Angela's pov
I knew he was staring at me. while I was eating but I didn't want to look at him 'cause I wouldn't know what to do if i did.
"I don't see you in the cafeteria often" he said with that deep voice of his. oh God it like he drives me crazy with that deep voice. what? Angela Raines don't even think about it . Then I was confused is he talking to me?
"Are you talking to me?" I asked
"well I don't eat that much , I eat just twice a day I was forced to come here " I said nudging my head toward Amy and Emily . They forced me to come to the cafeteria I really didn't want to come, moreover I was trying to avoid Chris but I was still excited I would be seeing him and that feels kinda strange.
"wow just wow" I'm guessing it's his habit to say that.
"you know I notice you like saying that" Amy said.
"Wow just wow " she tried to use his deep voice but she didn't get it and it made me laugh and the others did as well. No one can get it except him oohh what a hotty. What ? Angela Raines please for goodness sake stop it.
"Well, well, well look who we have here" I heard a tiny voice it sound so innocent almost like a whisper.
"So like what are you doing sitting beside my... I mean Chris?" I looked up to see non other than the drama queen Natasha oh my God what the heck am I gonna do now. I knew it was her 'cause Emily showed me her pic.
"well ... she er .... is Emily and Amy's friend ... so uhm" Chris said stammering .
"oh so you like the new student we like have in our class now huh?" she said moving her hand in a way of telling me to move. But where would I move to there is already enough space between I and Chris.
she sat between us and turned her face to Chris and said "hey there handsome, how are you doing?" She raised her hands probably to caress his hair. Ew why would she rub that sweaty hand on such a beautiful hair.
"I'm fine and you?"he held her hands and put it down slowly
"oh well I'm fine thanks."
"Your friends didn't come with?"Derek said as he twist his nose.
"Yeah yeah theyyy had something to do I guess" giving him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
Now turning her face to me"oh Ange"
"Wait you know my name?"
"Of course babe, like we are literally in the same class" really? I didn't even notice her.
"So like as I was saying you like need a drink or water to like digest that hamburger you know" she grinned and also waving her hands as she spoke.
"Oh yeah thanks" why the hell is she acting nice now. She probably wanted me to leave, damn it I should be sitting right next to him not her arrgh. Angela God haaa.
I went to get juice and as I was coming back to sit she took a peep and immediately stood up making me to bump into her and pouring the juice on her.
She gasped "what the fuck did you just do?"she asked yelling at me.
"I'm... I'm sorry but you..."
"But I what huh? you don't want to accept your mistake"
"Calm down tasha it was just an accident"Chris said
"No Chris it wasn't she is definitely jealous of my flats."
"Wait what" I said cutting in and looking down at her shoes it was beautiful and classy too but I didn't notice it until now.
"Oh yeah you probably wanted it so bad you..."
"Hey I have my limits okay I don't do that kind of thing and your shoe is not something to be amazed about ". I said cutting in.
"Haa what?"
"Angela lets go" Amy said grabbing my hands.
"Oh you leave now but this isn't over". Natasha said
"Tasha this is over I heard Chris say while I was leaving with Emily and Amy.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
"Angela what the heck is wrong with you?" Emily said while we walked towards the school.
"Oh please, now it my fault"
"I warned you to stay away from him didn't I."
"Oh yeah yeah you did, you warned me, that's why you didn't tell me one of his best friend is your boyfriend and also forcing me to come to the cafeteria. I said angrily.
"Actually two of his best friend " Amy said scratching her hair
"Ahh Len is my bf"
"Oh great so great" I threw my hands in the air and made it slap my laps and left angrily.
Oh fuck I was so angry I ignored their sorry face, oh well it their fault.
Thanks for reading guys , love youuuu
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