Girl Meets Cousin

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"Maya," Lucas said, shaking her, "Maya!"

"Huh?" She asked as she opened up her eyes.

"We're here," Lucas smiled.

"Already?" Maya asked. She hadn't realized how much time had past. Honestly, Maya didn't think the flight was as bad as she originally thought.

Everyone on the plane stood up and flooded into the airport. Instead of going to a hotel, and paying the extra money, Lucas and Maya were staying at Lucas', in which there we a couple extra rooms.

They walked outside of the airport. Lucas looked above the crowd, searching for the red hair of his cousin. Once he spotted her, he took Maya's hand and guide her there.

"Hey," he said to his cousin.

"Howdy," Maya chuckled.

"Kaela, this is my girlfriend Maya," Lucas introduced, "Maya, this is my cousin Kaela."

"Nice to meet you," Kaela extended her arm to shake Maya's hand.

"Nice to meet you, too," Maya said, while giving Kaela a high five instead.

Lucas smiled as his two favorite people met. As a kid, Lucas and Kaela were best friends. Kaela had just gone through her first year in college, which wasn't that easy. A couple of days before starting her long-term girlfriend Haylee broke up with her. High school wasn't always easy either. Although her popularity, she often got bullied for her bisexuality.

Kaela was very nice once you get to know her, but when you first meet her, she's not as much. She didn't trust many people, especially after the breakup. She truly did love Haylee. Kaela trusted her, and she ended up breaking her heart.

Maya, Lucas, and Kaela talked for a while before getting into the car. Kaela was examining Maya. She was very over protective of her family and wanted to know if Maya was worthy enough to be in a relationship with her cousin. So far, Maya was coming off okay to Kaela's standards.

"Hey huckleberry," Maya said, "do you think I can ride a horse? I want to do as much cowboy stuff as possible while I'm here." She smiled at what was clearly a joke.

Kaela didn't think it was that amusing.

She didn't understand the game that the couple played. She found it kind of offensive, if being honest.

'How could he settle for such a rude person?' She thought to herself.

They got to the house a couple minutes later. It was around 2 pm. and Maya and Lucas had free time until 8 pm. when they had dinner with the rest of the school.

Maya went up to the spare room, and Lucas with to his old room. The spare room had light green walls and hard wood floors. There were drawers to put her clothes in, an vanity with a mirror, a bed in the corner, and an end table with a lamp on it. Everything looked a bit old, but not too old.

Maya started to unpack. She put away her clothes and put her makeup onto the vanity. She pulled out her phone to quickly give her mom an update text.

"Hey mom, everything's good, just got to the house. Miss you and love you,"



Long time, no write.

I'm sorry. I said I would be active and I wasn't. I just wasn't inspired, and I didn't want to update just to update. I wanted to be sure that I'm writing my best. I'll try to be active, but I don't know. I'm sorry again. I am active on my Instagram @ girlmeetsdisney.

Thank you @StarlessLupin for creating the character of Kaela (and for letting be alter her slightly).

Time for some questions!

Do you like Kaela?
Do you think Kaela will deem Maya good enough for Lucas?
How do you like the story?
What do you think will happen?

Until next time,


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