A Visit

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Work for both of the men had been hell for the first days of the week. 

Finkel walked in to find his lover smoking and annoyed by how the day went. 

"How was work?" Klaus asked, tapping his foot on the floor. 

"Terrible I don't think I got a break" 

"Same" Klaus sighed "I thought I'd get more breaks and be able to see you more" 

"You can't expect much out of working in different places" Finkel replied as he flopped down beside the brunette, snuggling into him. "I'm exhausted" 

Klaus practically melted at this sight, he thought he'd never actually get to see. 

The blond noticed Klaus's silence "You good?"

"You're so cute, " Klaus said as Finkel turned and kissed him. 

"How about I get a shower or we get a shower and then we have some nice cuddle time?" Finkel suggested 

"Sounds lovely" Klaus kissed Finkel's forehead as the blond took his hand and led him upstairs. 

Soon enough the two were in the shower and Klaus was running his hands through Finkel's hair. This time they were planning on getting in and out as soon as they could, tonight they were going to relax. 

Finkel had simply thrown on a pair of boxers and an oversized sweater while Klaus wore his tank top and shorts. 

They made it downstairs in no time and we're cuddled up together on the sofa.

"Is that mine?" Klaus asked, referring to the sweater. 

"Yes, is there a problem?" 

"No, you look great in it," Klaus grinned. 

Finkel kissed Klaus "I look great in anything"

"That's true, especially if it's mine" Klaus said as he kissed the blond back. 

There were a few quick kisses between the two before Finkel turned around and was face to face with the brunette. 

Klaus kissed down the blond's neck, leaving a mark or two as he went. 

Finkel giggled, somehow he wasn't turned on but at this moment he was enjoying it in a different way. Normally moments like this would turn into a wild night, but this felt different to the blond it felt calming per say. 

"Finkie" Klaus murmured


"Your spacing off, whatcha thinking about?"

"How calming this is," Finkel said as the brunette lifted his head up so they made eye contact. 

Klaus ran his hands down Finkel's sides "I'm surprised your relaxed, normally your begging for something"

Finkel's face turned a deep shade of red. "You had to say it"

"I can't pass it up" Klaus chuckled "Your so fun to tease"

"Not in bed" Finkel winked

"I walked into that one" The brunette grinned as he kissed Finkel passionately. 

"You're not the only one who can make a joke, " Finkel giggled as he kissed back. 

"I see that" 

"I'm so glad that we're on our own now it's better than being constantly worried about being caught" Finkel said 

"Totally better" Klaus smiled "I get to spend time with you and no worries" 

Finkel kissed him once more "Plus I love getting to cuddle you" 

"Your great at that, your also great at driving me crazy"

"In a good way?" The blond asked

"Of course" 

The two shared quick kisses for a moment before pulling back. 

"This is better than breaks I normally get" Finkel said "Still wish you were there" 

"Yeah but you know how much work we'd get done if we were together all day" Klaus replied 

"Basically none" Finkel grinned before adding "Have you started making the outfits?" 

"I've started your dress but if you want to you can start making the strawberries and flowers" Klaus suggested

"Alright then" Finkel said "Maybe it'll be relaxing"

"Probably not, I'd get up but I'm comfy" 

"Tomorrow then?" 

"If we're up for it sure" Klaus smiled

"Can I ruin this relaxation time?" Finkel asked


"Are you up for a little something?" 

"I guess" Klaus shrugged. 

"I don't want to force you"

"I thought you suggested this relaxing night?" Klaus commented

"I did but now I feel like ruining it" Finkel replied

"If that's what you want I'm fine with it" Klaus said 

A small smile appeared on the blond's face as he leaned in and kissed Klaus. "Don't worry it won't be much i just need to relieve a little stress"

Klaus grinned "Well if you say so alright then"

Finkel leaned in and took control this time. He bit down on the brunette's bottom lip and quickly slid his tongue in. 


The two actually stayed on the couch this time, they didn't go far but still enjoyed it. Klaus was actually enjoying the fact that Finkel took control, it was a switch he was fine with. 

"Well.. " Klaus panted "That was fun"

"Yeah, but now we have a little mess" Finkel sighed

"It's fine hun" Klaus kissed the blond's forehead "I enjoyed it so it's worth it"

Finkel nuzzled his face into Klaus's neck. 

"Finkie can I get up for a moment? " Klaus asked

Finkel sat up "Fine" he frowned 

Klaus ran a hand through Finkel's hair "'I'll be back in a moment" 

Finkel sat there and looked down at his white, sticky coated stomach. He looked up as a towel was thrown at him. "Thanks" he murmured. 

Klaus sat back down as Finkel cleaned up. 

"At least it got on us and not the couch" Finkel said 

"Either way I wouldn't care" Klaus shrugged as he took the towel from Finkel. 

They sat there for a moment in silence. 

"Want a beer?" Klaus asked


"Suit yourself" Klaus got up and walked off to the kitchen, coming back with a beer. He sat back down and chugged it. 

Finkel rested against the couch, and tilted his head back. He shut his eyes for a moment and took a breath. 

"You good?" Klaus asked

"Yeah, I'm just half here right now" Finkel replied "Not stressed though so that's good" 

"I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow" Klaus sighed 

"Neither am I, but just remember if we can both survive through the day we get outfit time" Finkel smiled

"I miss being able to work on them throughout the day and basically have a lot of free time" Klaus frowned

"I do too, but we finally have a life without worries of being bombed or dying in general" Finkel replied "Just look on the bright side" 

"I wish I could do that, but you know with me it's almost impossible" Klaus said 

"I guess I'll have to change that" 

"And what's your plan?"

"Not sure but I'll figure out one," Finkel said optimistically. 

"You know you've been optimistic ever since we got out of the camp" Klaus noted

"Well I've been looking towards good things because I'm hopeful that our future will turn out great" Finkel smiled "I want to keep it that way. I'm still hoping our little future talk will come true and we'll have an actual family"

Klaus grinned before taking a sip "Hopefully, if I'm honest I've always wanted a dog so maybe that'll come true" 

Finkel sat back up "We can be dog dads!" he said enthusiastically. 

Klaus looked over and melted at seeing the blond smiling and excited once again. "Yeah.. "

Finkel looked over at Klaus who was stuck in a staring trance. "Honey your staring"

Klaus snapped out of it "Sorry you just look so happy. I don't remember the last time I saw you this happy"

Finkel thought "The field.. "

"You really want to go back don't you?" Klaus asked

"Yeah, if we ever can" Finkel replied with a small frown 

"I think we can, nothing's stopping us" Klaus said "See it's my turn to be optimistic"

"I guess so, of course if we ever go back I want another flower crown" Finkel said. 

"To go with the dress?"

"Yes, First we finish the dress and your outfit, Second we go back go the field" Finkel's smile returned. 

"Sounds nice.. You think it'll happen this month?" Klaus asked

"Maybe I hope so" Finkel replied "I want to do it sometime soon at least" 

"While we're back in town we could possibly visit Jojo" Klaus suggested 

"I forgot to say that Irene wants to bring Roderich over sometime, not sure when though" Finkel said

"Well anytime we're not working or busy is fine with me" Klaus replied 

"This weekend?" 

"Sure I don't mind having him over" Klaus grinned "He's a good kid and his little sister too"

"He doesn't really like her, he's complained to me before that all she does is cry and I just told him Your sister's a baby she isn't going to do much of anything else" Finkel said "Though I think she's absolutely adorable"

"Is Irene's husband ever around?" Klaus asked "I wanted to ask before but it wasn't the right time"

"Well her husband is.. Dead but she doesn't have the heart to explain that to Roderich so her excuse is that he's just off and will be back sometime. She's not exactly sure how long she'll be able to keep that excuse up her son's way too smart for his own good." Finkel paused "Anyways she's planning to fess up at some point but of course when he's older"

Klaus sighed "I thought that's what happened but I didn't want to say anything to her, it must be hard"

"Well she's been managing so far though if couldn't tell when we visited she's pretty tired" Finkel replied 

"Of course she is, she's got that smart kid and a baby, a job too" Klaus said "Does anyone watch over the kids?" 

"Eh, that I'm not sure about I think so but I don't really know" Finkel shrugged 


The day had crept by slowly and the two were glad to get home. 

Once the blond walked in he immediately went to the basement, he was determined to create his dress or at least help with it. The only probably was that Klaus wasn't going to be home for at least half an hour, so he had time for himself. 

Finkel thought for a moment before remembering he could go call his sister. He ran back up the stairs and straight to the phone, quickly dialing the number and then waiting. 

"Hello?" he heard on the other line. 

"Hey sis!" 

"Oh, Finkel it's you. How have you been?" 

"Good, look I'm going to get straight to the point so you can get back to whatever you're doing" Finkel started "Since you suggested coming over soon how about this weekend?" 

"Sure, that's fine with me" Irene said "Roderich has been bugging me nonstop to bring him over"

"He really wants to see me then?" Finkel grinned 

"Of course" She seemed to get quieter "He sees you like a father to him if I'm honest"

"He does?" 

"Totally I think he'd like your stories, if your willing to tell him"

"I think Klaus might tell him something" Finkel replied "Well I should get going, we can talk over the weekend anyways" 

"Alright then bye Finkel" Irene said 

"Bye" Finkel hung up and walked back down to the basement. He was content with waiting at first but then he got bored, the phone call was short and barely any time had passed. 

Most of his time he spent waiting for Klaus was just either spacing out, or over thinking. 

Klaus finally walked down the stairs "Sorry to make you wait" he said as he sat his things down and sat at his desk. "So are you ready to help me out?"

"Of course" Finkel sat down beside the brunette "By the way I called my sister to tell her and she's fine with this weekend" 

"Alright then" Klaus replied and he sat a large piece of light pink cloth on the table. 

He handed a box full of different colored cloths to Finkel. "Alright figure out how your going to make the little strawberries and flowers while I start the dress"

Finkel nodded as he sorted through the box, pulling out a few colors he was happy with. He then patted Klaus on the shoulder "Do you think this would go together well?"

"Whatever makes you happy dear"  Klaus didn't look up. 

"Klaus I'm serious I want this to look nice" Finkel said

Klaus looked up "I thought it was your dress"

"Yes it is, but you're better at colors than me, now which ones look nice?" Finkel asked, holding up colors. 

"Well I think maybe blue because you'll have red on it and those two look good together normally" Klaus suggested 

"Hm, I guess it'll work" Finkel smiled 

"If you don't like it don't blame me" Klaus murmured as he turned his attention back to the dress. 

"I'm pretty sure it'll look nice," Finkel replied as he started mixing and matching colors. 

Klaus kept his focus on making the dress the way his lover wanted, wavy and in some way elegant. 

Finkel had gotten distracted by watching Klaus. 

Klaus felt like he was being watched and turned to Finkel. "Aren't you supposed to be helping out or what?" 

Finkel blushed "Sorry, it's just interesting to watch you in general"

Klaus chuckled "I didn't think it would be, but could you please get back to your little thing. If you want this to be done quick I suggested you help out"

"Fine" Finkel pouted "I like watching you though"

Klaus turned back to the dress once more "I know but if you complete or at least get something done then you can space off and watch me"

Finkel smiled "Alright then I'll get to work"


It was later at night when Klaus realized they had been working for a while. 

"Finkel, I think we should stop here," He said, turning to the blond who was half asleep right there. 

"Alright, can you carry me upstairs bitte?" Finkel asked

Klaus grinned and got up "I guess I could, or of course I could make you walk"

"I don't feel like walking," Finkel complained as he was picked up bridal style. 

"I swear you can be a five year old sometimes" Klaus started walking up the stairs. 

"Is that a big deal?"

"I guess not" Klaus shrugged as he walked through the living room and then back up another set of stairs to the bedroom. 

Finkel was already starting to fall asleep in the brunette's arms. 

"He's that tired?.. " Klaus murmured as he sat him on the bed. Before he walked away Finkel said something. 

"Are you going to lay down with me?" 

"In a few, I need to do something first" Klaus replied as he walked into the bathroom. 

Finkel got under the covers and had a small smile on his face. In no time he fell asleep. 

Klaus snuck back in a few moments later and laid down beside his lover, pulling him close and kissing his forehead before he fell asleep. 


The weekend came sooner than they thought. Finkel was running around cleaning up and panicking. 

"Finkel your own sister is coming over. Why are you so frantic?" Klaus asked

"Because I want this place to look nice for once, I know she really wouldn't care but she has kids and I don't trust the little one with random things on the floor" Finkel explained. 

"I see" Klaus was relaxing at the moment, watching the blond clean around frantically. 

Finkel stopped when he heard a knock at the door and raced over. "Irene!" He hugged her. 

Roderich was jumping up and down with excitement before he wrapped his arms around Finkel's waist. "Uncle Finkel!" 

Finkel bent down "Hello Roderich" he smiled. He took the little boy's hand and walked inside. 

Klaus waved to Irene before the boy ran over to him. 

"Hello Finkel's friend!"

"Uh, technically I'm your uncle" Klaus replied. 

Roderich raised a brow confused at first but then shrugged it off. "Alright uncle Klaus!" he sat down for a moment before asking "Mom said you have war stories, would you be willing to tell me some?" 

"Hm, I guess I could for you," Klaus said and Roderich smiled. 

Finkel, Irene, and the little one were in the kitchen sitting around talking. The blond was holding the little one, rocking her back and forth. "She's so cute!"

"I'm glad you like her" Irene sighed "She's been keeping me up recently, I need constant naps"

"Well I could watch her sometime if you need a break" 

"Really..?" Irene asked "You'd be up for it?" 

"Yeah, Klaus wouldn't mind hell he loves her" Finkel replied 

"Have you two ever thought of starting a family..?" Irene questioned. 

"Yeah we've thought of it and we have an idea" Finkel said "Hopefully it'll happen" 

"I hope the best for you two" Irene crossed her arms and leaned against the counter. She could hear her son chatting away "What is he talking about now?"

"Most likely war stories and if not that then I don't know" Finkel shrugged. 

Irene snuck around and glanced into the living room, listening in. "War stories" she murmured before turning back to the blond "Well at least your husband is keeping him busy I can't get him to shut up since I'm the only one he can have a real conversation with" 

"That's good for you at least, you get a break" Finkel said "Me and Klaus can't shut up half the time so it's good he's talking to other people"

Irene nodded "So how's work?" 

"Boring and I come home tired as usual" Finkel sighed 

"Also got any coffee? I want to stay awake" Irene asked

"Yeah, hold on" Finkel handed the baby over to her while he rummaged through the cabinets. "Alright let me make this real quick"

Irene glanced over the side again, watching her son talk nonstop to Klaus. 

"I heard Russia is cold like -40 cold, is it really that cold?" Roderich asked

"Hell yeah, I about froze out there" Klaus replied "Hated it"

Irene smiled before she reverted her attention to Finkel who was calling for her. 

"It's done," he said as he sat the mug down and took the baby from her. 

Irene sipped it "Seems like those two are getting along"

"That might be a good thing" Finkel said, he looked down at the little one in his arms and smiled. "She's too cute I swear and she definitely looks like you" 

"Is that good?" Irene chuckled

"Yeah, hopefully she'll have your smarts" Finkel laughed 

Roderich ran in with Klaus trailing behind. "Mom, Mom! Uncle Klaus told me awesome war stories!" he cheered

"Is that so?" Irene asked looking over at Klaus, who looked away with a light blush on his face. 

"Yeah, they're really cool!" Roderich said "I think he's been through a lot" 

"Definitely" Irene gave Klaus a small smile. 

Klaus wasn't used to people bragging about his accomplishments or anything he had done in general. He felt a bit weird about it all but Roderich was stoked about it so he was fine with it. 

Roderich turned to the blond "So uncle Finkel were you with uncle Klaus the entire time?" 

 "Actually yes I was his sub officer through it all" Finkel smiled

"Cool! So you two worked together that must have been fun"

"You could say it was" Finkel replied 

Roderich was excited to finally hear war stories, all he knew is that his father was still off somewhere for a while. 

"So, what shall we do since we've all been standing around talking. Anyone want to actually do something?" Finkel asked

"Sure, how is it outside?" Klaus asked

"It's actually nice out, we should go out for a bit" Irene replied "It'd be nice for Roderich to spend some time outside" 

Roderich got excited "Outside yay!" he took Klaus by the hand and practically rushed out the door. 

Finkel and Irene walked behind laughing as Klaus was dragged along with Roderich. 

"Let's play!" He yelled 

"Alright what shall we play?" Klaus asked as he was led into the grass. 

"Um, well we could stare at the sky and guess cloud shapes" Roderich suggested. 

"Alright let's do it" Klaus smiled as he laid down

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