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Months has passed since you are pregnant, madara knows it, and he's so happy and excited.
He bought so many things for his son.
His name is gonna be Yukimi Uchiha.

Mito has the child now, but she doesn't want it, so she gave it to madaras parents, she went to a another country and wanted to start her life from the beginning.

Izuna has helped you a lot, he was always so nice to you, he is also so excited to be a uncle.

"madara, when are you done with your work?" you asked on the phone.
"uh probably 5 hours, I'll be back at 1pm I think." He said, you were so sad because he never had time for you because of his work, but you could've understand it too.
"I'm gonna surprise him." You said.

You dressed up and went to your car and drove to him, your stomach started to hurt but you ignored it.

"mr. Uchiha, here's a women here and she wants to talk with you." Someone told him.
"Y/n?" His voice sounded mad but also surprised.
"What the heck are you doing here? Didn't I said you are not allowed to come? What the heck?" He yelled at you outside.
"Madara calm down, i only wanted to give you some food because you are so stress-" he threw the things that you cooked for him on floor.
"Why do you never listen to me?" His voice has raised more on you.
"Mito would never do this, she would've listen to me." He said it and looked at you while saying "I'm sorry I didn't what to-"
You slapped him and let the tears down "I just wanted to make you happy." You yelled back and went back to your car.
"Y/n, wait I didn't meant to hurt you."
But you already was gone.

"Izuna please pick up, I need you. You are a doctor please come to me." You left a voicemail, your stomach hurt so much but you tried to ignore it.

Madara was still at work.
You couldn't take the pain anymore, the world was spinning around you, you tried not to fall down but it was too late.

"Y/N" izuna screamed "y/n are you okay? oh no, where is my brother? I guess we have to go to hospital." He was so worried.
"We're almost there." Izuna said and drove faster.

"W-where is madara?" You finally said a word.
"He's at work. Such an asshole." Izuna sighed and bit his lips.
"Where are we going? Is my baby coming to world?" You said while putting your hands on your stomach.
"yes." He said.

After a couple hours, madara came to the hospital and came to you with tears in his eyes,
"I am so sorry y/n, I'm so sorry. Forgive me please. I'm so sorry, I promise you I'll be always there for you." He said while tearing up and hugging you.
"look, there is our son." You pointed to the place where your son is.
He was so happy and cried from happiness.
"We're finally parents." He said and kissed your forehead.

"Can i have my son in my arms?" Madara asked the doctors and they said yes.

"hello my little sunshine, I'm your father and this beautiful women is your mother, and your name Yukimi." He held your baby in his arms and hugged him, y'all were so happy.

You guys are finally a family.
Your dream came true.

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