Book 2 on Amazon! (free with KU)

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Hi everyone!

I am super excited to announce that Life of a Little sister 2 has been published on Amazon!!!!!

some of you have already gotten to it and I so appreciate the support <3333 let me know what you think!

Here's the link-Life of a Little Sister: Book 2

It is free through Kindle Unlimited, or you can purchase a regular Kindle e-book or paperback.

In my very humble opinion it's much funnier, better written (aka less typos and cringe), and all around better than the version I have here on Wattpad.

Of course, the free version will always remain on Wattpad, but if you can afford it, and you would like to support my writing, feel free to purchase it :)

If you've read either book 1 or 2, please leave a review, I would very much appreciate it!! Shoutout to the readers who have already left a review, you are amazing thank you!!!

As always, you guys are my favorite humans. Thank you for loving the Tonelli's as much as I do, and sticking around.

Happy Reading Loals fam 🥹

With so much love, Anna <3

P.S - Please comment or post on my page, now that messages are gone I would love to hear from you still! I had so many sweet messages I wish I could have saved 😓

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