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   * Unedited*

Angela's pov

Two weeks  later

"Arrgh staying at home is so borinngg" I thought aloud

"It not to me"Luis said opening is physics textbook and adjusting is glasses. I rolled my eyes "I can imagine, oh i miss school". And I miss chris, though we chat i still miss him. But we never talk about the kiss and I have no idea why.  Then I heard someone saying.

"Hey what are thinking about" Jeff said with a burger and a novel in his hands as he sat on the sofa.

"Nothing you would care about" 

"Hmm meanie"

"Do you mind I am trying to study here"

" sorry" I and Jeff said at the same, I was also studying but I just got bored. An hour passed and I closed my biology.

"Wanna go for a walk" Jeff asked 

"You bet I do" 

We stood up to go and to turned Luis "coming" I asked

"Na you two go I still have to finish  solving this math "

"Kk"I and Jeff answered at the same time and we both went to take our jackets and went outside but separate ways.

I was walking back home when I heard a familiar voice behind and I turned to look it was Steve . arrgh what does he want.

"Hey" he said as he walked up to me .

"Hi" I said turning back to go.

" hey wait a sec" he grabbing my hand.

" let go " I snapped. He let go slowly and said.

" why are you not in school"

"I owe you no explanations" I tried to walk away but he stopped me.

" okay okay I just wanted to ask how you are" 

"And why do you care?"

" wow angel I can see you've changed a lot, you've never spoken to me like this before"

"Don't you ever call  me angel,don't you dare " I said giving him a stern look. How dare he only Chris is allowed to call me that.

"Why can't I? You don't like it?" He asked

"You know what Steve, I have much more important things to do than to listen to your nonsense hmm" I walked away and I heard him say 

" how come you got over me so easily huh"

I turned to him with a smile on my face "you really wanna know?"

"Yeah" he said smirking. Why is he smirking 

"Well" I said coming closer to him "lets just say I found a super duper hot guy and much more handsome ,romantic, passionate than you could ever be and you know  what I realized that you're not good at kissing at all, his kisses makes my body shiver I feel butterflies...."

"We'll see about  that" he said grabbing me very close to him.

"Let go" I struggled, but then Jeff pulled him away and gave a hard blow on his nose.

"Good one son" I heard dad say and I stared at him and raised an eyebrow , so he was watching the whole scene all along.

"Don't you dare think about coming close to  her again and if you do I swear I'm gonna kill you" Jeff said to Steve who was on the floor, he touch is nose and looked at is fingers, it was bleeding.

"Let's go sis" Jeff  said with his hand on my back . 


" Angela mom is back and she said you should meet her in the kitchen " Luis said without opening  the  door of my room while I was  listening  to music 

"Okay I will be down in a minute "


I went down  to the  kitchen and I saw my mom  in  a casual office wear, her hair was in Bob making her look younger than she is some say we look like sisters. She was unpacking the vegetables and fruits and Luis grabbed an apple immediately and Jeff was in front of the fridge looking for something.

"Hey mom "

" hey honey  how have  you been? "

"Fine and you how was your day  at work today?"

"Oh darling  it was stressful  you know"

"You look tired,  don't worry  I will cook dinner"

"Oh thank you  so much honey" she said kissing my cheek. She was leaving but she stopped

"That reminds me  Jeff  told me you saw Steve today don't  tell me  you're getting  back together "

"Mooom I told you not to tell her it was me" Jeff said holding  a glass of milk.

"Oh Jeff even if she didn't  say it was you,  I would have known  it was you bro"

He rolled his eyes taking a zip  of his  milk

"And no mum I will never get back together  with that fool"  Jeff  spilled is milk , Luis dropped  his apple and mom eyes  were wide open. 

"Did you just call him  a fool?  " they all asked at the same time. 

"Mom please  go and freshen up  and  I will cook dinner" I turned  her back and move her to the door. "Jeff would you please close your mouth and clean  the milk on the floor and Luis pick up your  apple and  set the dinning table ".



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