he didn't. 

Because I held the trembling girl in my own arms, her pierced back soaking my own clothes in blood. 

"She's here."

Their voices echoed in the background, completely unregistered in my mind as I nervously glanced back at the fearful doe eyes of the young girl before me. The only security we had against the Military Police’s bullets loading up, ready to be fired at us again were the thin and damp cardboard boxes on the verge of falling apart.

Was that enough for me to live?

Was that enough to Luisa to

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