Liam sicker

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Liam's pov

We have just finished our take me home tour and all the boys including me have woken up not feeling the best. I am at the moment feeling slightly better than the others are. Louis has a fever of 38.4 but not throwing up yet, Harry has been throwing up all night and has a fever of 38.2, Niall throwing all day yesterday and all night last night and got a fever of 37.9 but he had a fever of 38.9 yesterday and Zayn has thrown up once and he has a fever of 38.5. They are all asleep and I have been rushing around making sure that they all have everything they need. The worst thing about that is that the boys haven't even asked me if I'm ok.

I hear Harry groaning and he says "Li I'm gonna be sick" I hand him the bucket and I hold my breath he immediately starts throwing up into the bucket which makes my own stomach try to come up my throat. I quickly run into the bathroom and I fall to my knees and I start heaving everything I have in my stomach. I hate throwing up alone but none of the boys care about me enough to ask if I'm ok not even Niall who is my boyfriend. Tears fall down my face. Once I am finished I flush the chain and someone knocks on the door "Li babe are you ok in there?" I quickly wash my hands and I leave the room I spot Niall "I'm fine" Niall kisses my lips and says "You've thrown up haven't you" I nod and Niall says "Go and get some rest. I'm going to get some things" I respond "But you're sick as well" Niall responds "I'll be fine I haven't thrown up in a while I think I might almost be over it. Now you go and lay down on the sofa I was on" I nod and I go and lay down.

When I am in the living room Harry says to me "Are you ok Li? I got Niall to go and check on you" I nod and lay down with my arm across my eyes. "Does you head hurt?" I nod and say "I want Niall" Harry responds "He'll be here soon bud"

After a few minutes I hear Niall's voice "Are you asleep babe?" I shake my head and uncover my eyes but I wince at the lights. I feel Niall put the thermometer in my ear and he presses the button he says "38.7. Not to bad at the moment. Let me call Paul to come and look after the rest and we will take you to our room so we can make it as dark as possible for you" I nod slightly.

Niall's pov

I can't believe that I didn't notice that my Liam was as sick as us or more sick. I go into the kitchen and ring Paul. He picks up after a few rings and he says tiredly "Hey Niall. Are you ok?" I respond "No we are all sick. I think I am getting over it. Liam is probably the worst out of us. He has a fever of 38.7 and a terrible migraine and he is being sick. Could you come and help please I don't want to leave the others downstairs alone whilst I am upstairs with Liam so I can make it as dark as possible?" Paul sounds more awake "Yeah I'm on my way. I'll be there in five" I nod and look over at Liam and see that he is throwing up "sorry Paul I've got to go Liam's throwing up" Paul responds "Don't worry about it Niall. See you soon" I say "See you soon" I go back over to Liam and I gently rub his back "Shh your doing so well" when he finishes he collapses on me breathing heavily "Li babe can I go and empty the bucket?" He shakes his head and he grips onto my top. I manage to pry his hands off my top and I empty the bucket and rinse it out. I go back to Liam and hug him seeing that he is crying slightly.

About ten minutes later Paul walks into the living room and he says "Hey how are they?" I respond "Louis hasn't thrown up and has a fever of 38.4, Harry has been throwing up all night and has a fever of 38.2 and Zayn has thrown up once and has a fever of 38.5. They all had medicine about an hour ago but not Liam because he keeps on throwing up. It'll probably make him worse. They have all been asleep except for Harry for about two hours Harry woke up to throw up about an hour ago which is when we found out Liam is sick" Paul nods and says "When did you check their temperatures?" I respond "Liam has been using the ear one to check them every half an hour or so. I'm going to take Liam up to our room so we can make it dark for him" Paul nods and says to Liam "Get well soon Li. Text if you need anything Ni" I nod and say "You too. Come on then Li. Let's get you up to bed" Liam nods and I help him upstairs

Once we are upstairs I lay Liam in our bed and I go over to the window and I shut the curtains. I go back over to the door and I shut that as well then I turn off the light so it is as dark as possible. I get into bed next to Liam and I pull him to my chest. "Go to sleep babe hopefully you'll feel better" I kiss his forehead and he falls asleep. I smile and mess around on my phone for a while.

A few days later still Niall's pov

We are all except from Liam 100% again. Liam is going downhill. He can't keep anything down not even water. I am getting really worried about him. I place a hand on Liam's forehead and you could fry an egg on his forehead he is so hot I grab the thermometer which the boys told me to keep in our room and I place it in Liam's ear and I press the button. 40.4 my eyes widen and I take the duvet off Liam and I take off his top. I go into the bathroom and I run a cold bath for Liam. Once the bath is a decent level I turn off the tap and I go back into our room. I gently shake Liam. "Li babe wake up" he slowly opens his eyes and reaches out for me. "Ni I feel sick" my heart breaks for him and I pick him up and I carry him to the bathroom and I take off Liam's trousers. I gently place Liam in the bath and he starts crying "I know babe we need to lower your fever though." I make Liam stay in the bath for ten minutes before I check his fever which is down to 39.4. We go into our room and he with a bit of help from me gets dried and dressed. We get into bed.

The next day Niall's pov

Liam is still really sick his fever is now 40.9 and Liam has passed out because he can't keep anything down. Harry has called an ambulance. Once the ambulance arrived they place Liam on the stretcher before they take him out to the ambulance with me following. When we get to the hospital they tell me to wait in the waiting room whilst they do tests. I feel someone rub my back. I look up and see Zayn "He'll be fine Nialler" I nod.

A few hours later still Niall's pov

Liam's name has just been called and we go over to the doctor. The doctor says to us "Liam will be absolutely fine. He has a strong strain of the stomach flu and he was dehydrated. He should be waking up soon. Once his fever gets down to 38.5 then he can go home" I nod and we get taken to Liam's room. I sit on the chair by his bed and I take his hand and I kiss his forehead. Liam wakes up after about ten minutes. After visiting hours the doctors makes us all go home although I don't want to leave Liam here alone. Harry and Louis had to drag me to the car.

The next day still Niall's pov

I have just spoken to Liam's doctor and he said that Liam can go home today. His fever is now 38 exactly I can't wait to tell him. I go into his room and say to him "I've just spoken to your doctor and he said that you can go home today" Liam smiles and says "I can't wait. When can I go home?" I respond "I don't know Li. I think that they might want to check you then I think you can go home.

About an hour later the doctor comes in and checks Liam. "Right I think you are well enough to go home you almost don't have a fever and you haven't thrown up in a while. I'll go and get your discharge papers." We nod and I sign Liam out and take him home.

No one's pov

Liam is better the next day. He returned to work two days later so he could catch up on sleep.

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