Liam shot by a gun (request)

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Prompt- Liam is shot by a gun

Requested by- 1D_luvs_spoons


Liam's pov

We are in the middle of our where we are tour. Louis and I have been together since the end of our up all night tour. Since all the Larry shippers has made my self-esteem really low and I kept on thinking that Louis would leave me for Harry so we came out about a month before tour against managements wishes but it worked out in our favour. We gained more fans but the Larry shippers has been sending me death threats saying that Louis would be more happy with Harry. Louis knows about the death threats and has tried to help but all it has done is made it worse but Louis doesn't know that.

We are currently walking through a crowd of people on our way out of our third interview. Louis hates leaving me in crowds since he doesn't want anything to happen to me. Louis has been separated from me and I get a bit scared. I have never been away from Louis in a crowd since we came out. I hear a gun going off and I feel the bullet hitting me in the back. I fall to the floor and scream in pain before everything goes black.

Louis pov

Liam has been separated from me. I am already in the van with the others. I hate the fact that Liam is in that crowd. We all hear a gun being shot and we hear Liam's scream of pain. I instantly try and run but Paul stops me and says "I'll go Louis. Don't need you hurt as well. Boys hold him back" I say "No I need to see Liam" Paul shakes his head and leaves the van. He shuts the door and locks the van. I try to open the door but Harry says "Louis Paul doesn't want you to get hurt as well." I just glare at him and sit away from everyone with tears falling down my face. I failed to protect my Liam

Paul's pov

I find Liam quickly and see him face down with blood coming out of his nose and back. I instantly call for an ambulance and they say that they would be five minutes. I put pressure on Liam's wound whilst we wait. Five minutes later the paramedics arrive and load Liam onto the stretcher. The paramedic says "Do you want to come with him?" I nod and I follow the paramedics to the ambulance. I text the driver to go back to the hotel and drop the boys off then come and pick me up from the hospital when I text again

Louis pov

We start to drive off and I say "What about Liam and Paul?" The driver says "Paul told me to drop you boys at the hotel." I say "No I need to know if Liam is alright" I lean my head on the window with tears running down my face. I should have never let my sight go off Liam now he might be dead and I won't get to say goodbye to him. The thought of that makes me cry harder. Niall says to me "Liam is strong. He will make it" I nod not believing him.

Once we are at the hotel the driver tells us to get up to our hotel rooms. I don't want to I want to go and see if Liam is alright. It takes all three of Harry, Niall and Zayn to pull me out of the van and into the hotel. Once we are in the hotel I run to mine and Liam's room and shut the door behind me. I slide down the wall next to the door and just cry. I don't know if my Liam will make it or not.

Paul's pov

We all drive to the hospital and I am told to wait in the waiting room. The driver texts me saying 'all the boys are in the hotel. Do you need picking up now or are you going to wait until you get news on Liam?' I text back 'I'm going to wait for news on Liam. How's Louis?' The driver responds 'He was quite upset and he didn't want to leave the van. It took all three of the other boys to pull him out and into the hotel' I sigh at the message but I know that Louis shouldn't have seen Liam unconscious and covered in blood. It would have broken him more than not seeing him.

About half an hour later Liam's name gets called and I walk over to the nurse and the nurse takes me to the privet room. The nurse says "Would you like the good news or the bad news first?" I respond "Bad news please" the nurse nods and says "We have had to remove one of Liam's kidneys since the bullet went in his kidney. It was the one giving him loads of trouble as a child. The good news is. That is the only major organ the bullet actually hit. He should make a full recovery." I nod and say "Is he awake?" The nurse says "He is still down in surgery at the moment." I nod and say "Could I bring his boyfriend and friends here so they know he is alright?" The nurse responds "Of course. He should be out of surgery in the next half an hour or so." I nod and text the driver to come and pick me up from the hospital we are at.

Louis pov

My tears has long dried up and now I am curled up on Liam's side of the bed and I am hugging his pillow to my chest. I hope he is alright. Soon there is a knock on my door and I say "Go away. I don't want to see anyone" Paul opens my door. I turn away from him still mad that he didn't let me go and see Liam. Paul sighs and sits on the bed. "Louis I didn't want to hurt you when I said for you not to go. I just didn't think you would want to see Liam like he was. I know you are worried about Liam. I have some news if you want to hear it?" I shrug and say "Is it good or bad" Paul respond "Bit of both" I nod and say "Can I have the bad news first" Paul nods and says "Liam has lost that kidney that has been giving him problems because the bullet went through that kidney but that is the only organ that got hit by the bullet." I look up at him and ask "What's the good news?" Paul smiles at me and responds "Liam should make a full recovery Louis. C'mon let's go and see him. He should be getting out of surgery soon" I nod and stand up.

We go to the van and we drive to the hospital. Once we get to the hospital a nurse comes up to us and says "He has just come out of surgery. If you follow me I'll take you to his room." We all nod and follow the nurse. To Liam's room. Once we get there I see Liam attached to loads of machines. I sit down on the chair closest to his bed and I gently take his hand being mindful of the wires that are attached to his hand. The nurse says "When he is awake press the buzzer his doctor wants to check Liam once he is awake." We all nod and the nurse leaves the room. I look at Liam. I say to no one in particular "He looks so small in the hospital bed. I wish I could take his place. I hate seeing him like this" no one responds and we all fall into a comfortable silence.

About half an hour later still Louis' pov

Liam starts groaning and soon his eyes slowly opens. I stand up and say "Li open your eyes for me babe." His eyes fully open and he looks at me and he says groggily "Lou what happened?" I respond "You got shot in the back. You lost the kidney that has been giving you problems since you were a baby" Liam nods and I press the button. A couple of minutes later a doctor comes in and says "Hello boys. I am doctor Johnson and I will be Liam's doctor for his stay here." We all nod and doctor Johnson continues "I'm assuming you have been told what happened Liam?" Liam nods and says "Yeah Louis told me I got shot in the back and lost the kidney that has been causing me problems since I was a baby" the doctor nods and says "Yeah. Could I check you?" Liam nods and the doctor checks Liam over.

Once doctor Johnson has finished he says "Right everything looks good. Any questions?" Liam asks "When can I go home? When can I go back to performing with the boys?" Doctor Johnson responds "You need to stay in hospital for a week and then you have to take it easy for a few weeks. You can go on stage but you have to sit down and not move too much" we all nod and doctor Johnson asks "Any more questions?" We all shake our heads and doctor Johnson says "I will be back in a couple of hours to check on you again" we all nod and Doctor Johnson leaves the room.

A couple of hours later still Louis' pov

All the boys and Paul had gone back to the hotel the doctors said that I could stay with Liam whilst he is at the hospital. Liam's doctor comes back in the room and says "Hello boys. How are you feeling Liam?" Liam responds "A bit better than I was" Doctor Johnson nods and checks Liam. He smiles at Liam and says "Everything looks good. Your vitals are good. Your blood pressure is a little high but nothing to worry about" we both nod and doctor Johnson says "I'll be back in a couple of hours to check on you again" we both nod and the doctor leaves the room. Liam says "Lou cuddle" I nod and get on Liam's bed and I allow him to cuddle into me.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam got released from the hospital after a week and they released a statement about Liam getting shot and that Liam and Louis are happy together and they shouldn't care. Liam went back on stage on the day he got released but Louis made him sit down for the whole concert. Louis continued to make Liam sit down for the whole concert for about a month after Liam got released but he still kept a watchful eye on Liam to make sure he didn't push himself too much.

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