Chapter 36 - Love in Stars

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Meghan's POV

"Meghan Camarena can you please come with me?" I heard from behind me, distracting me from watching Scarlett getting dragged away by Mrs. Honey. Joeys head turned as well, following close behind me as a nurse led me to the same small room I sat in before.

"Sit down please." She ordered, waving her pen at the blue hospital bed in the corner. "I would just like to remind you that you have to come here Friday to Sunday every week so we can keep an eye on you during that time. Your condition is worsening and we would like to make sure it will not quicken by watching you here a couple days a week."

"Okay." I said, nodding, "so I have to stay till Sunday?"

"No, no. This is a heads up for next week" she smiled.

"Okay, thank you." I said walking out of the room.

"No problem," the nurse chirped behind me.

Joey's body shook as is did almost every night. His teeth clenched and unclenched, his muscles mimicking his teeth. I always wondered what he was dreaming about, but always convinced myself the answer was: me. I never tried to wake him. I never shook him, or hugged him, or said something sweet. Most of the time, my hand hovered over his shoulder as his lips turned down in his sleep.

I couldn't sleep tonight, not because of Joey, but probably because of stress. I slid of the bed, grabbing a thin blanket that was lying on the floor, probably kicked off by Joey, and wrapped it around myself. I walked down the spiralling stairs as quietly as I could, trying not to disturb Joey.

Joey's POV

I woke up with sweaty palms, my breath catching with every inhale. I looked beside me but found no Meghan. My heart stopped but my body didn't as I quickly threw the covers off and hopped out of the bed.

I ran down the stairs making an echoing thud with every step. I manoeuvred my way around the new kitchen, still trying to familiarize myself with our new house. As I made my way to the sliding glass door, I saw a girl wrapped in a blanket sitting on the grass. The girl had long hair, an unknown colour due to the darkness of the night, and the shine from the moon. Her hair flew beside her noticeably every time a gust of wind passed by. "Meghan." I whispered.

I opened the door, the girl turning to me in result of the large dragging noise. Her eyes twinkling in the light of the moon. "Meghan!?" I yelled.

"Shh," I heard her faint whisper from across the grass. I ran to her with bare feet, grass sticking between my toes. I almost liked the feeling.

I made my way to her side and sat carefully beside her. The light of the stars making her face look beautiful considering the condition she was in. Her eyes were drifting off into the space, looking at every star individually.

The stars were beautiful. You could see them here, no factory smoke or high towers. This is home. Especially with the girl I love by my side. She saw me admiring the stars as well and smiled, "Promise me something," she whispered, as if she thought if she would speak any louder, it would disturb someone or something.

"Anything." I replied as I watched her draw something with her finger in mid air. Connecting the stars like the sky was her canvas. Meghan's hand fell from her painting position and landed on my hand. The wet dew covered grass made it's way between our fingers.

"Promise me that when I die, you'll look up at the stars and think of me, because I'll be there, but I'll be twinkling the brightest!" She laughed. Her laughing resulted in a small cough escaping her. She shivered when a cool breeze blew by.

I breathed in deeply while the breeze came by, not only to smell fresh air, but to keep from crying for the hundredth time. "I promise," I whispered back, our fingers now intertwined. Fear overcame me, as I didn't know how much time I had before she became the star she said she would be.

As if reading my mind, she glanced at me and smiled, Reassuringly. I smiled back as my fear quickly disappeared and I was once again at peace with the stars and moist grass and her. My everything.

"Meghan," I started, breathing in one last time to give me time to calm my breaths and keep from crying, "I could tie each individual star onto a string that I would then pull down using all my strength. I could use all my effort to squeeze these stars into one jar. But the stars would keep coming, and the jars would have to follow. Soon, I would be holding more jars than I was holding stars in the first place because the stars were endless. More and more grew each second. With every star I shoved into the jar, another appeared in the sky. And this demonstrates my love for you, Meghan, infinite, endless, eternal, never ending. It just keeps going and going without an end. Nothing can stop stars from showing up in the sky as well as nothing could stop the love for you I have, and always will have, in my heart. Nothing will diminish the bright shiny love for you, just as these stars grow brighter each day. I love you Meghan, forever and always."

A/N anyone recognize a bit of this chapter? ;) ;)

I'd also like to give a shoutout to Sammy_Damn_Anya on wattpad for giving me the idea of Scarlett. With her idea, I thought of so many ways I could put her in this story and I thank her ssososososo much!! Also, I always see your comments and I love them and just thank you :)

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