Prompt- part 2 where he has violent tics
Requested by- anonymous
Liam's pov
We have almost finished the take me home tour it is about 6am. I am dreading today. Today is really hectic and it is probably going to be really stressful as well. I don't do well with stress. It sets of my Tourette's. We have 5 interviews, a signing, a rehearsal and a concert tonight. I am just about to wake the boys up. I go over to Harry's bunk since he is the easiest to wake up. I open his curtains and say "Haz wake up" he mutters "Alright Li. Do you want me to wake Zayn up?" I nod and Harry says "Cool give me five minutes then I will." I nod and I go over to Niall's bunk. I open his curtains and gently shake him "Ni wake up." He turns away and says "Ten more minutes mum." I sigh and say "Ni I'm Liam. Get up. You need to be up by the time I have woken Louis up" I go over to Louis bunk and I open the curtain and shake Louis "Lou wake up" Louis opens one eye and says "Morning Li." He opens his other eye and I say "Morning Lou." I go over to Niall's bunk and see he is still asleep. I grab his upper arm and pull him to sit up. Niall jumps and jolts awake. I say "We need to get going and have some breakfast." Niall nods and leaves the bunk room.
Half way through the third interview still Liam's pov
We have already had 3 interviews and so far nothing has gone wrong. I have blurted random words or phrases out every now and then nothing too bad at the moment. I get an urge to jerk my head to the side. I try and resist the urge but it gets too strong and my head jerks violently a couple of times. I gently put my hand on the back of my neck and the interviewer asks "You alright Liam?" I say "Yeah. My head jerked and hurt my neck a bit that's all" the interviewer nods. I feel Zayn's comforting hand on my back and he says "You'll be alright Liam" I nod slightly
At the end of the interview still Liam's pov
I kept on having tics during the interview we are about to let the fans into the signing. I have no clue how this is going to go. I am sat on the end and louis is sat next to me. About half way through the signing. I feel my right arm start to twitch and I instantly know what is going to happen. I try and stop the jerk but my shoulder jerks forwards and I completely mess up my signature. I say "Sorry love. I tried so hard to suppress that tic." The fan smiles at me and says "It's alright. You can't always help it. My brother has Tourette's syndrome as well" I nod and say "Thanks for understanding."
About ten minutes later I am signing another CD and I feel my arm twitch and tense up. I try to suppress the tic but I can't my whole arm jerks violently and I mess up another signature. I look up at the fan and say "I'm sorry love." The fan glares at me and says "You messed up my CD with your stupid tic. You shouldn't be in the band if you can't control your own muscles." I look down and I feel Louis putting his hand on my knee. He whispers to me "She isn't a real fan. We would be nowhere without you." I nod and continue to sign the albums
At the end of the signing I have messed up so many of my signatures because of the tics. Most of the fans were alright about it but some of them got annoyed. Louis had a comforting hand on my knee since the first fan was mean to me about it. Louis hugs me and and says "Just ignore the fans that are being horrible to you" I nod.
About five minutes towards the end of the fifth interview still Liam's pov
I have had a bad day today with my Tourette's. My neck really hurts. Harry is sat next to me and my head starts jerking side to side and I try to stop. I feel Harry's hand rubbing my back. I close my eyes and try and calm down my tics. My head stops jerking and I look at Harry with tears in my eyes. Harry gently rubs my back and the interviewer asks "Are you alright Liam?" I nod gently and I hold my neck.
Half way through the concert still Liam's pov
I have really been struggling quite a bit. I have really hurt my neck from all my head jerking. I have had a few vocal tics as well mainly clicking my tongue and making some noises. Niall comes over to me and says "Are you alright?" I nod and my arm and leg jerks at the same time I would have fallen over if Niall didn't have caught me. He helps me over to a stage prop and I sit down. He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around me. I say "I don't known if I can stand anymore. I am in so much pain." Niall nods and says "I'll back you up if management says anything" I nod and I make some weird noises whilst my whole body jerks
Are the end of the concert still Liam's pov
I sat down for the rest of the concert. I kept on having whole body tics and it got really painful. I am now in comfy clothes and my whole body jerks again. Niall sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder. My shoulders shrug and I say "Sorry. I didn't mean to hit you with my shoulder." Niall says "I know. You can't help if Liam. Come on let's get you to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
A few days later no one's pov
Liam felt much better after a good nights sleep. He was a bit sore but he wasn't in too much pain. Luckily he had a much better day. There are days where his Tourette's syndrome acts up more than other days. He is thankful he has 4 amazing friends that helps him and looks after him when he is having a bad day.
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