Chapter 7

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I sat down in between Melvin and Joseph as usual, but on the other side of the table Lacey was sitting in between my mother and Marcus. Thank god they didn't make me move, that would be more than I could handle.

"Lacey, this is our other son, Melvin, and our only daughter Lydia," My mother announced as soon as we got to the table.

"Nice to meet you," She smiled at me and Melvin.

"Nice to meet you too," Melvin smiled kindly. I didn't respond until Marcus kicked me under the table.

"Ouch- nice to meet you too," I said with a forced smile.

"Marcus talks about you all the time," She gushed.

"I'm sure he does," I said and Melvin pinched me.

"Stop being sassy," He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"It's so great that I get to meet you all," She smiled, looking at each and everyone of us. Her sweet expression made me sick.

"When Marcus told us he had a girlfriend no one believed him," Greg smirked and winked at me. I was grateful he was purposely getting attention off me.

"Shut up," Marcus said embarrassed.

"Boys, behave," My mother scolded giving each a hard look, for some reason she was trying hard to impress this girl.

"Enough chit chat, let's eat!" My father announced. Everyone dug in hungrily. I didn't feel like eating but I knew I had to eat or they'd give me hell about it. I was sure Melvin wouldn't want Lacey to see the freakout.

After 30 minutes of stuffing our faces Felix cleared his throat.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Felix asked, wiping his mouth.

"About two months," Lacey smiled.

"Wow what a long time," Felix mused. As dinner went on it seemed everyone was making conversation, I was the only silent one, only speaking up to ask Joseph to pass the water.

Lacey said something to Marcus I couldn't quite catch and he whispered something in her ear, she turned to me. My mother and Father excused themselves to let us 'kids' talk.

"So Lydia, how do you like tenth grade?" Lacey asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's fine," I said plainly shoveling a spoon full of spaghetti in my mouth to avoid another question. Marcus glared at me and I sighed, "It's better than freshmen year."

"Oh I know, I hated freshmen year, junior year was probably the best year for me," She said.

"Uh huh," I said uninterested.

"Yeah Lydia had a hard time adjusting freshmen year," Melvin chuckled and I glared at him.

"Aww, why?" Lacy asked with concern.

"She was hanging with the wrong crowd," Marcus said vaguely, clearly not wanting to get into it.

"That is not true!" I protested.

"Yeah, you're telling it wrong," Melvin laughed.

"I'd rather no one tell this story," I muttered, annoyed they were sharing my business with Lacey.

"Who was your friend Lydia?" Felix asked pretending to think.

"Oh yeah, wasn't he your boyfriend?" Melvin smirked sitting back. I blushed while everyone laughed at the memory.

"I don't think we should talk about this right now." I said.

"Oh no, I think this is a perfect time to talk about it," Melvin said devilishly.

"What's so bad about her having a boyfriend?" Lacey asked confused, clearly Marcus hadn't shown her his crazy side, maybe that would drive her away.

"Yeah why don't you tell her Marcus?" I suggested evilly.

"She's too young," He explained uncomfortably.

"I started dating when I was fifteen," She was still confused, I pitied her, she obviously didn't know how insane Marcus was.

"I'll explain to you later," I said, surprising everyone. I would sabotage their relationship by bonding with her. No one would suspect a thing.

Only Joseph knew what I was thinking, he was shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yeah, of course!" Lacey said excitedly, of course hoping I would warm up to her.

"I think it's time for dessert, don't you Lydia?" Joseph obviously trying to get me alone to talk me out of sabotage.

"No I think I'm okay here," I smirked.

"Lydia I could help you get the dessert, come on," Lacey suggested grinning, clearly using this as a bonding opportunity.

"Sure," I said and got up. To go help her, Joseph glared at me and I shrugged innocently.

We walked into the kitchen and I pulled out the cake my mother made for dessert.

"Ooh that looks yummy!" Lacey squealed, I grimaced.

"Yeah it's my mom's recipe, we eat it with ice cream," I said and pulled out the vanilla ice cream that would go great with the chocolate cake.

"You're mom's a good cook," She complimented.

"Yeah. We own a restaurant." I grabbed a knife and handed it to her. While she cut the cake I grabbed the bowls.

"It must be hard living with so many boys," She said, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, the only reason we still have this ice cream is because I hid it behind the frozen peas." I said pointing to the ice cream. She laughed so loudly she snorted.

"Oh my god, sorry," She said embarrassed. I giggled and soon we were both giggling.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Marc," I laughed. Maybe she wasn't that bad, the snort proved that she wasn't a perfect girl, and she was actually trying to get to know me. I guess I could give her a chance.

"So you really like my brother?" I asked, scooping the third bowl of ice cream.

"Yeah, I'm crazy about him," She blushed. Gross.

"Well, I wish you the best," I said.

"Thanks," She smiled, "So what were they saying about you not having a boyfriend?"

"Oh that, it's nothing," I said nervously, now that I wasn't so opposed to this girl I didn't want her to think less of Marcus.

"Are they protective or something?" Her eyes brightened.

"Yeah..." I said, confused at her reaction.

"Oh my gosh that's so great! I love when guys are protective over their sisters, it's like so hot!" She gushed, "I mean it must suck for you but that's so cute, they don't let you wear certain stuff right? Oh my gosh I just die for that kind of stuff. Do they beat up boys for you? God that's so heroic."

I just blanked, okay forget what I said about liking her, she was crazy! I had a feeling she was going to make my life harder.

*Later that night*

"Thank you for coming darling," My mother said to Lacey as she left the house. Marcus walked her out.

"I hate her," I said as soon as the door shut.

"I think she was nice," Joseph said.

"She's a polite young girl," My mother argued shooting me a glare.

"Lydia is overreacting," Melvin chuckled and threw his arm around me. We walked towards the couch.

"I'm not, she's crazy," I huffed struggling to throw his arm off unsuccessfully.

"Why would you say that, you know he likes her," Greg spoke from the couch.

We all arranged ourselves, I was between Melvin and Joseph and Greg Leo and Felix were on the other attachment of our large couch.

"Do you know what she said to me in the kitchen?" I continued.

"What did she say?" Felix stiffened, the others followed suit looking at me angrily, even though their anger was directed toward Lacey it was chilling.

"No! Nothing threatening or bad," I quickly said, they relaxed and I continued, "She asked about you guys, asking if you're protective and when I said yes she started rambling about how great it must be."

"What isn't it great having six body guards?" Melvin asked squeezing me tighter in his arm.

"So what did you think?" Marcus came up suddenly behind us, he took his spot next to Melvin.

Before I could even speak Melvin put his hand over my mouth silencing me.

"She was great!" Melvin said.

"MMMGHHH!" I screamed under Melvin's hand.

"Ew did you just lick me?" Melvin gasped horrified he took his hand off my mouth but started wiping it on my face.

"Stop you disgusting!" I screamed, I grabbed a couch pillow and smacked him in the head. He grabbed me and threw me on the ground, trapping my wrists in one and hand and pinching me vicously with other.

"AND LYDIA IS DOWN!" Marcus commentated, "Greg how much time is left on the clock?"

"7 seconds until the 6th Tonelli is OUT!" Greg yelled back, checking his watch. Marcus watched our match intently while Felix and Leo rolled their eyes at our childishness.

"I'm not out yet!" I shouted and kicked Melvin in the stomach, he groaned and I tackled him. All of a sudden I felt someone spraying us with a spray bottle of water.

"Bad! No! No doggies!" Joseph shouted from above. I scrambled away glaring at Joseph while Melvin did the same, clutching his stomach.

"Aw Joey you ruined the entertainment," Marcus groaned.

"Not really," Melvin said and lunged at me. He tackled me to the ground, splitting my lip in the process. I scratched him until the older ones decided to run interference. They pulled Melvin off of me and pulled me upright.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked grinning, until he saw my lip, "Crap,"

"I'm fine," I said brushing his hands away from my face. I got up and looked at Melvin, not a scratch on him.

"Melvin, you can't be so rough with her," Felix scolded Melvin, checking him for damage.

"I'm not five!" I protested, I could handle it, I sucked in my lower lip, hissing at the sudden sting.

"What happened to your lip?" Greg said concerned.

"It's just a little blood," I shrugged.

"Holy mother of-" Melvin gasped at the long pink line that ran accross his torso.

"Success!" I laughed.

"Oh shutup," He chuckled, then his eyes widened at my lip, "Holy shit!"

"Everyone's overreacting," I rolled my eyes when all 6 of my brothers turned in concern.

"So much blood,"
"She looks like a vampire,"
"Do you think it needs stitches?"
"We should take her to the hospital,"
"Where's mom?"
"Are you kidding why would you tell mom she'd freak the hell out,"
"Melvin you're dead,"
"It was an accident,"
"Yeah it's not his fault she's so breakable,"

"Will all of you shut up!" I shouted, "Sorry Felix,"

"Kids!" I heard my dad's voice ring through the house. I tried to talk but my mouth filled with blood, maybe the cut was deeper than I thought.

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