Warning: Mild Violence and Slight Racism
Abbreviations; (Y/N); Your desired name
A throbbing pain inside of (Y/N)'s guts awakens him from his unconscious state. The past he endured seems to go right though his mind. His body remains frozen, as the reality feels too unreal for him to take it all in. A restraint appears to tighten his wrists together against an obstacle. It takes him a brief moment for the situation to finally sink in.
What the hell...?
The sharp pain in his stomach soon drops as the thought of what could happen loomed in his mind. His eyes keep centering on the surroundings, wondering where he was even when he already knew deep inside. He then changes into a kneeling position, examining the cuffs pinning him to the pipe. He recognizes the cuffs being plastic, but still proving to be a formidable opponent as he begins shaking his wrist, attempting to loosen them. While he continues to struggle, the small, quiet creaking of a door emits, causing the teen to jump in place.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Why is this happening to me!?
He could feel the tears of sweat rolling down his throat as he took a quick gulp before turning towards the door, waiting for his fate. He instead spotted the back of an old looking man dragging a figure into the same room. (Y/N)'s eyes only focus on the situation, feeling the restraints become tighter every second. His small breaths become desperate as he watches the man tie up the similarly aged boy with the same plastic cuffs.
"You see what happens when you commit crimes, boy?" His tone seems intimidating to (Y/N) as he sits frozen, not knowing of what's to come next, "you end up like this cop killer."
(Y/N) hesitantly mouths a phrase out, "I-I didn't do anything..."
"Don't play dumb with me, kid," he grumbles, "you know what you did. You feel bad for getting caught."
This guy's a damn psycho... he kidnaps me just because I used the restroom for "too long".
(Y/N) continues to watch the old man ramble on before exiting the room to finish the rest of his business. He turns his attention towards the boy who appears to be of a similar age to himself, attempting to awake him with a loud, but quiet enough whisper. After a few tries, he can hear some motion going on, almost being relief to his ears.
(Y/N) makes one last whisper, "Hey...! You awake...?"
The boy seems to jolt up, yanking on his cuffs on accident, "W-what the fuck...!?"
God... the police better not believe him... a maniac trapping two kids in the back of a store is illegal, right? It has to be.
"Dude... that old guy just kidnapped us...!" (Y/N) reminds him of the situation.
"Oh fuck... no, no, no!" His voice begins to sound congested.
(Y/N) attempts to optimistically speak, "Hey, we'll get out of here... we just need to find something to cut these cuffs off..."
"We need to leave now... my brother is probably still out there with that hillbilly looking for him!" he sounds clearly stressed.
"Shit..." he looks up at the computer desk nearby, "Is there anything you can reach...?"
"I'll... try," he then attempts to kick the shelf, revealing his legs to (Y/N), "fuck..." he stops as he continually misses the shelf.
What do I have over on this wall?
He then twists his head up at the wall, spotting a single key rack screwed to the wall. No harm in trying I guess... He tries getting in the best position to kick his leg up. He puts his most strength into raising the limp to collide with the key. The first attempts are futile, but then he sends some knock back with the tip of his shoe, allowing the key to drop to the ground.
The tiny, yet loud impact of metal landing onto the floor emits. The quiet, yet grateful cheering can be heard from the two as getting the keys accomplishes step one to escaping, (Y/N) whispers to his peer, "I'm gonna try cutting these cuffs off, alright...?"
The boy seems to accept, "Be quick, man... please..."
(Y/N) attempts his absolute best to cut through the plastic with the small, but sharp metal he obtained. A crumbling, cracking noise emits as he burrows the sharpest point right through the cuffs. He can feel his heart rate increase as his excitement grows in frequency, "Yes, yes, yes!" A snap can be heard as the cuffs are broken pathetically by the rather small object. He hops up, having accomplishment from releasing his hands from being glued together.
Now to help out... him.
Before he can help out his fellow peer, he can hear a quiet, but spine-chilling jingle from outside the room he was in, presumably within the store. His stomach was quick to turn upside down as his first instinct was to hide despite being right next to the exit. He faces the computer desk seeing a small space for his to fit in. He pulls the chair back, crawling into the space, covering himself up with the chair. He can see the boy staring at him, "Don't look at me! He's coming!" (Y/N) loudly whispers.
The boy appears to comply, swiftly turning his head at one of the escape routes. One of the door slams open, colliding with the wall quickly as the same old man makes an appearance, dropping two bags onto the ground by (Y/N), startling him as he remained hidden. He notices one of the boys missing from the corner, "Where is he?" He quickly raises his voice towards the boy.
They talk back, "I don't have to tell you, kidnapper..."
The old man then proceeds to hit the boy in the face with a single blow, causing blood to emerge from his nostrils along with him grunting in pain from the blow, "I would have let you go, boy," he has a brief pause before continuing, "if it weren't for how I know about what you did in Seattle," he folds his arms as he stands above the boy speaking with a stern, but sadistically calm voice.
In Seattle? You mean... that's Sean Diaz?
Sean has a grimace plastered on his face as some blood slowly leaks out of his nose, he wants to look at (Y/N), but his instincts force him to gaze into his tormentor's face. The thought of getting revenge on the man only grew in his brain as he continually got a visual image of him. He then feels courage when he takes a quick breath, "Where's my brother?"
The man snickers, "Hell if I know," another uncomfortable pause emits, "if anything, he's out hiding with your friend," he mumbles a laugh that raises the hairs in (Y/N)'s back, "I'll find them."
"Don't hurt my brother...!" Sean tries to jump up, but his restraints pin him back to the floor.
"You think I'd hurt a little boy?" He mumbles another quick laugh, "at least I'm not like his criminal big brother, leading him out into danger," he heads over to the door while still speaking, "now you hold tight," he has one more menacing pause, "I'm going to go find them."
The man then removes himself from the scene with one more signal from the entrance of the store, allowing Sean to finally whisper to (Y/N), "He's gone... hurry!"
He reacts quickly by hurrying to the boy, slicing the cuffs off with the same key from before. He's able to remove the restraint quickly, freeing Sean's hands from the tight, sharp pain, "Yes...! You're the man!" He jumps up into standing with (Y/N) raising himself back up as well.
Sean swiftly grabs his bag, running over to the door to outside about to open it, but he turns over to (Y/N), whose picking up his own bag, "I hate asking this, but... can you help me find my brother?"
Despite (Y/N) wanting to escape from the trap he was put into, he could not resist the urge to help someone, even if police were about to show up to the station, "Sure, but... we have to hurry, dude." He slips on his bag with haste before getting behind Sean.
The teenage boy unlocks the door, causing the two to burst out of the room quickly. Their heads twist around the area quickly, they soon notice the rain pouring on their head as they search. Sean describes his brother to be wearing a bright blue flannel that would make him quick to spot in the open. The duo run around the station, attempting to stay hidden from the crazy old man. They then think of the forest, but a loud, childish shout is heard from around the corner, alerting the two.
"Daniel!?" Sean runs over, much faster than (Y/N). He catches up to witness the scene of the old man knocked out on the cement with water dripping on his whole body along with table being flipped on its side.
(Y/N) feels himself in both awe and confusion, "What the hell?"
The young boy jumps into Sean's arms, "S-sean! I was so scared!"
Sean appears to also be highly concerned about the situation, "Daniel, it's... okay, you're fine now," he then notices a weird mark on his brother, "D-did he hit you!?"
Daniel quickly shrugs it off, "I'm fine! He tried to grab me..."
(Y/N) listens to the boy, still surprised at how a kid could knock over a table and old man with no signs of injury. He wants to also speak, but he holds back.
Sirens can be heard as they stall around, causing them all to jump in response. Sean swiftly orders the three of them to run away before things escalate. They rush into the woods, ignoring every bush they subtly collide with. The three then discover a lit up vehicle nearby, causing Sean to hurry towards the operating vehicle with the other two following up behind. They rush too fast to where they accidentally bump into the car, causing the man inside to twist his head with a shocked expression.
Sean quickly explains what happened in a single sentence as Daniel and (Y/N) have the same fearful expression on their face. The man then opens up the door, having them enter the car. Sean and Daniel jump into the back as (Y/N) sits in the passenger seat with the man. The man then hurries to drive off onto the road, away from the area completely.
(Y/N) sits still on his side, gazing out at the rainy evening, thinking of the events that had happen to him. The two brothers in the back appear to also chatting about what had just happened as Daniel appears to have his hands on top of a blanket that's covering an object.
The man turns his head to (Y/N), "So what happened to you three boys?" He has an approachable tone.
(Y/N) is the only to respond, "That crazy hillbilly tried to kidnap us..."
The man doesn't seem too surprised, "I always knew that guy was sketchy..."
"Did he do something to you too?" He questions.
"He kinda got up my case, so I just bought a lot of stuff to piss him off," his tactic causes (Y/N) to chuckle.
"All I did was... use the restroom and the bastard thought I was trying to shoplift," he explains his story.
"Geez, dude... I'm sorry that happened to you," he expresses his sympathy.
(Y/N) brushes the situation off as he continues to gaze out the window, feeling himself slowly pass out.
(Y/N)'s eyes open up to the sight of a motel that he has never seen before. He looks around himself, seeing the two brothers sitting outside the vehicle. His head turns over to the other side seeing the man on a laptop, the man then notices the boy, "Hey... you're awake."
(Y/N) grumbles as he stretches, "Where are we...?"
The man informs him, "Were at a motel far away from Washington."
(Y/N) appears confused, "W-we drove that long...?" He looks around at the scenery, finally spotting the ocean nearby, "are... we in Oregon?"
"Yep, my dude," he has a quick pause before continuing, "I was gonna wait for you to wake up before leaving off onto my own path."
"Oh... I'm sorry then, I didn't mean to sleep too long," he apologizes.
"No, don't worry about it," he chuckles, "in fact, we just got here a few minutes ago."
"Still... I feel bad."
"It's okay, man," he takes a breath before bringing up the topic, "I already talked about something like this with Sean, but... do you feel like talking about your situation in Bellevue?"
(Y/N) sits still, having the thought of his backstory be the bane of his whole existence. Every time he heard the name of his home city, he could feel the tears forming in his eye lids. The amount of thoughts that plagued his mind as he tried coming up with a way to explain became unbearable. He could've just denied talking about the disaster, but he felt that he needed to let things off of his chest. He takes one more deep breath, along with one last gulp before talking.
"I... I don't even know how to talk about it... It all literally just happened," he feels his nose become runny quite fast, "one moment, it was all a normal night and then... I had to run away from my whole life..." he holds his hands together as his head turns down, "my mother was killed and I got framed for it!" His voice becomes congested as the man begins to rub his back, "I was sleeping and then I woke up with a gun in my hand," he sniffles before continuing, "and there she was... dead," he wipes his eyes, "I knew my dad did it- no... not dad... a fucking monster killed her," pain and emotions drip off of his face, onto his pants. The man continues to comfort him, "I can still hear her last words... they won't go away," he continually sniffles as his nose becomes clogged up of snot.
The man releases his hand, "Listen, (Y/N)... I'm better at writing words than speaking words, but I fully understand your situation," he turns himself towards the brothers, "the two boys over there," (Y/N) looks over at the two as the man speaks, "they lost their father... and Sean has been affected the same way you've been affected," he coughs before continuing, "you both feel scared, confused, angry... and also alone, but you aren't alone," he pats him on the shoulder, "you two need to express the pain that hurts the most to each other, that's when you'll discover you aren't the only victim to injustice."
(Y/N) only looks at the man with his deep red eyes, snot slowly fading away, "What should I do then...?" He asks him, relying on his words only.
The man then speaks his most honest words, "Do what you think you have to do, same thing I told him... Do what you believe will benefit you the most," his words seem to inspire (Y/N) as he's frozen, appearing to contemplate his choice.
He then feels a spark in his mind as he looks back at the boys outside, "I... I think I will spend the rest of my journey with them," he wipes his face one more time, getting rid of the agony in himself.
The man then has a slight smile, "Then go for it, my dude," he has a small pause, "before you go out with them..." he then slips out a green paper that quickly captures (Y/N)'s eyes, "I did get you guys a room to sleep in for tonight, but this money, use it to catch a bus tomorrow or... something. I just want you to have it so you can help yourself and the two."
(Y/N) attempts to decline, "No way! I can't..."
The man insists, "Please, take it. You clearly deserve it way more than me."
He stares at the amount for a brief moment before slowly taking it from his hand, "Dude... thank you so much..." He manages to give the man a hug, "I don't even know your name, but god... thank you so much for helping."
He has another grin, "Just call me Brody, or Brody the Bear," he coughs one last time, "Trust me... I want to help you out with all my heart, but I unfortunately have my own personal things to deal with."
(Y/N) brushes it off, "It's okay, man... you've already helped enough," his voice returns to a normal tone as the congestion fades off his throat.
"Alright... let's go meet the boys," Brody speaks as he exits his vehicle grabbing a few things from the back of his vehicle.
(Y/N) leaves as well, almost feeling intimidated by the thought of being with people like him.
I hope I can go with them... wherever they're going.
He walks up by the teenage boy, Sean. Before he is even able to speak, Brody comes over to bid his farewells to the trio. Everything zooms on by (Y/N)'s mind as before he knows it, he's already waving goodbye to the man that helped him decide his next big life choice. To run away from his life was already too much to bare, but to now run away with people that shared a similar experience was a choice he never thought he could wish for in the moment.
The boys only stare at (Y/N) for a moment before he snaps out of it and walks up to them, "Uh... so, I think I want to... come with you guys," he finally speaks his wish.
Sean appears hesitant, "R-really?" He scratches the back of his neck, "but I don't want to be responsible if you get hurt..." he seems to be covering up the incident that happened to him, as if someone didn't want to remember... or someone didn't know.
The little boy hops with the small dog in his arms, "But Sean! It's more fun when we have more people to camp with!"
Sean still seems resistant about letting (Y/N), "Yeah... I guess you're right, you can come along, (Y/N)."
In response, (Y/N) becomes highly grateful, discussing his absolute gratitude the whole journey to the room, almost annoying Sean, but he grows to appreciate it even a little bit. They reach their destination, entering the room leisurely to take in the view of finally having a mattress to rest on and a bucket to sit on without lurkers staring. There was even a tub that was quick to gain the interest of the two teenage boys, who both shared the same thought of feeling mucky and disgusting.
It's already so weird... to just see a room again.
(Y/N) sets his bag down by the chair that was alone in the corner. He almost feels an instinct to slip his shoes off and pass out from the chaos he went through. He turns around watching the two brothers setting there belongings down, with Daniel being highly active about having a bed to sleep on once more. Sean only seemed relieved about making his brother happy, but his expression had a deeper meaning as (Y/N) realized their situation. The reveal was easier to think of than to speak of. The most difficult factor was the truth had to come out eventually. This thought baffled (Y/N) as he could sense Sean's own thoughts with one glare.
He could remember what Brody talked about, How can I talk to him... about that? He can only stare at the boys as time slowly progresses.
A bit of time passes on, Daniel was in the bathroom, supposedly taking a bubble bath with his pet. Sean walked over to his mobile device that was charging under the TV, he pulled out, then looking over at (Y/N), "Uh... can you come with me outside?" He has a stutter in his sentence, seeming to be stressed about having him along the journey.
(Y/N) complies, having nothing else better to do other than watch the Hawt Dawg Man show playing on the only monitor in the room, "Sure... what's up?"
The two head out to the patio, where the night bloomed out on the beach. The bushes dancing to the wind patterns. The midnight moon shining down on the two boys standing out in the open. Sean quickly opens up to the situation, "He doesn't know..." he looks out at the scenery.
(Y/N) is confused for a brief moment, but quickly catches on, "He doesn't know what happened in Seattle?"
Sean looks down in response, his voice being slightly congested, "No... and I don't know how to tell him..." his pauses become more prominent.
(Y/N) feels obvious sympathy, "I... I'm sorry, man," he then finds a way to talk about himself, "I feel bad for not really talking about myself, but... I also lost someone a few days ago," he then stands by him, looking down at the scenery as well.
"God... who was it?" He tries to
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