I remember staring horrifically at her eyes. They were a pretty shade of light brown, unlike my dull flat ones. I’ve always seen her smiling, her eyes glistening with humour and joy whenever she laughed or joked about, but this time… it was all different.
Fear was the only thing that dominated her. We've lost this match. As much she tried to hide it, I could see through her eyes that her soul inside had already given up. I knew what I had to do, we all knew what we had to do when a time like this came, but she forced her lips apart weakly to remind me once again. With the last drop of life left in her words, she softly mouthed to me tearfully.
I immediately forced my eyes wide open under the covers, trying to catch my breath. Confused with where I was, I slowly pulled the sheets off me, revealing the bright sunshine shining directly back at my face. How agonizing. It was like staring directly at the sun or a bright flame; I can still see the outline of the light even though my eyes were closed.
Rubbing the sleep from my tired eyes, I kicked off the covers and got onto my feet. I was surprised when the coldness of the wooden floorboards made contact with my skin, which made me realize that I was actually barefeet. Taking a few steady steps, I felt my way towards the door.
I opened my eyes again, slowly this time, and sluggishly looked around the room I was in. I was alone in the small room; the bed which I got up from was beside the window that wasn’t draped with curtains whatsoever. That explains the bright light.
I walked back over towards the covers on the floor that I kicked off and wrapped them around me again, before stumbling out of the room and wandering around obliviously in the corridors.
I had no clue where I was. I got lost a while back, and I just kept drifting along the corridors praying that a restroom was nearby.
Of course, in front of me was another room, a bit bigger than those I’ve passed. It looked more like a dining hall to me, which means… nearby must be a kitchen. Kitchen. Food. The thought of that just made me realize how hungry I was.
“Ok, how do I do this again?” I asked myself as I held the egg in my hand, looking down at the little pan in front of me. Honestly, I’m not that experienced in cooking. Ok, maybe no experience at all. I’ve never stepped into the kitchen as a child, and I never bothered to anyway. Cooking wasn’t something you’d die if you weren’t good at it, right?
Just to be safe, I got a bucket of water due to the possibility of me burning down the Military HQ. I’m never good when it comes to fire, stoves in particular.
I cracked the egg and dropped it into the pan on top of the stove. Was that it? I scratched my head, I’m pretty sure I left something out.
Oh holy shit. The oil.
I started scraping with my wooden spoon viciously at the egg, which was beginning to stick to the pan like glue. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. My emergency bucket of water!
I ran over to the table where my bucket of water was waiting patiently. Water splashed everywhere as I literally tipped the bucket over the stove. Most of the water didn’t even go into the pan by the way, but at least it stopped the egg from burning. I watched; a little relieved now, as clouds of steam rose from the pan. This doesn’t look too good, but at least I didn’t burn the egg. Hopefully not.
The cloud of steam got thicker and thicker as it rose into the air. I quickly opened the window and attempted to fan the steam out with my hands.
“What the fuck is going-” I turned around to see Levi. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me, eyes widening as he comprehended the situation. He had his usual annoyed expression, only this time it was 10 times worse. His jaw was slightly opened as he furrowed his brow and stared at the mess, then back at you, and then back at the mess. I can feel that unpleasant aura radiating off him, not that he never had one to begin with.
This isn’t going to end well.
He let out a huge sigh and walked out quietly, not saying a word. That was … unexpected, too unexpected. It’s a bit scary actually. I looked at his disappearing figure, not sure of what to feel.
A moment later, Levi walked back in.
With brooms, and buckets, and towels. Even cleaning solutions?
If it was me, I would just wipe the whole thing up with a paper towel. I watched in astonishment as he set the collection of items down. This was a bit… too much, wasn’t it? He directed his glare back at me as he put on his mask. He threw one over to me as well.
“What are you looking at? Start cleaning already.”
“What were you trying to do?” His cold voice projected across as he scrubbed the stove, determined to get every last piece of scrap off.
“Umm… make breakfast?”
He grunted in annoyance.
“Don’t ever try again, you’re horrible.”
I grimaced at his reply, although I kind of predicted it would be something along the lines.
“Ask me next time if you’re hungry.”
This wasn't a very serious chapter, and its kinda short too :/
I was planning to write a little more, but I have things going around at school. I'm appreciative every read and every vote, so thank you guys. Like really, thank you :)
Hopefully I can write more, but for now I should really get back to my essay.
ohk bye~~
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