Chapter 12

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Pic of Damon, comment and vote!

It had been a few weeks since I got the text from Damon. I had managed to keep it from my brothers by putting Daniella as his contact name, I had a close call a week ago but I managed to get out of it. I had gotten my stitches out and thankfully the scar was fading, according to the doctor as long as I didn't stay out in the sun and kept putting cream on it the scar would be barely noticeable. In addition to all of that I was transferred to a new English class, as if that wasn't difficult enough I was in a class with Melvin, and as fate had it, Damon.

*A week ago*

"Who are you texting?" Melvin said nosily, sticking his head through my door. One of the disadvantages of not having a lock on my door. I was in my room texting Damon, or Daniella, when he walked in. I usually never texted, I only ever texted Lexi and I knew I had caught the suspicion of Melvin.

"Daniella," I said quickly, I knew from experience to be upfront, even with a lie. If you mess around with them that will just make them angrier and suspicious.

"Who's Daniella? I've never met your friend Daniella," He said coming closer. Panicked I deleted the conversation and locked my phone.

"She's in my class," I said with nonchalance.

"Let me see," He said, calling my bluff.

"KIDS COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" My mother called from downstairs, talk about saved by the bell.

"After," Melvin said annoyed, as much as he would love to catch me doing something wrong his stomach was more important. Thankfully Melvin wasn't as determined to catch me in a lie as the others.

"Okay," I said and waited for him to leave. I quickly called Lexi and filled her in, I told her I was going to switch her and Damon's contact names so my non incriminating conversation with Lexi would be the one he would read. Genius I know, the swap saved my life and potentially Damon's.


"LYDIA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I heard Marcus yell from downstairs. I was taking way too long to get ready, only because I had a reason to. Things with Damon were going well, as well as it could in my situation.

"I'M COMING!" Damon understood that I couldn't do anything with him but that didn't stop him from being disappointed. He wasn't boyfriend material that was for sure, but he had a charm that was magnetic, I couldn't deny it.

We had been talking about everything these few weeks and I got to know him a lot better. His dad wasn't around and his mom was always working late. It made me grateful to live the life that I do, with both parents and the restaurant. According to him the girls were a distraction, but that was such a typical boy thing to say, it didn't change my opinion about him.

I walked downstairs, I was wearing leggings and a cutoff sweater, topped off with my combat boots and a beanie. The weather had cooled down dramatically and I was enjoying being able to wear leggings without my brothers saying anything. Not that it stopped them of course, but I was allowed a little more freedom.

"Who are you trying to impress?" Marcus asked pissed off that I was late.

"Shut up Marcus," I rolled my eyes and grabbed a waffle, "Let's go,"

"Oh she has an attitude too," Melvin joined in annoying me.

"Where's Greg?" Joseph asked, ignoring us.

"He's not taking us, Leo is," Marcus said, grabbing his backpack. I walked out to a waiting Leo, he was on the phone talking to someone and when he saw us he hung up.

"Lydia are you wearing my beanie?" Leo asked.

"No it's mine!" I laughed and jumped into the car.

"When you guys get home Felix and I have an announcement," Leo said as he started the car.

"Is it about the shop?" Marcus asked.

"We'll talk about it when you guys get home,"

"Who smells good?" Joseph asked randomly, sniffing the air.

"It's me," I giggled.

"Lydia what's wrong with you? First you take forever, then you have an attitude, and now you're wearing perfume," Melvin tried to put the pieces together but it was clearly too advanced for his small brain.

"She's crushing on someone you idiot," Marcus said to Melvin.

"I am not!"

"Yes you are, she is, Leo what's the battle plan?" Marcus asked, already planning his murder.

"School grounds is your territory, feel free to torment and embarrass all you want," Leo said granting them permission to make my life hell.

"Leo why would you encourage them?" I groaned and he smirked.

"All we need to know who the unlucky kid is Lydia, just his name," Marcus said devilishly.

"Maybe his last name and address too," Melvin added.

"Guys don't forget social security number," Leo reminded them.

"I'm not crushing on anyone," I sighed, but it was too late, once they set their mind on something there was no going back. I had two options, one was end it quickly by telling them the truth, not really an option, or option two, lie and tell them about some random guy who wouldn't know what hit him.

The problem with those options was that I was not in the mood to attend Damon's funeral, and I was not mean enough to victimize a poor stranger.

We all jumped out of Leo's car and waited by the front of school. Since my first period was with Melvin Lexi and I couldn't meet up before class, leaving me stuck with my brothers and their caveman friends.

"Hey guys, listen to this, Lydia has a crush on someone," Melvin laughed to all his friends. A lot of their friends had younger sisters, making them more sympathetic to my brothers.

"Melvin really?" I snapped, pissed he was involving his friends.

"What? My little sister is becoming a woman, who ever thought that would happen?" He laughed and slung an arm around me.

We were all in a circle, me being the only girl was not awkward or a concern because first off I knew these guys since elementary school, and second my brothers had made it very clear I was off limits. All of these guys had become my brothers too in a sense, not that my family could afford to grow anymore.

"Who's the lucky guy? Do we know him?" James, one of Marcus' friends spoke up. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Nah, if it was a senior we would know about it, everyone talks about everything in the locker room, am I right?" Brian said, wiggling his eyebrows, all the guys voiced their agreement.

They began discussing who my crush could be while I just stewed in anger silently. The only one who hadn't spoken up was Ronnie, who was just looking at me. It was creepy, it was like he was disappointed, I hoped he wasn't thinking of bringing Damon up. Just as my luck works, Ronnie spoke up.

"Damon," Suddenly all the boys' chatter stopped.

"What?" Melvin asked, amusement draining from his face. I knew he was thinking about the night of the party.

Ronnie's eyes had not left mine the entire time, he was so calm and I was freaking out. I tried begging him with my eyes to keep his mouth shut but Ronnie had rat me out before so who knew if he would listen.

"I said, wouldn't it be funny if it was Damon Rodriguez," He said again louder, keeping eye contact with me.

"No it wouldn't, he's a pig," Marcus said before Melvin could speak, oblivious to the whole situation, he was to drunk that night to remember anything.

Melvin however was fully sober that night and he had become suspicious.The conversation went on with Melvin eyeing Ronnie weirdly, but after a while he let it go as the conversation moved on to what age I would be when I married.

"Forty five!"

"No way, eighteen,"

"Eighteen are you kidding? Thirty seven,"

"As fun as this is I'm going to head to class," I said and tried to walk away

"We have the same class I'll walk you," Melvin said grabbing my arm. On the outside it at have seemed like a sweet brotherly thing to do but I knew he was just going to use it to question me about Damon.

I knew Melvin was pissed by the way he was clenching his jaw, but he didn't say anything.

We walked all the way to the English building and passed by Damon and his crew, I prayed he would just ignore me and walk away, but when you're Lydia Tonelli things hardly go your way.

"Hey Lydia, you look nice today," He smirked and went back to a conversation with his friend. Melvin's eyes popped out of his skull and he grabbed my arm, dragging me into an empty classroom.

"What the hell was that?" Melvin shouted once we were alone.

"I don't know, it was random for me too!" I yelled truthfully, he had never done that in school, of course over text it was different but that was just text.

"Lydia was that all that happened the night of the party?" Melvin asked me.

"Yes, I told you everything, nothing happened, that was a month ago!" I prayed he wouldn't do anything rash.

"Any other guy Lydia, any other guy we wouldn't be having this problem," He muttered angrily, he was pacing now.

"I know, but I swear there's nothing going on," I said, I felt bad about lying. No guy was worth losing the trust of my family.

"Go to class," He sighed.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"I have to take care of something," He said pulling out his phone. It dawned on me what he was going to do.

"Please don't hurt Damon, he never did anything I swear!" I begged Melvin.

"Lydia you've done enough, go to class," Melvin snapped pointing to the door.

"Melvin please," I said when I got to the door, "Don't do anything stupid,"


*Second Period*

"I don't know what happened Lexi," I cried to Lexi. Neither Melvin or Damon had shown up to first period and I was panicking.

"It'll be okay Lydia, don't worry," Lexi was comforting me outside the classroom.

"No it's not, I should have never started texting Damon!" I said angry with myself.

"Your brothers need to stop being so annoying about that, it's not your fault," Lexi said calmly stroking my hair as I leaned on her. She handed me a tissue and I wiped my face.

"Where is she? Where the hell is she?" I heard Marcus' voice call out.

"Lexi he knows, oh my god!" I cried and hugged Lexi tighter, not wanting to face Marcus.

"She's right there," I heard Brian tell him. Marcus and his goons were out roaming around school like they always did during class. He probably heard I was outside of class crying to Lexi.

I swear my brothers had eyes everywhere.

"What's wrong with her?" Marcus asked alarmed.

"She thinks you guys are mad at her, and she's worried about Melvin," Lexi said to him.

"Lydia come here," Marcus said and I let go of Lexi to be hugged again by Marcus. I stepped back to look at Marcus' face, he was grinning.

"What happened?" I asked confused that at his happiness.

"We kicked Damon's ass."

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