Angela's POV
I woke up feeling an headache it was really dark and stuffy. Did Aubrey switch off the light but I told her I like the light on while I sleep.
I stood up and as I did I stumbled on something and immediately I found myself on the floor. I felt what I stumbled on and it was a shelf. This is definitely not my room I don't have shelves in my room. I thought and I started panicking. I felt around the room and I felt stuffs that was not in my room. Oh God where am I .
I tried to recollect what happened yesterday.
After leaving Chris I went straight to my room. I wanted to forget about the whole thing and just lie on my bed and sleep but then Aubrey kept on talking about her day in school although I tried telling her to stop but she didn't. Flody was right she is garrulous. I drank my soda finish and then my head started spinning so I slept off.
That all that happened. So how did I get here. I started coughing the place was so stuffy I couldn't stand it.
Then the door opened after thirty minutes of pacing around and trying to find a door. As the door opened the figure switched on the light. The place was like a deserted basement. I looked up and I saw Natasha oh god she's willing to go to this extent just to separate me and Chris.
"Oh Angela I'm so glad you okay" wait say what now.
"Angela I know how you are but you've got to do whatever that v says please Angela please" she said almost crying. Why is she acting this way is she trying to fool me again.
"Okay I am totally confused. What are you talking about"
"Angela this v as been threatening me too ever since my second year In emerald high. I don't know why he or she is doing this. That v even made me loose my boyfriend by telling me to be after Chris humiliating myself in front of childhood friend. Trust me Angela I never meant to hurt you. The ring, Chris it was all v " she said crying
"And why should believe you" I have never seen her cry like that. Deep down I wanted to believe but I just couldn't understand why me and her.
"Look at this" she said showing me different text from v. Oh God mine was even less than hers. She even asked her to place worm on her head and post it on line.
"He or she told me to come get you in the school basement and warn you. I don't know why the v is after you too and I don't know what the v asked you to do but you've seriously got to do it. " oh Natasha if only you knew. I thought
"But what about we tell the principal."
"Yeah we can tell him but the principal is not around now and the vice principal won't do anything." She said rolling her eyes. "Angela I tried telling the principal too but it either I sleep off and forget or something just happens"
"But why "
"I don't know. But let's get you out of here, we've got to go to school" I believe her I don't know why but I believe her. I feel a strange attachment towards her now.
Chris's POV
"I don't know why Angel doesn't want to open up to me. I really don't like it when someone I like don't open up to me, even you guys you know I hate it when you don't open up to me".
"Yeah we know you don't like when we don't open up to you" Derek and Len said in unison. And I closed my locker and Derek was still putting his things back.
"Look dude I think you are the one over thinking and if she is hiding something from you it definitely for a good reason" Derek said.
"But she didn't tell me about Steve until I asked her about it"
"Ya 'cause for girls once a guy is out of their life he's out" Len said. Derek was done and now we are walking to the cafe.
"And also maybe because she doesn't know how you will take it" Derek said.
"But uhm...." I stopped as I saw Angela coming from our left.
"Now he's speechless" Derek teased.
She was with Amy who immediately pick a conversation with Len as they both left together and Derek left with them too.
"Hey...." I said but before I could finish she pulled so quickly I didn't know how we got to the music room.
Angela's POV
I couldn't help it I really wanted to kiss him. But there was something different about him today. Well what do you know, his hair looks cooler without it falling on his face.
Damn I am so affected by him. I pulled him to the music room and nailed him on the wall as we held eyes.
He tilted his head forward and said "Should I or will you..." I didn't miss the smirk on his face. I claimed his lips and then he turned me around and nailed me, one of his hand slide slowly down my waist and the other on my face. The kiss went slowly and widely, sending serious heat to my body and it felt like it did to him too 'cause his grip tightened and he deepen the kiss. He released his lips and I did too.
"Angel, I need you to know you can trust me. Tell me what's bothering you please".
I took a deep breath I knew I was going to lie to him. But I had no choice, I don't know why but when it comes to him I get scared, scared that he might be taken away from me or something.
"It noting Chris, look at this..." I searched thoroughly for the pic and showed it to him although it was very embarrassing to show it to him.
I could see how hard he was trying not to laugh then he forced the words out of his mouth"It ain't that baaad..." The bad almost turned to a laugh.
"Oh you can laugh all you want" I said pulling away from him.
"Uhm Emily has been looking for you, she said we need to talk" Natasha said.
I turned to Chris who tilted his head forward. So I thought, before he ask any questions I should just say something.
"Er...we kinda became friends. It was like a life and death situation. It a long story but now we gotta do the girls thingie you know girls problems, thaaat kind of thingie" what the heck am I saying.
Chris eyebrow ached before he left and the others came in. Cath Sam, Emily, Amy and Natasha and Justin.
"So I thought of something since Justin is good at the computer thingie I thought he could help and you wouldn't have to kiss him"
"Wait what? you were meant to kiss Justin hell...I mean whaaaat" she said giggling nervously. She controlled herself but I don't think her friends knew about Justin. She looked at her friends before she controlled herself. "You were saying" she said staring at Emily.
"Well that it, Justin is gonna make a photo shop of it."
"Arrgh " Justin rolled his eyes out of boredom. "I don't see why I have to be here and why do even play this games, am hungry" he shook is head and left.
"Wait he thinks we are playing a game" I said.
"Yeah. I didn't tell him the truth"
"Well am glad the stupid drama is over now. Can we go now" Catherine said while Samantha just stood there pouting. Looking bored as usual.
"Hey don't talk like that"Natasha said.
"Oh save it Natasha you soften up with this chick but I haven't. You know full well I don't like her" she said as she left with Samantha.
"Sorry" Natasha apologized and left.
"Okay she is acting way too nice for my liking" Amy blurted out. She was definitely referring to Natasha.
"And I think we have our number one suspect" Emily said
"Cath" I said.
Alright guys I hope you love this chapter.
Sry I know I am not really fair to you guys with my publishing and I am very very sry about that. I had a problem with my phone and I had to repair it sry guys.
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