1: Falling Through{Edited}

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I laid back in my bed, ready for the ceremony. The biggest one of my life. The coming of age. I thought to myself. Sounds stupid. It is stupid. There is a point, but I don't like it. I stared at the ceiling. Gabe's smiling face pops into my head. I remembered our conversation from earlier today.


"Come on, Grace! It's the biggest moment of our lives! We are graduating! We finally get to choose our partners!" Gabe insisted, trying to get me to be more enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. Then again, with most things that's how he was. He was always claiming I had no enthusiasm, and that I was pretty much dead inside and out. That's his own way of joking with me though, if he really meant it he'd be rougher and rider about telling me that.

"Look, Gabe," I sighed at him. " I'm not as excited as you. I'll never be as excited as you. Being his daughter I don't really get the choices you do." I sat staring out the window at the sky. The beautiful doves up above were flying, making loops in the air and pretty much doing their own dance. That's all I've ever wanted. To fly far and wide. I wish I could. I mean, of course I can fly and all but, I am chained. All of us are until tomorrow. I thought to myself.

"Yeah but being his daughter, you have freer privileges! " Gabe insisted excitedly. He took a bite of his sandwich and chewed it, quickly swallowing it down. He's not getting it. He never gets it. I stared at him, pulling my attention from the doves to his face. "Besides. I already know who I'll choose. Do you?" I sighed at him, making the most annoyed face I could possibly make. Gabe flipped his blonde hair out of his eyes. His beautiful green eyes that sparkles like emeralds. I was jealous of them. Hell, he sure will break hearts tomorrow. I realized. Then again, I sort of know that already. I couldn't count the number of girls I've heard had crushes on him with one hand.

"I don't know. Maybe Aaron. He seems the best choice," I replied, resting my chin on my hand. "I'm not all that interested in this, you know, I'd rather pick brains over looks. Aaron has both. And abs." Gabe made a face at the looks and abs comment. I couldn't blame him, since Aaron is his relative. It works like this: Gabe is related to the archangel Michael. Michael is his older brother, to be exact....and Michael's and Gabe's even older brother, Lucifer, had a son named Aaron. Aaron and I are pretty good friends. I don't think I really will pick him, I really don't feel anything with him. That's not what the ceremony is supposed to be about, but I refuse to pick someone I don't love or have that special connection with. Boy, would that be nice. To have someone to love, and hold me.

"Ugh. Aaron? Why him? You could have Raphael or Derek. I think they are better than Aaron," Gabe snorted, wrinkling his nose. I smirked at him. He and Aaron don't get along too well. In fact, it's safe to say that they hate each other. I never understood why. In all aspects, Aaron was a pretty nice guy.  He just...got a little over obsessed when it came to things. Things about a certain girl. In fact our cousin, named Sky. That was okay, I understood that. She was pretty nice.

"Oh? And who will the high and mighty Gabriel choose?" I queried, fluttering my eyelashes. "Lydia, or perhaps, Lilith?" He choked on his chips. I pounded on his back as he coughed and hacked, trying not to die. His eyes were watering when he breathed again.

"Ew! No. That's gross! You know who," He replied, wiping the tears from his eyes. Yeah. I know. Only problem is, another man will challenge him. I thought to myself. "What man in his right mind would pick one of those two? They're one step away from being demons. Crazy, that's what they are." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I get what you mean, and you're right. But it is not a good idea to pick her. My brother will challenge you and you guys will have it out!"I chided, trying to talk him out of it. Gabe sighed and shook his head, indicating I shouldn't argue anymore. The bell rang and we stood, cleaning off the table.

"Look, all I want for you is that you try and keep an open mind. Choose wisely,"He told me, tossing out our trash. He stood in front of me, looking down at me. There was a strange, mysterious look in his eyes, something I couldn't quite identify. "Hell, you can choose me if you want to. I wouldn't be bothered by it. Just try not to be the Unchosen." We walked to class in silence.

-Back to the present-

I smiled at the newest memory I had. Upon my arrival in the alter room, I noticed a crowd growing. I sighed. Here it goes. One person must travel through the portal to keep us in even numbers. The one left out person may choose a new realm. Everyone started the ceremony together. The guys choose the woman and if she accepts that's the end of that match. But if not, the woman gets to choose a different guy and he has to accept. The entire time, I was standing there waiting for some guy to say my name. No one has. In the end, everyone was now paired....everyone but me.

"Who is the Unchosen?"Called the Chief Ceremonier. I swallowed, and slowly but surely, I stepped forward, moving out of the crowd. His eyes widened when they fell on me. He was ridden with disbelief.

"I am the remaining, Chief!" I answered him loudly. Whispers arose. Ones of the all powerful weapon being the unchosen. Ones about his own flesh and blood daughter, who had been unmatched with anyone in the entirety of our graduating class. My father shook in disbelief.

"No. That's not possible!" He muttered. "That's not possible!" The second time he shouted it, his anger purely heard in his voice and written across his face. Everyone parted like the Red Sea, allowing me a clear path to the stage where the portal was.

"I-Is there another here who would re-choose?" The Chief called, awkwardly. He's supposed to say that, and I know with me he actually meant it...because though he sounded awkward, he also sounded desperate. It was probably that he's really scared of my father. No one moved a muscle, no one stepped forward to pick me. I swallowed. I knew it'd be me... Suddenly a girl in the crowd got angry.

"Ugh! Just leave already!" She shouts. Stacy. She shot me with a powerball and I was thrown into the portal by accident, unable to completely finish the ceremony.

"No! GRACE!"Someone shouted. I could tell it was Gabe. Why does he sound so...sad? I flew through the portal, feeling an adrenaline rush. I closed my eyes tightly, letting myself fall. My wings don't move. My chain shatters, leaving me with a link, which I squeeze tightly in my hand. I'm free! Yes! I thought. I was overjoyed. I don't have to deal with my father anymore! Oh crap. I suddenly remembered. I forgot to choose a realm!!!!!!!!!! Shittttttttttttt! I blacked out, spiraling infinite nothingness.....

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