Liam's pov
We have just gone on hiatus. I don't know what to do with myself. I miss the boys. We have all kept in contact with each other and Niall always texts me to remind me to take my medication so I don't have a seizure. Today I feel like something bad is going to happen but I don't know what. I get a text from Niall saying 'Did you take your morning dose of medication?' My eyes widen knowing I didn't I message back 'I completely forgot. I'm gonna have a seizure' Niall texts back saying 'take one now and maybe you won't. You are only 1 hour late taking it. I'll come round just in case though. I'm just leaving now I will be at yours in 10 minutes' I text back 'alright. Just use your key to get in I don't wanna risk standing up' I quickly take my medication
About ten minutes later Niall's pov
I walk into Liam's house using my key and I say "Liam where are you bud?" I hear his soft voice coming from the living room "I'm in here Ni" I walk into his living room and I sit next to him "Did you take your medication" Liam nods and he says "I did. I don't think it helped though. I feel off" I nod and say "I'll stay with you" Liam nods and he says "Niall could I have a hug please?" I nod and say "Of course buddy" and I allow Liam to curl into my chest. His eyes starts to droop before they close completely and his soft snoring can be heard.
About an hour later still Niall's pov
Liam has been asleep for about an hour. He suddenly shoots awake and he says "I feel off" I say "You are alright buddy. I promise" he shakes his head and he closes his eyes and he falls to the floor. He starts having a seizure. I start the timer and I quickly push the coffee table out of the way so Liam doesn't hurt himself. I look at the timer and see it has been 1 minute 34 seconds. I look back at Liam and see a large wet spot expanding on his joggers. About thirty seconds later Liam start groaning. I stop the timer and say "That's it bud keep coming round" Liam groans again and opens his eyes "Wh..what happened?" I say "You had a seizure buddy" Liam whines and says "Did I have an accident?" I nod and say "You did Li but it doesn't matter. I am just going to get you some clean boxers and joggers buddy" Liam nods and I go up to Liam's room and grab him some clean boxers and joggers.
I go back down to him and he says quietly and he looks embarrassed "Could you help again?" I nod and help Liam out of his soaked clothes and into some clean ones. I help him up on the sofa and he curls into me again. He says "Thank you for coming Niall. I don't know what I would do with out you or the other boys." I say "Your welcome bud. Get some sleep you look tired." Liam nods and he falls asleep
A few days later no one's pov
Niall texted the others saying that Liam had a seizure and both Louis and Harry came over to help and catch up properly for a few days. Liam felt much better the next day and Niall continued to text him when he needs his medication.
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