The Stroll around School (Boy Reader)

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Slight Warning: Descriptive Kiss (if that bothers you)

Abbreviations: (Y/N): Your desired name, (N/N): A nickname, (BF/N): Your best friend's name

(Y/N)'s favorite thing to do every morning at school was to take a long tour of his school, with the inclusion of an accompanying friend to socialize with. He never would've thought that one walk would end up being with someone he had really admired. That someone being labeled with 'crush'.

Sean Diaz was always an interesting individual to (Y/N). He seemed so cool, but was caring and understanding towards most others. He was never afraid to stick up for his friends in any situation. Which is exactly the traits that (Y/N) wanted from an ideal date. They've known each other since elementary school but (Y/N) could never find the confidence to hang out with him much. In return, he always enjoyed the moments he got to spend with Sean and his family.

When (Y/N) received the message from Sean about wanting to walk around school with him for the first time, fireworks exploded off of (Y/N)'s brain, every one of them emitting hearts.

I'm really gonna walk with him... holy shit. 

He stood still at the entrance of the school, waiting for the Hispanic boy to reveal himself from an old car. His hands cupped up, trying to hold in the butterflies roaming inside of his stomach. He couldn't feel the backpack strapped around his body anymore. He attempted to take multiple deep breaths, almost feeling his heart beat lower bit by bit.

Then the very familiar car parked in perfect alignment to him. A boy emerges from the passenger's side, the very boy he was anticipating the whole time. He watches him walk up with the boy waving. He jumps in response, waving back quickly.

"You okay?" The boy's voice emits, causing his heart to fall out of place.

"Yeah! Just tired, y'know," he excuses his reaction quickly.

The two stand for a moment, creating an unusual sudden silence.

Sean grows impatient, "Okay... so, are we gonna walk around?"

"Uh... yeah! Sorry, being sleepy is a bitch," he tries laughing it off.

They finally begin their walk, heading into the dedicated math hallway first. They start bantering whatever they find interesting within the hallway.

(Y/N) attempts to come up with a math joke, "y can't you replace my x?" But it ends up being flattering.

Sean jumps back slightly, looking at (Y/N) with wide eyes, "Wh-what? No..."

Even his surprised voice was enough to send chills down (Y/N)'s spine. He then feels as if he was too fast on making the joke.

You idiot... there goes your chances.

They then journey into the hallway mixed with math and science classrooms. (Y/N) feels another suddenly flirtatious joke come out of his mouth, "I heard chemicals bonded here, and we are chemicals..."

Sean bumps into his hip, throwing an arm around (Y/N) with quick ease, "It seems we already bonded," he then quickly releases his arm, snickering the situation off. (Y/N) felt his face open up, his heart beat reaching the highest point possible.

And there goes my face, normal to red real quick...

His face glows a faint red, revealing an unusual feeling to his friend. (Y/N) attempts to avoid eye contact creating another sign. They remain silent for a brief moment before Sean breaks the silence like before, "What's your first period again?"

(Y/N) slightly giggles under his breath, "Oh haha, very funny. It's not the one with Sean Diaz sitting next to me."

He snickers in response, "You mean it's not English?"

He sighs while staring into his bright, shiny eyes reflecting light from outside, "For sure."

They head into the hallway that was a diversity of many electives and some history classes. Their random chatter soon shifts into more personal life topics.

(Y/N) asks his first question, "So uh... boy talk, any cute girls?"

"Uh... sure I guess. This one girl in my math class caught my interest," he scratches the back of his head.

"Ooh, who is she?" He tries to keep his personal feelings inside.

"You know the one girl who always dyes her hair? Like almost every month?" He asks.

"You mean Jennifer?"

"Yeah, that's her," he nods his head.

"Ahh... I see," he feels his heart about to rip out of chest. His feelings for him almost seeming completely worthless.

Why did I even bother with him?

(Y/N) rubs his arm trying to retain his ultimate confession.

"What about you though?" Sean asks the same question.

"Uh... not much to say honestly," he takes a breath before continuing, "I have the worst luck with liking people," he giggles despite the situation not being real funny to either one.

"You don't have the worst luck," he pats him on the back in response, "I... I mean... you aren't too bad looking... for a guy."

(Y/N) quickly looks around himself, making sure nobody is around watching, "Wait, what?" His head turns towards the red faced Sean gazing at him, "W-what'd you say?"

He blows it off, attempting to look away at the wall, "N-nevermind," he sighs, "this is awkward."

(Y/N) feels his sanity being thrown out the window, did he seriously just... is this even real!? He continues staring at his friend with brows sticking up, "Sean, are you..." he gets abruptly interrupted by him.

"Y-yeah, uh..." he halts his sentence, letting (Y/N) speak.

He slightly chuckles, his cheeks glowing more red than before, "Uhh... I... I'm kinda the same," he opens up to him, trying to comfort him.

His head finally turns back in (Y/N)'s direction, revealing his small, dark cheeks, his big, bubbly bronze eyes stare back into (Y/N)'s eyes, locked onto them. He faintly rubs the front of his own hair, making it appear more smooth.

The silence makes itself much more apparent than before. Wow... I never thought things could be this awkward...

(Y/N) tries breaking the silence, "Hey... lemme show you... my hiding spot," his cheeky smile forms.

Sean briefly nods, "Sure..."

They then walk to a small corner within the hallway, almost out of sight from other fellow peers to view. (Y/N) sits himself down on the tiled floor, with Sean slowly following along. The butterflies begin attacking (Y/N) as he keeps getting quick looks at his friend. They both scoot along the wall, getting close to a point where their limbs are practically brushing each other.

Sean speaks first, snickering a bit, "Now you know."

"Do your friends know?"

He chuckles in response, "Nope, you're the first," he admits.

"N-not even Lyla?"

He shakes his head, "I never even thought about it... until I saw your face when we made that stupid joke..."

(Y/N) feels his eyes widen slightly, he NOTICED me. His head turns down at the nasty floor, "Does that mean..."

Sean then looks at him one more time, "Yep..."

(Y/N) bites his lower lip, feeling his emotions take over. They both get one long stare at each before their heads begin to close in on each other.  Their eyes close shut before the two lips stick onto each other like glue. Their noses almost come into contact before the exchange, but (Y/N) quickly slants his head to avoid chaos. When Sean felt the smooth texture of his lips against his own, his hand slid up the side of (Y/N)'s head. (Y/N) sets his own hand on Sean's knee, feeling the bump in his palm.

Their heads pull apart barely, with their eyes opening. They quietly laugh under their breaths as both now receive a red nuance on their face. Sean removes his hand, setting it on top of (Y/N)'s. The two close their eyes before exchanging one more lip to lip session, with their silky tongues coming into contact this time.

When they finally retract from each other, they laugh it off. (Y/N) feels his smile grow much bigger than he thought it could ever be, "Wow... that..."

"...was wild..." Sean finishes the sentence for him.

The loud chime of a bell goes off, alerting people that school is beginning soon. They both stand up with Sean slipping his phone out, "Lyla's gonna murder my ass if I don't get to her soon."

(Y/N) shrugs, "Well... you gotta go deal with a girl at one point, right?" He chuckles.

"Yep..." He slides his bag on, "I'll see you in class... soon," he gives him one smile while bidding goodbye.

"S-same here, see ya in a bit... Sean," he waves at him.

"See ya, (N/N)," he then disappears after walking around the corner, leaving (Y/N) by himself.

I can't believe... I really can't believe I just had my first kiss with him. It all happened so quick too... I wish I spent more time with him... but now I have to explain this to (BF/N). They're gonna literally freak out when they learn I just kissed the fucking track team's best runner.

He then notices the wet feeling on his lips, it being the only remaining memory of the passionate moment happening.

Haha, sorry gals, he's taken.

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