Chapter 18 - Heading Into Darkness

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Meghan's POV

"Joey?" I said, my lips almost pressed to the door. Almost 5 minutes ago, Joey walked in here, with no reason at all.  My sweaty hands pressed against the door, I took a breath, ready to say something else until the pain came back in my lower stomach, the way it did this morning. My hand instantly reached down to where the stabbing pains occured. Tears built up in my eyes as my stomach lining pounded with unbearable sting. One of my hands grabbed at my skin, pinching and twisting it, hoping that anything, anything, would lessen the pain. My other hand grabbed onto the door knob as I tried to stable myself.

The pain only worsened. The knives in my stomach only multiplied as they cut into my flesh. It felt like every painful knive was cutting bits of my guts and rearranging them. Like they were cutting puzzle peices from my very own stomach. But it wasn't knives, it was my imagination. But the pain, it was real. My hand suddeny gave in as I watched it slip from the shiny, golden knob. My shaky knees fell with my hand, unable to keep myself steady. The world around me spun and I felt as if I was falling through the floor. My vision went black at the edges as I frantically threw my hands around the spinning room, trying to find something that would support my falling body.

My hands hit the hard floor with a thud. The pain now throbbed throughout my whole body. Like little needs twisting through every inch of flesh I still have. They ran through my veins, up and down, from the tips of my toes to my finger nails, up to my pounding head. Black splotches now clustered in my eyes, blocking my vision. My hand clutched the pain once again, this time, shooting more needles into my flesh, and up my spine. I tried to scream, tried to push any desperate sound out of my throbbing body. All that left was air, painful air too. My lungs screamed instead of my voice. 

I didn't stop. I kept 'screaming' failing every time. Saliva dripped from my numb mouth, I brought my hand up to wipe it away the tasteless liquid. When I brought my hand back down, I realized it was not saliva but thick, dark red, blood. I could taste it now, the saltiness now stuck in my mouth as my stomach churned with the pain and the taste. My blood stained hand dropped to the floor. I felt all of a sudden limp. It felt like the world stopped, but continued spinning. It felt like my heart stopped, but I was still alive. It felt like my body dropped, but I was still sitting up. It felt like the pain stopped, but at the same time, it still remained strong. 

One last scream escaped my open, blood running mouth. This time, it made a noise. I felt my throat tighten, using every last muscle to push a sound out of my throat. This made my body num and the scream sounded louder than it probably was. It echoed in my ears as I felt something that I couldn't describe in anyway other than: every puzzle piece the knives cut through my flesh now broke apart, almost as if my stomach and colon exploded. One last stab of pain shook through my body making my arms fall beneath me. The black splotches clouded my vision fully and the last thing I heard was my head hitting the ground with a gentle thud. 

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