the day drags by you sit in class wanting to cry , nothing to keep you sane your life you've lived in vain ,but then you remember lunch time is yet to come, you'll leave the school you'll have some fun , go hang at the park with you friends and get high , you forget all about that one stupid guy, who broke your heart left you in pain , the one who fucked up you life , who drives you insane ,you'll forget all about how the people they tease , you'll forget about the boy who brings you to your knees , you felt unwanted then he showed you he cared , he wanted you to always be their , but all this boy really wants is sex , you sit and wonder what will happen next , their is no future for you two , he only wants you for fun , but you don't care your life's already done , you've given up on everything so why even try , you just wish you would die , you get wasted every chance you can get, because you need to forget , all the pain you feel inside , all the hurt and all the lies
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