Chapter 10

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I'm really bad at spacing out updates, I just couldn't wait lol. Happy New Year!

I slowly walked towards Melvin, trying to lag it as much as possible. I stopped to play with the bushes and then I bent down to tie my shoelace. Melvin however was not amused.

"Lydia," He growled, annoyed in my attempt to avoid him. I quickly stood up and walked to him.

"Hey Melvin," I said nervously when I finally reached him.

"Lydia," He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's not a big deal, I just have to talk to Mr.Greenway and apologize and I'll be off the hook," I explained knowing already what he was there about.

"You shouldn't have gotten in trouble in the first place," He said angrily crossing his arms in that familiar 'You're in big trouble' stance.

"I know but I was filling in Lexi, she's still mad at you by the way, and you know Mr.Greenway has had it in for me since the beginning of the year, he had Greg all those years ago and he didn't exactly leave the best impression of the Tonellis," I rambled on and on.

"Lydia, that's not an excuse," He said unmoved by my speech.

"Well, then, um," I stuttered trying to think of an excuse, finally I got one, "All this coming from a guy who did this," I said pointing to my stitched lip as a last resort.

"Shut up," He laughed humorlessly, "You don't get to use that as an excuse,"

"Yeah well if this leaves a scar I'm using it until I'm thirty," I said and Melvin rolled his eyes. He suddenly stiffened and grabbed my arm pulling me behind him.

"Who's that guy?" He asked and looking at Alex who was staring intently at our exchange.

"Ria's boyfriend," I said coming out from behind Melvin, "He has a girlfriend,"

"Well he's either in love with you or has a staring problem," Melvin growled and I quickly stepped forward to diffuse the situation. I pushed him back and turned around, shooting Alex a look. He quickly turned his attention back to Ria and held her hand lovingly, clearly backing out of the pissing contest Melvin was trying to initiate.

"Can you stop being rude to my friends?" I pleaded.

"I don't like your friends, why don't you hang out with me? It'll be just like old times," He smirked devilishly.

"Melvin don't even go there," I said angrily, he was referring to the time in ninth grade where I was grounded for having a boyfriend and could only hang out with my brothers.

"Aww, don't get upset," He laughed.

"I'll see you at lunch Melvin," I said and pushed him to leave, unfortunately I wasn't sturdy enough to move him.

"Yeah and then Marcus is going to have to deal with you," He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't look so happy, I might not even show up," I snapped.

"Lunch," He said and walked away, eyeing me as he went. I walked back to Ria grimacing.

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

"Lexi and I got detention and my brothers found out so yay!" I said sarcastically.

"Good luck hon," She giggled.

"I gotta go, the bells going to ring," I sighed.

"I'll be with you at fourth period," Lexi said, "I'm here for you, we're both going to face your brothers' wrath together."

"I'll keep that in mind," I laughed. Lexi walked me to my building, chatting about Jason and her issues.

"Oh god," Lexi stopped suddenly in the middle of her Jason rant.

"What?" I questioned worried at her sudden stop.

"Don't look now but a certain traitor is coming this way," She hissed glaring.

"Ronnie," I spit when he came by us.

"Hey Lydia," He smiled apologetically.

"I'm not talking to you," I seethed, Lexi and I continued walking to the building until we lost him in the crowd.

"Okay I gotta head to class, I'll see you in fourth," She said and hugged me goodbye.

I walked down the hall alone until I felt the familiar presence of Ronnie Morelli behind me.

"Lyd I'm sorry, you can't just ignore me," He whined.

"I think I can," I responded.

"Listen I'm not going to apologize for telling your brother but I am sorry you hate me now," He said when we reached the doors of our math class. I couldn't help but think about how Damon was in this class too, which reminded me of Friday.

"Ron all I want is for you to stay out of my business," I said and walked to my seat.

I sat in my seat and pulled out my phone, the sub hadn't arrived yet and I needed to distract myself. I looked to the corner of the room and sure enough Damon Rodriguez was staring straight at me.

I usually sat next to a guy named Paul, but since my teacher was on maternity leave the class was kind of a joke, everyone sat where they wanted to, and the sub mostly played movies and let us do whatever we wanted as long as we finished our homework before the end of class.

This was also the only class I didn't have with Lexi which was not good because she was usually the one that mouthed off to Ronnie. I didn't know why but she hated him, more than she hated anyone at school. Now that I didn't have Lexi to be my guard dog I didn't know if I could defend myself.

The sub came in and handed out our homework for the day, I quickly began filling it out when I felt someone sit next to me, I assumed it was Ronnie but when I looked up it was Damon.

"Need any help?" He smiled. Being sober and talking to him was a lot more difficult.

"Depends, what kind of help are you offering?" I smiled and Damon laughed loudly, catching the attention of the room temporarily. It was scary but slightly invigorating to be doing something I knew I shouldn't have.

I looked to where Ronnie was sitting and he was shaking his head. I knew it wouldn't be long until he told Melvin again and this time he wouldn't be so easy to calm down. I knew I had to do something but I didn't know what.

"What happened to your lip?" Damon asked, staring intently at my lips, making me slightly uncomfortable, but in a good way, a new way. I had never gotten this much attention from a guy before.

"I was fighting, more like play fighting," I said, not wanting to mention my brothers, "You should see the other guy though,"

"You were fighting a guy," He said raising an eyebrow.

"Well my brother," I laughed.

"Makes sense, it wasn't about me I hope," He smiled, I had a feeling he did actually hope it was about him.

"Oh no, I fight with them all the time," I said and almost slapped myself, how had the conversation gone to my brothers? That was definetly not a topic I wanted to discuss with him.

It was annoying how everyone I talked to ended up mentioning my brothers at some point. It was like a curse, even when they weren't there, they were there.

"How long until you get your stitches out?" He asked.

"Yeah Lydia when are you getting your stitches out?" A third voice chimed in.

"Ronnie," I sighed cringing at the sound of his nosy voice.

"Hey Lydia, can I talk to you for a second," He growled, eyeing Damon the whole time. Damon on the other hand was at complete peace, it was almost as if he was relishing in the moment. I guess it was true about guys like him, they liked a challenge. What better challenge than a girl with six brothers and their insane friends.

"I have to finish my work," I said looking down, hoping he would take the hint and go away.

"I'm sure you do, come on," He persisted.

"I'm sorry," I said to Damon, and he just nodded with a smirk and went back to his work, the guy was clearly enjoying the show.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I whisper yelled once we got to the back of the room.

"Lydia, I told you to stay away from him, now I have to involve your brothers," He said.

"Listen Ronnie, it is absolutely none of your business who I do or do not talk to. You are not my brother, father, or god forbid my boyfriend. If you involve my brothers I will- I can-" I stuttered not sure how to threaten him effectively.

"You can what?" Ronnie asked patronizingly, knowing I couldn't do anything. I decided in that moment to channel my inner Lexi.

"I will tell my brothers that you are madly in love with me, I will make up a lie that you tried to kiss me at the party, or have been stalking me since sixth grade," I hissed, I saw his facial expression change from nonchalant to terrified in a matter of seconds.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh I would," I said stepping closer for dramatic effect, "So if you ever decide to go tattle on me to my brothers, just remember, who are they going to believe, an outsider or blood?"

"Lydia," he sighed shaking his head.

"What? Are you upset you don't have control over me anymore? Just remember you are the one that stabbed me in the back that night."

"I did it to protect you from him," He said glaring at an oblivious Damon finishing his work.

"I'm not yours to protect."

I walked back to my desk. It felt good to be Lexi for a minute, I felt all my anger pour out of me and I felt empowered, no more little Tonelli.

"Where were we?" I smiled at Damon and he laughed. Ronnie went back to his corner of the room, brooding, but he was not my problem anymore.

"So when are you going to be able to put those lips to use?"

It was just my luck that my crush and my brother's best friend were in the same class, but that's just how these stories work isn't it?

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