Vasco n Jace

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Kiras Pov

"uh Daniel,do you know where the architecture dept. is?"I ask him

"oh,its in the fourth floor.why?"he says

"ehhe nothing.."I say and quickly went to the fourth floor

hmm where is it?


here it is

should I knock?


I took a deep breathe and opened the door

ok there are many men here!

the burnknuckles look much more scary in real life!

I can see that Vasco and Jace isn't here

they looked at me with a questioned face


"what do you want?"the other asks with a deep voice

"uh. I'm looking for Va--,I mean. I'm looking for your leader" they might think I'm creepy if I just knew their leaders name

"why do you want our leader?"he again spoke with a scary deep voice

ok now I'm scared

I was just about to run away but

"we're back!"I suddenly heard a deep but cute voice behind me

oh it's Vasco and Jace!

"leader,this girl is looking for you"

omg!!vasco is so cute!!!

he's rocking his mustache!

I just can't help it and hugged him

this is a once in a lifetime opportunity

hehe he smells so manly

"why are hugging me?"he asks

whoops need an excuse......


"well...*sniff* my dog died and I need someone to comfort me"oh yeah I'm the queen of acting!

"what?!why?what happened??"he asks in a really concerned look

ok I got this

I just need my acting skills

"some one murdered him!"I say with puppy pout and a teary eye

"what?! let's punish that person!"he says and hugged me back

ok only both of us are emotional compare to the others who just stared at us blankly

he's so close to me and hugging me!!!

ugh... I feel my face burnninggg!

"thats impossible that a girl would be hugging our leader...she must be a spy!"one them says

oh no! they are keeping me away from Vasco

"why are you red?are you burning?do you need water?"aww Vasco is concerned an idea

"I'm allergic to them!"I pout and pointed at the burnknuckles

"will you please get a bit away,your giving her allergies"Vasco orders and shoo them off

"BUT---" they try to argue

"no buts! didn't you just heard that her dog died? it must have been hard for her"Vasco says emotional..almost crying


I see Jace just face palmed cuz he knew what I just did

aww Vasco is just so gullible!!


ugh recess is over

I still want to spend time with them but I also need to check Daniel and Jay n Zack


sorry for the short chap.

please vote!
I'll make the nxt chap sweet💚💜

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