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"You're not just a slut, you're an impostor, a meanie, annoying, overbearing, a fake, a liar, a cheat"

And the part that someone warned him I meant Steve.

A/N sorry I had to rewrite this guys cuz I forgot to add something I didn't add bfr. Pls comment on my errors so it could be easy for me to edit. And I changed revenge's name to in love with the devil.



Third persons POV

Twenty minutes ago

Len and Derek escorted Justin and Natasha to the clinic. Amy, Emily,Sam and Cath came to see her.

"Are you okay?" Cath asked, while Natasha only nod her head saying 'yes'.

"I can't believe Angela would do that" Derek said.

"Well neither did I, she's such a fake you know" Emily said and Natasha's head immediately jerk up.

"I hate her so much" Amy said. Every one knows what she did to Amy now, since George has been following up with her gist.

"Hey" Len said, reaching out for Amy's hand from behind and rubbing it.

Natasha couldn't believe what she heard. Did they just say that?

"Why would you even say that?"
Everyone eyes were on Natasha.

"Why..." Emily want to ask something but Natasha stopped her.

"She did this for you remember, did you forget she was threatened by V, Emily you think she's a fake right?, and you hate her so much" she pointed at Amy while Derek and Len showed confused looks and Justin stood with his arms crossed over his chest confused too.

"I mean she like didn't heed to Emily's warning just to save you from harm Amy, so how could she ignore your calls when she knows what is going on exactly. I don't know probably her phone was on silent, and you Emily, all Angela wanted to do was to save your best friends life. How could you be so selfish? I mean, this is what the v wants for you guys to have a misunderstanding, and think about it how did she know how to help me back there?, the v must have threatened her and...and God you know she didn't kiss Justin, it was photo shop and sitting on Derek's lap was also v so ugh..." An expression of guilt appeared on Emily and Amy's face.

"Someone's threatening her... Okay would you care to explain?" Derek asked walking towards Natasha.

"I don't get it either" Len said.

"Neither do I " Justin said too.

Everyone was quiet and Natasha knew why so she choose to speak instead. Not caring about the consequences she told them everything about how V has been threatening she and Angela.

"Oh shit... Why didn't you tell anyone justin can not only do Photoshop, he's also good at tracking pins arrgh ..." Len said.

"Really?" Everyone except Len asked.

Justin scratched his head and said"yeah"

"They lets go to it now" Derek said.


"Sorry can I come with? I really wanna k..know who it is" Sam said and the boys looked back at her.

"You talk" they said in unison.

"Oh please lets just go" Sam said.

"I have to go and see Angela..." Natasha said.

"We'll come with" Emily and Amy said.

"I don't think she would want to talk to you two now"

"We'll try at least". Amy said.


They went back to the hostel balcony and Angela on the floor crying. They have never seen her like that. It made Amy and Emily feel more guilt.

Angela's POV

I couldn't help but continue crying it wasn't my fault I did nothing but was blamed.

He called me a slut, a slut

Then I felt a soft hand on my body, I wiped my tears off my face. I hate it, I hate people witnessing my weakness, I hate it when I'm not allowed to explain myself, I hate it when I have to do anything any fucking body wants unwillingly.

"Angela" it was Natasha's voice.

"We need to go somewhere now"

I raised my head and looked at her, then I saw four legs behind Natasha, I looked up to see who it was and it was Emily and Amy. My anger started to rise again.

"What the hell are they doing here?"

"Angela we are sorry,we didn't mean to..."

"Don't! I don't want to hear it, you've said enough already" turning to Natasha I said " we have to go now"

Natasha gulped "o...okay"

We were walking down the hallway and then Natasha spoke nervously.

"You...you should have given then a chance to apologize..."

I acted like I didn't hear what she said.

"Derek said Justin can trace the the number... So we can wait till then"

"No! We can't wait, we will see George first then we'll go and meet the principal, I'm not gonna rely on that, there are phones that are not traceable so please Natasha"


We reached George office at school and knocked on his door hoping he would still be there.

I kept knocking but an husky voice said from behind.

"If you keep knocking like that you're gonna break my office door Angela" .

We turned around and saw George leaning against a locker. George was tall and handsome but he's just such a gossiper.

"I need to speak to you George".

"About what?"

"Who gave you that information" I said walking towards him.

"What information?" he asked with a smirk leaning forward.

"Don't try to act dumb with me you do not know what I'm capable of doing once I'm angry" I said stepping on his foot he bent and groaned in pain I used that opportunity to pull his hand to his back,I pull his hair tightly and hit his face on the locker.

"Ahhh are you crazy? Let go off me"

"Tell me right now who the fuck gave you that info" I yelled

"Nobody... it was sent to me by a letter it was in front of my ...office I can show you the letter ahhh"

I released him from my hold "show me now" I yelled again.

With a terrified and surprised look Natasha followed us into his office.

He reached for the paper on his table and handed it over to me.

I read what was written in the letter out loud


"And it also came with this chip"
George said.

"Give it" he gave it to me and I turned to Natasha.

"Now we need to see the principal"

Sorry for the late update guys

Hope you loved it

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