Liam seizure part 4 (request)

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Requested by: Peanut15200706

Prompt- a part 4 where they are on the tour bus and it is the middle of the night. He wakes up super disoriented and one of the other boys hear him. Then it all goes downhill from there.

Liam's pov

We are on the tour bus and it must be about 2 in the morning. I have just woken up and I feel really disoriented and dizzy. I don't know why. Well I do but I really don't want it to be what I think it is. I sit up but get a wave of dizziness I close my eyes for a minute before I open them. I very carefully lower myself to the floor. I stumble my way to the kitchenette and I grab a glass for some water but I drop the glass making it shatter on the floor. I bend down to pick it up but I hear Louis saying "What are you doing Liam? Don't pick up shattered glass with your bear hands" I jump and say "Iii wanted a drink but my hands are really shaky I don't know why." Louis says "Go and sit down. I'll get you some water" I nod and stumble my way to the main area.

When I get to the main area of the bus I sit down and I hear Niall saying "Li what's going on?" I shrug and say "I feel really disoriented and dizzy. I need a drink then I think I will be fine. Louis was getting me one because I dropped a glass on the floor and it smashed" Niall nods and wraps an arm around me. I lean into him as Louis brings through a glass of water. He hands it to me and I carefully take a few sips and Louis says "Are you ok?" I shrug "I don't know. Iiisss tthe floor cleean?" Louis nods and says "Yeah it is" I nod which was a bad idea.

Niall's pov

Liam has just fallen to the floor and started to have a grand mal seizure. I immediately start the timer and both me and Louis manage to push the table out of the way. Louis says "I'll go wake Harry and get him some clean clothes" I nod and I make sure that Liam is not going to injure himself. I think back to see why he had a seizure and I remember that Liam went to sleep without taking his medication. I sigh and look down at my watch it has been 1 minute 30 seconds since he started his seizure. I look back at him and see a large wet spot on his jogging bottoms still expanding. About a minute later Liam starts groaning and I stop the timer I look at my watch and say "Two minutes thirty two seconds" Liam groans again and I say "Come on buddy keep coming round" Liam groans one last time before his eyes open "Hey buddy." Liam says "Wh..what happened?" I say "You had a seizure buddy" Liam says "Grand mal?" I nod and Liam says "Did I you know" I nod knowing what he is talking about I notice a tear slipping down his face I say "Do you feel ready to sit up" he shakes his head "I still feel a little dizzy" I say "That's fine buddy. We will take it slowly"

A couple of minutes later Louis and Harry comes out Louis holding some clean joggers and boxers for Liam. Louis hands me them "Thanks. His seizure lasted for two minutes thirty two seconds" they nod and Harry says "Can I go back to bed?" I nod and Louis says "Will you be good if I go back to bed too" I nod and say "Yeah. I'll stay with him"

Harry and Louis nods and they go back to bed. I say to Liam "Do you want help?" He nods and I pull off his soaked joggers and say to him "I am about to take off your boxers alright" Liam nods and hides his face in his hands I quickly pull off his boxers and I carefully move him over and I put some clean boxers on him. I put his clean joggers on and say "Dk you feel ready to stand up?" Liam nods and I help him up. He grips onto me. I help him over to the sofa and I say "I am just going to get the cleaning supplies. I'll be two minutes" Liam nods and I go and grab the cleaning supplies. I go back to the main area and I clean up the spot on the floor. I quickly take the cleaning supplies back and I go back to Liam. He says "Niall can I have a hug please" I nod and sit I next to Liam. He curls into my side and I say "Get some sleep buddy" he says "I don't wanna another seizure again. I don't like them" before he falls asleep.

The next morning no one's pov

When Liam woke up the next morning Niall made sure that Liam had his dosage of medication right after he had breakfast so they didn't forget. Luckily for the rest of the day Liam didn't have any more grand mal seizures but he had a few absences seizures that never lasted for more than a minute. Each time he had an absences seizure Niall was always there to make sure he would be fine afterwards

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