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Nia- sorry for taking so long to update y'all
Excuse any mistakes 💙
September 6, 2021
1:11 a.m
Los Angelas, California
Javen Khari Scott

I watched Kentrell angrily walk around the room. He was apparently looking for something. He's been so angry since we found out about Journey, more like he was angry with me. He's been ignoring me, answering me with attitudes, leaving randomly, and acting standoffish.

"Kentrell what are you looking for?" I sighed and he ignored me. I looked down at Journey who was sound asleep finally. Kentrell was about to wake her up though making all this damn noise. She wasn't feeling good either so I was really hoping he'd chill.

"Kentrell." He still ignored me. He went in his closet starting to throw stuff around. He threw a shoe and it hit the wall. Journey started to whimper and I started to rock a little bit. Hell I was tired, I was tryna clock out.

"Can you just tell what you're looking for? Maybe I can help." He cut his eyes at me.

"You got the nerve to be talking to me." I made a face.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." He shook his head.

"What's your problem?" Seeing him get his suitcase and some others bags made me stand up.

"What are you doing?" He ignored me. I laid my daughter down on the bed and she started to cry.

"You can't hear? I asked where was you going."

"Don't worry bout it, just know I ain't staying here." I laughed.

"Kentrell please don't piss me off. Not today." I shook my head. He started to pack his stuff and I just watched.

Was he playing? Was he really mad? If so for what?

"Kentrell where do you think you finna go bruh?"


"Where nigga? You not finna just leave me by myself with our kids and I don't know where you going." He picked Journey up trying to calm her down. I shrugged before simply putting all his stuff back in his closet.

"What you doing?" I ignored him slamming the closet door shut.

"Don't go back in there for shit!" I yelled.

"It's my closet, and I sure as hell did pay for this house."

"No the hell you didn't, please don't play with me." I rolled my eyes. I took Journey from him rubbing her back.

"Stop crying mama." I kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry mama fucked you up baby." I cocked my head to the side. I looked at Kentrell as he went to get his stuff back out the closet.

"What did you say?"

"You obviously heard me." I pulled him back by his shirt.

"Say it to my face though." I was looking him dead in the eyes.

"You fucked up our daughter. Not surprised, you always fucking something up. Bitch."

"I'm giving you 10 seconds to take it back." He returned the favor of looking me dead in the eyes.

"1...." I started to count, we just stood there staring at each other.

"2....3....4....5....6...." He still wasn't saying anything. It was like he was waiting to see what I would do next.

"7....8....9....take it back." Tears built up in his eyes but he just didn't say anything, like he was standing on what he said.

"10." A tear dropped from my eye and he walked away from me.

"I hate you for this Javen. How could you do this to her?!"

"You act like I intentionally did it. You don't just intentionally get cancer Kentrell. It's not my fault I have health problems and they got passed down to her. What if it was Jay, Vani or Khari."

"I wouldn't care that much. This my blood." I punched the hell out of him. My bottom lip started to quiver and I sat Journey down. I slid on a pair of shorts and then some shoes.

I went in my closet starting to pack my stuff in a big bag.

That was it, he's done that shit one to many times. My kids don't deserve that fake love.

"You should have fell back Jay." I said to myself. I went back in the room throwing everything on the bed. I picked up my child before leaving out.

I went in Jalyn's room starting to pack his bag. I did the same for the rest of my children.

"Hey get up." I shook the twins and they moved a little.

"Vani, Khari. Get up please." I kissed their cheek.

"Mama?" I looked back at Jalyn.

"Hey baby, go put on some shoes ok." He nodded going back to his room. Javani lifted her head up before looking at me.

"Hey princess." She gave a small smile.

"Come on get up. Put on some shoes." I picked Ja'Khari up out of bed.

"Mommy." Javani whined rubbing her eye.

"I know baby, I'm sorry. But come on get up." I went back to my room to see Kentrell in the bathroom cleaning his now busted lip and bloody nose.

"You just gon hit me huh?" I ignored him grabbing my bag.

"You can have this shit!" I yelled before slamming the door.

I went downstairs sitting Journey and Khari on the couch with my bag. I hurried back upstairs.

"Ma." I looked at Jalyn, he was ready to go with his bag.

"Good job baby, go downstairs ok." He nodded, I ran to Journey room grabbing her bag then I went to see Javani was slowly but surely putting on her shoes.

"Hurry baby." I grabbed the twins bag.

"I can't do it." She huffed, I shook my head quickly doing it for her.

"Come on." I picked her up rushing downstairs.

"Where you going?" I tuned Kentrell out getting all my kids.

"Go, Jalyn and Vani." I opened the door and they went out. I grabbed my car keys before grabbing my two youngest.

"Get in, hurry." I opened the door for them and they got in.

"Mommy I can't do it." Jalyn said trying to buckle himself up.

"Ok, wait. Mommy's coming." I quickly put the twins and Journey in before getting Jalyn.

"Good?" They nodded their heads.

"Where the hell you going?" Kentrell grabbed my arm.

"I'm leaving. How you gon blame be for something I have zero control over! I fucking hate you! Can't believe I'm pregnant with your kids!" His face softened.

"They're mine?"

"Yes! Here's the stupid DNA results! Don't ever call me!" I threw the paper at him.

"I was gon surprise you but you do the most for no reason!" I slammed my kids door not meaning too.

"Jay you not gon leave with my kids-"

"Fuck you. Go get Kayden, Kam or Kacey. Pick up Mani and Tay while you at it. Stupid ass bitch." I got in my car quickly driving away.

"Mommy where are we going?"

"Um.....mommy doesn't know baby. Just sit tight ok. We gon be just fine, I promise."

I'll do anything to protect my kids from getting hurt. I try to protect them as much as I can, I'm the only person who actually cares about them. I'll be damn if I let somebody treat my kids like they ain't nobody.

Put respect on the names, Journey, Jalyn, Javani and Ja'Khari. My two Kings and two Queens. Please.

I couldn't believe Kentrell really blamed me for Journey's health issue. We were dead, wasn't no more trying. Not after that. That deadass hit me, he knew I was already blaming myself.

"Mama why are you crying?" Jalyn asked, I didn't even notice I was crying.

"Mommy's just really upset. Like you cry when you're upset that's what mommy's doing." I started to cry harder not being able to control my tears. I just had to get it out. I felt so bad for doing this in front of my kids.

"I luh you." Javani said.

"I love you too baby." I sniffed.

Skylar Honor Harrison

I was at home with Sage but she was asleep in her room leaving me up all alone. Thankfully Netflix was keeping me company.

Hearing the doorbell ring made me check the time. It was 2:00 on the dot. I quickly got up going to get it. I looked out the peephole seeing it was Javen and her kids. I quickly opened it and she looked at me.

Her bottom lip started to quiver and I pulled her into a hug.

"I know." She started to cry harder.

"Come on y'all." I allowed them all to come in my house before I shut the door.

"I'm tired." Jalyn yawned.

"You know where rooms at boy go ahead. Take yo brother and sister." He did as told. I took Journey who was asleep from Javen.

"Kentrell?" She nodded, I shook my head grabbing her hand. I laid Journey down in Sages bed before leaving out and closing the door.

I looked at Javen and she wrapped her arms around my neck tightly.

"I don't know how." She cried and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"How what?"

"To deal with all these unnecessary ass problems." She cried and I just rubbed her back.

"He acts like he cares then the next minute it's just different. Why?"

"Shh, just wait here." I sat her down on the couch

"I'll be back." I ran to my room getting her a towel and a rag. Sometimes a hot shower helped. Helped relax and calm you. She needed a fire hot shower right now.

I went back in the living room and she was gone. I seen she was in the kitchen trying to open a bottle of alcohol.

"NO!" I quickly ran to take it out her hand. She held onto it tightly.

"Sky please, one sip. Please." She cried.

"You are pregnant! Alcohol doesn't solve everything Jay!"

"Please! One sip!" I snatched it from her and she stumbled back.

"No." She looked down. I covered my gears hearing her scream. She started to punch my wall roughly as tears ran down her face.

"Jay stop-" She eventually made a hole.

"Javen! Stop please!"

"Fuck!" She hit it one more time before going to grab her keys.

"Wait where are you going?!" She left out the house and I ran after her.

"Jay wait please." I tried to stop her but she was already in the car. She drove away making me sigh.

"No." I ran back in the house calling Jonnie.

"What? It's 2 something-"

"Javen man, she going crazy again." I hung up. I ran to my room putting on shoes. I went outside going to my neighbors house.

I knocked until someone answered.

"Skylar?" Mrs. Rose questioned confused.

"Mrs. Rose can you please watch me and friends kids. It's an emergency."

Kentrell 😡
Do you guys feel he was wrong?
Javen left 🥺
She's losing to again?
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Love you guys 💙

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