Chapter 1

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*****Better version of this book exists on Amazon for free through KU unlimited, or for paperback purchase- so much love- Anna*****

Here's the link-Life of a Little Sister: Book One

"Wake up Tesora, my treasure, wake up." My mother cooed, shaking me from my deep slumber.

"nnmnmgf," I responded incoherently.

"You'll be late Lydia!" She insisted.


"Ooh Lydia Isabella Tonelli! Testarda! Stubborn child!" She ranted; clearly annoyed at my attempt at enjoying the few seconds of sleep I had left.

"When your brothers try to wake you up that works, but the woman who gave birth to you!!!" She continued, "And let me tell you figlia it was not easy!" She walked out babbling childbirth stories that I was better off not hearing.

I finally got back to sleep when I heard someone walk in and sigh.

"Wake up Lydia, wake up pretty girl," My brother Greg said, gently shaking me. He was always nice about waking me up. The rest were horrible.

"I don't feel good." I croaked.

"Lydia, you've tried this a million times, it's not going to work." He said, as if talking to a child.

"That's not how you wake her, this is," My brother Melvin said and then jumped on top of me.

"Can't...Breathe... Please...Off." I choked out as Melvin squished me.

"Aw man, c'mon Melvin, get off her," Greg said, but left me to suffer.

"Get-off-me," I choked out between laughs and cries of pain.

"Only if you tell me how good looking I am," He states.

"Fine you're gorgeous!"I shouted.

"Aww thanks sis, you're too kind." He said and got off me. "But seriously get up, it's the second day of school."

"I'm being serious Melvin, I really don't feel good," I whined.

"Oh, well I think I'd better call Felix in then." He said and grinned viciously.

I was up and sprinting to the bathroom before he could blink. I didn't want to face the wrath of Felix, the oldest and meanest Tonelli.

"Thought so," Melvin chuckled and left my room.

Any time my parents were out of town Felix was in charge, and he didn't take shit from anyone, not even me. He doesn't go easy on any of us so we're always careful around him.

I showered and got out, brushed my teeth, and put mousse in my unruly hair. I went back to my room (we have 4 bathrooms). It was August, so I got out my most conservative shorts and tank top. I put on chucks, put some barely noticeable makeup and walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning." My father said.

"Pancakes are on the table Lydia," Said my mother.

"Good morning daddy, mama," I said kissing their cheeks. "I'm not really hungry, thanks," still feeling unwell.

"What do you mean you're not hungry?" My mother asked and suddenly everyone in the kitchen froze. All 8 of the Tonelli clan froze and stared at me. Then all hell went loose.

"What did she say?"
"She's not hungry."
"What do you mean she's not hungry?"
"Is she joking?"
"Is she anorexic?"
"She does look a bit skinny."

"Why isn't she hungry?"
"Is she wearing makeup?"
"Does she want to starve?"
"Yeah I think that's makeup."
"Why isn't she eating?"
"Is it the flu?"
"Where the hell did she get makeup?"
"Does she look a little pale to you?"
"She better be wearing a jacket over that tank top."

"ENOUGH!" I shouted. Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. The great Tonelli freak out. My family is very big on food. One time I skipped lunch for an English project my parents made me go see the school counselor. I can't ever do anything without the whole family knowing about it.

"No I'm not joking, no I'm not anorexic, yes I am wearing makeup, no I don't want to starve, and no I'm not wearing a jacket over this. I don't want to eat because I feel sick okay?" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Okay so you're going to eat now," My mother said and plopped a plate of steaming pancakes in front of me. Instead of making my mouth water it made me nauseous.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat. Everyone relaxed at that and continued with their daily routine.

"Hey," said Joseph, my younger brother as he sat down next to me. "How you feeling?"

"Not great, but thanks," I smiled at him and took a forced bite of pancake.

"Hey, you know if you don't wear a jacket over that your gonna get yelled at." He said.

"Joe, I'm not ten, and it's 80 degrees out." I said.

"Okay, I just don't want you to get all upset when it's not me telling you." He said and got up to put his dish away.

"Okay, Ciao my lovelies!" Shouted my mother as she and my father left for the restaurant.

"Ciao!" We all shouted back.

"Okay bye guys," Felix said as he and Leo left for their mechanic shop, he pulled Greg aside and said, "Greg, can you deal with her?"

"Lydia go put on a jacket and the rest of you get in the car." He said.

"What? What do you mean? This isn't even bad!" I argued.

"Lydia, what did I just say?" Greg asked me.

"Something stupid," I mumbled defiantly.

"Lydia go put on a jacket and take off that makeup too, I've had enough of that attitude." He said angrily.

"Why are you acting like Felix, we already have one of him!" I shouted angrily.

"Lydia if I hear one more word come out of your mouth so help me god-" .

"Okay, okay I'm going!" I shouted. I ran upstairs and got a jacket, I was so angry I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but we could have none of that in the Tonelli house so I sucked it up.

I wiped of the minuscule amount of makeup I had on and stomped my way downstairs. Greg grabbed my arm tightly, dragged me all the way to the car, and shoved me into it. Marcus was in the passenger seat and Melvin and Joseph were in the back with me.

Being the smallest I was tossed into the middle as usual. Marcus didn't look up from his phone, Melvin looked at me and shook his head, and Joseph slung his arm around me.

"I told you so," He smirked, earning a smack from me and a chuckle from everyone else in the car except for Greg. The ride was long and silent except for Marcus tapping on his stupid phone.

"Is that your girlfriend?" I teased him.

"Would you shut up?" He replied annoyed.

"Don't talk to your sister like that Marcus." Greg scolded.

"Yes Dad." Marcus remarked, earning him a slap to the back of the head.

We finally reached school where we all hopped out and walked to our group of friends. During snack we were with our own friends but at lunch all the siblings were together.

"Bye Greg," Everyone except me said. I just glared at Greg until he drove away.

"Stop being such a brat," Said Marcus, smacking the back of my head.

"Don't be a jerk Marcus," Said Joseph, sticking up for me.

"Well she can't keep her mouth shut so this stuff happens," Melvin argued.

"You shouldn't even be wearing that stuff anyway, you had it coming." Concluded Marcus.

"I will be the happiest person alive once you two are out of high school." I sighed, too frustrated and queasy to care.

"But Joseph will still be here you know, he'll keep us updated. You can't get rid of us that easy principessa," Marcus mocked.

"Whatever, bye," I said angrily storming away.

"Where's our goodbye hug Lydia?" Marcus and Melvin mocked.

"Hey, just ignore them," Joseph said catching up to me, "They're just big idiots."

"You don't have to remind me," I sighed closing my eyes. I was feeling nauseous, and this morning didn't help.

"You feeling alright?" Joseph asked concerned.

"I-" I couldn't get a word out before my best friend Lexi slammed into me.

"Good morning Tonelli clan," She greeted.

"I had a long morning," I said to her.

"Well tell me all about it at snack," She said rushing to get to our class.

"Joseph you'll be okay getting to class right?" I asked my little brother.

"Ugh yes mom I'll be alright," He rolled his eyes. I grabbed his face with my hand and kissed his cheek.

"Eww not in school Lydia," He groaned and wiped his cheek.

"Come on, I don't want to be late," Lexi said laughing.

We ran to our class and took our seats next to each other. We listened bored out of our minds for an hour then went to second period. As soon as snack rolled around we went outside and I told her everything that happened this morning

"That sucks, but at least they care! My parents wouldn't notice me even if I walked around naked," She said.

"That's not true!" I said, "Don't over exaggerate."

"Whatever," She laughed, "Don't look now but a really hot guy is coming over.

I quickly turned and was disappointed to see Melvin walking toward me. "You suck Lex," I groaned.

"Lydia, come here," He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I said so Lydia get your-"

"Okay, okay jeez I'm coming." I said.

"Give me your phone," He said.

"What? No, I'm not giving you my phone."

"Just give it to me." He ordered. I ignored him and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Lydia I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, give me your phone before I call Marcus." I rolled my eyes and handed him my phone. I wasn't worried because I had a passcode on it.

"Passcode," He said.

"Fine," I sighed and tapped in my code.

"Thanks," He said and walked away.

"Melvin, what are you doing?" I yelled in annoyance.

"Don't worry about it." He said, those four words were the answer to all my questions. I was sick of it.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"I heard some things and I just want to check it out." He explained.

"What things?" I asked, confused.

"None of your business. Now get back to your friend." He said and walked away.

"What was that about?" asked Lexi when I walked back to her.

"I have no clue, he said he had to 'check' something out. Now he's looking through my phone." I said.

"Well there's nothing in there so you're fine." She said.

"Ya, I guess, let's go to class, snack is over anyway," I sighed.

We walked to 3rd period and suffered another hour of boredom, then 4th period, and then it was finally lunch. Lexi and I walked to the tables where Marcus, Melvin, and Joseph were already sitting, along with a few of their friends.

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked Melvin, annoyed.

"Here," He said and handed it to me.

"Why did you take it in the first place?" I asked.

"Because I overheard some guy talking about how his little sister was hiding the fact that she had a boyfriend. I just wanted to make sure you had your priorities straight." He explained.

"You took my phone because of something you heard? Are you really that stupid?" I yelled.

"I was just making sure you weren't being stupid." He yelled back.

"Well if I had a boyfriend I'd make sure to introduce him to the family," I snapped sarcastically.

"Yeah you make sure to do that," Melvin said.

"Okay everyone shut up, Lydia, eat." Marcus ordered.

"I told you I'm not hungry." I sighed.

"Lydia are you on a diet?" Marcus asked.

"This family is crazy," I groaned.

"Why isn't she eating?" Joseph asked from the other end of the table.

"I'm not feeling well, I told you this before, and no one listened to me. I refuse to put something in my body that's only going to make me feel sicker." I argued.

"Lydia, don't be difficult. Just eat your food." Melvin said gently.

"Fine, but if I throw up it will be because of you." I huffed. I took my lunch out of my backpack and opened the tupperware of ravioli my mother packed me. As I looked at the usually appetizing meal I was hit with a wave of nausea.

I quickly got up and ran to the nearest trash can. Lexi jumped up immediately and rubbed my back as I threw up into it. What a Great way to start lunch.

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