R.I.P Tyrone

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Maddie POV

Next thing you know I was rushed to the hosptail. As I layed in the bed screaming it reminded me of having the twins with our Prince. That was the struggle. Never again. I felt someone's hand around mine grabbing it tight. It was a mans hand. That better be Princeton's hand! I turned my head and slowly opens my eyes and saw him standing right there with me. I smiled but then screamed as I felt another conctraction. As the doctor told me to push I took a deep breath and pushed breaking a sweat. Giving birth is the struggle. Princeton grapped on my hand harder as I pushed. The doctor told me to keep pushing. I screamed while I pushed. This was the hardest pregnancy I've ever had. This baby was bigger then the twins and Issy. I screamed more still pushing.

Prince: babe calm down... Breath breath.

But his words didn't help it just made me stress. I started thinking what if this baby doesn't make it? It's going to be all my fault to.

Doctor: keep pushing your almost there!!

I pushed even harder screaming louder as I squeezed Princeton's hand even harder making him scream out in pain.

Maddie: I'm.... Sorry... Baby....

I said between breaths while still pushing.

Prince: naw it's ok keep going your almost there.

I pushed harder and Princeton kissed my hand.

Maddie: AHHHH

I screamed one last time as the doctor took out the baby. I made it throw. I relax then shoot back up when I didn't hear any little crying it screams.

Maddie: doctor why don't hear my baby!!!!

The doctor rushed to the side with other nurses rushing over to my baby.

Maddie: doctor what's going on?

I said freaking out.

Maddie: prince what's going on!!!

Prince: baby calm down...


I said grabbing Princeton's shirt and pulling him close to me. The doctor came back with a sad face.

Doctor: I'm so sorry Mr and Mrs. Perez your baby didn't make it.

I jumped out of bed instantly not caring if my whole ass was out. I ran to the other side of the room were my baby was. I looked at him, yes the baby is a him... And broke done in crying.

Maddie: NOOO please try again!

I cried.

Maddie: please....

Doctor: I'm so sorry we've tried everything we could... As soon as he came out he was already gone... I'm so sorry we couldn't do anything anyway.

Maddie: NOOO!!!!

The nurses took my baby walking away.

Maddie: NOOOOOO. At least let me hold him please.

The nurses brought back my baby and handed him to me. As soon as they handed me my baby I felt like a murder. I couldn't take it.

Maddie: prince I can't you take it.

Prince grabbed the baby and looked at him. I saw a tear come down his cheek. He kissed his little forehead and said I love you. And handed him back to the nurse. The nurses started walking away.

Maddie: Nooooo

I screamed having a break down crying. I felt two strong arms hug me form behind. (Princeton)I dropped to my knees crying my eyes out and the arms still around me. I killed my baby. I'm a murder. I'm so sorry Tyrone....(that would have been his name if he servied)


Ik your crying cuz I'm crying write now while I'm writing this. And I'm in a plane people was looking at me like Tf wrong with her. Comment. Guess what's going to happen next. Love yall!!! Stay Mindless!!!

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