Liam paralysed (request)

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Prompt- where Liam gets paralysed and the other boys help him

Requested by- LisaW00

Liam's pov

The band has just started. I am really surprised that I got through and I got put in the band with the other boys since I am paralysed and in a wheelchair. I have been paralysed since the beginning of 2009 when we got into a terrible car accident. The car accident broke my back and I haven't been able to move since. I can move my arms but I can't move or feel my legs. Niall and I have grown quite close and I think I might have a crush on him. I'm not going to tell him though. He wouldn't want someone like me. All of the boys have been very helpful by helping me around the house.

We have just finished our first live performance and we are in the car on the way back to the X-factor house. It is only me and Niall awake. Niall says to me "How are you feeling Liam?" I shrug and say "I don't know. I'm tired but I'm alright." Niall pulls me so my head is laying on his shoulder and he says "Get some sleep Li. I'll wake you when we get to the house" I nod and close my eyes. Just before I fall asleep I feel Niall pressing a kiss to my forehead. I feel my lips curl up into a smile before I fall asleep properly

Niall's pov

Liam has just fallen asleep. I gently press a kiss on his forehead. I see a small smile on his face. He is the cutest. I might have a little crush on him but I don't know how or if to tell him. I need to speak to one of the boys about it later. Once we get to the house I shake Louis and he opens his eyes. I say "Could you get Liam's wheelchair out of the boot whilst I wake the others up?" Louis nods and gets out of the car. I quickly wake up Harry and Zayn before I gently rub up and down Liam's arm. I say to him "Li wake up" Liam's eyes slowly opens I say "Let's get you in your chair and we will get you up to bed" Liam nods. I get out of the car and help Liam into his wheelchair. I push Liam into the house. Once we are in I push him to the stairs. I say to him "Going to carry you now" Liam nods and I gently lift him up. I carefully carry him upstairs and into our room. I put Liam on his bed and cover him with the duvet. Liam instantly is asleep. I smile and kiss his forehead again.

I carefully stand up and I see Louis smiling at me. He says "You have a crush on him don't you?" I shrug and say "Maybe" Louis says "You need to tell him. He likes you too. I can tell by the way he looks at you" I shrug and say "I'm not sure Louis. I don't want to make anything awkward if he doesn't like me" Louis rolls his eyes. He says "I'll talk to him if you want" I shake my head and say "It's alright. He probably won't say anything he is still quite shy" Louis nods and he says "Think about telling him" I nod.

A couple of days later still Niall's pov

Liam has been more reserved than usual. He barely talks to anyone and he is quite often on his phone. All of us except Liam is downstairs having some breakfast. He said he needed to call his mum and he would text when he has finished. I am quite worried about him. I have finished my breakfast and I say "I'm going to go and check on Liam" the others nod and I go upstairs. I am about to open the door and I hear him crying and talking to someone. I hear him say "I don't know what to do mum. He is so kind to me. I think I have a crush on him" I feel a bit jealous of who ever Liam has a crush on until I hear him say "Niall is so kind to me. He will never like me back mum. He will never love someone like me" My heart instantly breaks when Liam says that.

Liam's pov

My mum says "You will never know until you try Liam." I say "But who would love me I can't even stand up or walk on my own." My mum says "Li you are perfect the way you are. Everything happens for a reason" I wipe my eyes furiously trying to stop my tears. I hear a knock on my door I say to my mum "Someone is at the door. I'll call you back later." Mum says "Alright Liam speak to you later" mum ends the call.

I say "Come in" Niall opens the door. He walks in and he shuts the door behind him. Then he sits next to me on the bed and says "Are you alright Li?" I shrug. Niall says "I have something to tell you Li" I look at him and say "What do you need to tell me?" Niall says "Li there is this very special person to me. I think I might have a crush on him" my heart breaks knowing Niall has a crush on someone and I am probably not it. I say "Do I know this person" Niall nods and says "You will definitely know this person really well. He has the most amazing puppy brown eyes, the softest brown hair. He is so cute." Niall starts to lean in and he says just before his lips hit mine "He is paralysed but I don't care about that." He kisses me on the lips. I instantly kiss back. He breaks the kiss and says "It's you Liam. I have a crush on you." I smile and say "But how can you love someone like me. I can't do anything for myself" Niall says "Li I don't care about the fact you are paralysed. I like you for you." I start crying happy tears and Niall hugs me "Why are you crying Liam?" I say "They are happy tears. I'm so happy" Niall smiles and says "I'm glad you are happy Li" he pulls back and wipes my tears away.

Niall's pov

I'm so glad I told him. I say to him "Shall we go downstairs and get you something to eat?" Liam nods and I gently lift him up. I carefully carry him downstairs and to the kitchen. I put him on a chair next to Harry. I ask Liam "What would you like for breakfast Liam?" Liam just shrugs and says "Just some toast please" I nod and put some bread in the toaster. Louis comes over to me and says quietly "You told him then?" I nod Louis asks "How did it go?" I respond "We kissed. I haven't asked him yet." Louis says "Ask him then" I respond "I will later" Louis nods as the toast pops up. I ask Liam "What would you like on your toast Liam?" Liam responds "Just butter please" I nod and put butter on Liam's toast. I give Liam his toast and I sit next to him. He starts to eat his toast.

After breakfast I help Liam into his wheelchair and I say to him "Let's go to the garden" Liam nods and I push his wheelchair out to the garden. Once we are in the garden I push Liam over to a bench and I sit on the bench next to Liam. I say to Liam "I was meant to ask you before we left the room but I forgot. Will you go out with me?" Liam smiles and nods "Yes I will" I hug Liam and gently kiss him on the lips. Liam instantly kisses back. I break the kiss and rest my forehead on his and we both smile.

That night Liam fell asleep quite early the rest of us are awake just chatting. The boys know that Liam and I are going out and they are supportive and said that they would help us hide it for a while. I look over at Liam hearing him muttering in his sleep. I see that Liam is getting restless and he starts to throw his arms about. I walk over to his bed and gently shake him "Li wake up it is just a dream" his eyes open and he lets out a whimper cry. I lay next to him and pull him into a hug. I pull him to me and he buries his face in my neck and soon I feel tears hitting my neck. I gently rub his back and say "Do you want to talk about your dream." He shakes his head I nod. Soon I hear Liam's breathing even out as he falls back asleep clutching onto me.

A few days later Liam's pov

Niall and I have grown even closer. I can't believe that he likes me for who I am. All the boys have been very helpful always helping Niall get me around the house or the stage if I need help. We are currently rehearsing for the live show. I can barely keep up today. My arms are already aching from wheeling the wheelchair by myself. I feel someone's eyes on me and I look over at the other boys and see Niall watching me. He comes over to me and says "You alright?" I shrug and say "My arms ache that's all" Niall nods and pushes me the rest of the way over to the other boys.

At the end of rehearsal we are out in the gated area meeting some fans. Niall is pushing me in my wheelchair. Most of the fans have been supportive about me being paralysed but there are a few that say I shouldn't be in the band. Sometimes I agree with them. Especially today. I couldn't even wheel myself over to the rest of the boys. I can't keep up with the moves or position. I have signed a few autographs for some of the fans. Some of them didn't want me to sign anything which I understand. When we get to the end someone hands me a note and she says "Read it later" I nod and say "Alright" I put the note in my pocket.

Once we get back to the house I asked Niall if he could take me up to our room so I could call my mum. Niall agreed and asked me if I wanted him to wait for me or if I would text him when I was finished. I told him I would text him and he left me alone in our room. I take out the note from my pocket and unfold it. I read 'Liam you shouldn't be in the band. You always mess everything up because you are useless. You can't keep up with the boys and you can't sing. No one likes you so just leave the band.' I feel tears rolling down my face.

I grab my phone and call my mum. She answers and says "Hello Liam" I say "I wanna go home." My mum asks "Why do you want to go home Liam? I thought this was your dream" I say "It is but no one like me" I start crying and mum says "Li from what I have seen the boys love you especially Niall." I say "No. I got a note from a fan earlier saying 'Liam you shouldn't be in the band. You always mess everything up because you are useless. You can't keep up with the boys and you can't sing. No one likes you so just leave the band.' I should leave the band mum. I can't keep up with the other boys" soon I am crying so much I can't talk or really hear anything that my mum is saying. I hear just about my mum saying "Niall will be at the door in a couple of minutes. I texted him saying there is something wrong" I just continue to sob hard.

I feel arms wrap around me. I know who it is instantly and I cling onto him. Niall gently rubs my back and asks "What has you so upset babe?" I hand him the note. After he finishes reading it I feel him hug me tighter and hear him say "You are not useless and there is loads of people who love you and you inspire everyday."

Niall's pov just before he walks into the room

I get a text from Liam's mum saying 'Go up to Liam. There is something wrong.' I say to the other boys "I'm going to see if Liam is alright. He has been up there for a while" the others nod and I go upstairs and walk into our room hearing him sobbing. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. He instantly clings onto me and I rub his back. I ask him "What's got you so upset babe?" He hands me the note he got given and I read it 'Liam you shouldn't be in the band. You always mess everything up because you are useless. You can't keep up with the boys and you can't sing. No one likes you so just leave the band.' I hug him tighter and say to him "You are not useless and there is loads of people who love you and you inspire everyday." I gently kiss him on the head and he slowly starts to calm down only letting out the occasional whimper.

I pick up his phone that he dropped on the bed and say "Here babe. I think you scared your mum" I hand him his phone and he puts his phone on speaker and he says "I'm alright now mum. Niall calmed me down" I smile at him and his mum says "I heard. Niall is right you know. You inspire people everyday. You physically can't move without your wheelchair or people carrying you but you are still following your dream." Liam smiles. I grab my phone and go on Twitter and find the tweet I liked. I say to Liam "Li I saw this tweet earlier on from someone else who is paralysed it says 'Liam is such an incredible person. He is an inspiration to anyone who has any sort of disability hidden or physical. He proves that even if you are paralysed you can still follow your dreams. I am paralysed as well and I always thought I had to give up my dream of becoming a dancer but he has taught me to never give up on any dream' see you are an inspiration to people." Liam smiles and his mum says to me "Thank you so much for making my boy feel so much better about himself Niall." I say "It's alright Mrs Payne. I'll do anything to make Liam feel better about himself." Liam's mum says "Niall call me Karen. Mrs Payne makes me feel old" Liam laughs and I say "Alright Mrs. I mean Karen"

A few weeks later no one's pov

All the boys helped Niall and Liam keep their relationship a secret for as long as possible. They always made sure that Liam always felt like he was included in everything even if he couldn't physically do it. Niall is never too far away from Liam always making sure that Liam is comfortable and making sure that he is feeling great about himself.

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