Liam hurt whist filming best song ever

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Liam's pov

We are filming Best Song Ever. It is the second day of filming. Yesterday I got hit on the head with a cardboard thing by Harry. That hurt a little and Harry felt really bad when I told him that.

I am about to push Niall in the trolly so he can throw papers everywhere and as I go round the table I smack my knee on the corner of the table I continue though so it looks like I haven't just hurt myself. Niall throws papers everywhere and I slip on one and I fall over on my back. I laugh and Niall says "You ok Liam?" I nod and stand up with Niall's help. Niall says "You sure?" I nod and we continue shooting which makes my knee hurt more.

Once we finish shooting I pull off my jeans and I see that I have cut my knee open and I am bleeding. Just looking at it is making my knee hurt more. Niall walks in and gasps "Li when did that happen?" I respond "I walked into the table when I pushed you round in the trolly and now my knee hurts." Niall nods and grabs the first aid kit. He gently cleans up my knee and I gasp in pain. Niall says "Sorry Li I don't want to hurt you" I nod and say "I know Niall. Owww" Niall takes my hand with his spare hand and I grip it as he cleans up my knee. He says "That is a deep cut Liam. We need to get you to the hospital." I nod and Niall wraps a bandage around my knee. I put on some joggers before we leave the room.

Niall says to the boys "We need to get Liam to the hospital. Liam has cut his knee open. It is quite deep and long as well." The other boys nod and Louis says "Are you alright Liam" I nod and Zayn asks "Are you sure?" I nod again and we go to the van. Niall tells Paul "we need to get Liam to a hospital. He has cut his knee open and it is deep and long" Paul nods and drives us to the closest hospital

Once they get to the hospital Niall's pov

When we get to the hospital I take Liam in whilst the others stay in the van. As we phoned ahead the doctor pulls us straight into the room. The doctor says "What happened then?" Liam responds "I smacked my knee into a corner of the table and cut it open" the doctor nods and asks "Could I take a look at your knee?" Liam nods and pulls up the leg of his joggers to his thigh. The doctor puts on gloves and takes off the bandage that I put on Liam's knee. He looks at the cut on his knee and says "It is still bleeding slightly. I'm just going to clean it up" Liam shakes his head "Niall has already did it. I don't want to have it cleaned again it hurt" I say to him whilst rubbing his back "The doctor needs to make sure I cleaned it properly" Liam nods and the doctor puts some saline solution on a gauze and starts to gently clean Liam's knee. Liam grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. The doctor says noticing Liam's pained expression "Almost done Liam." I nod and the doctor finishes cleaning up Liam's wound and says "He needs stitches. That cut is quite deep" I nod and the doctor gets the stuff for the stitches.

About five minutes later the doctor arrives with the equipment used for stitches. Liam buries his face in my chest and the doctor numbs the area that has the wound. The doctor stitches up Liam's knee and says "The stitches should dissolve on their own" I nod and the doctor says "He is free to go." I nod and look down at Liam and see he has fallen asleep. I gently pick him up and say "Thank you for everything doctor" the doctor nods and says "Your welcome" I carefully carry Liam out to the van.

I carefully put Liam in his seat and strap him in before I sit next to him and strap myself in. I carefully move Liam so he has his head on my shoulder and Harry says "Is he alright?" I nod and say "He had to have stitches on his knee" everyone nods and Paul drives us to the hotel.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Liam's stitches dissolved after about a week and he felt much better. He thanked Niall for looking after him whilst he was getting his stitches.

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