Prompt- Liam hurt whilst they we skydiving
Requested by-1D_luvs_spoons
There is a video of how the iFLY works after the picture if you wanted to watch it.
Liam's pov
We have just finished our up all night tour. Today we have a full day off and we have all decided to go indoor skydiving. I hope we will be fine doing it though. We are just about to leave. We get into Louis' car and Louis drives us to iFLY. When we get there we sign in and we go and watch the group that is in go. I suddenly get a bad feeling in my gut. What if something goes wrong? Zayn says to me "You alright Liam? You have been very quiet" I nod and they call us to the class room
They explain everything we need to know and then we go and get our gear on. We follow the instructor to the flight chamber and we watch the last group do their flight before we get asked by the instructor "Right then who wants to go in first?" Louis responds "I will" the instructor nods and helps Louis in the flight chamber. I say quietly "Can I go last please?" They all nod and decide that Zayn then Harry then Niall then me would go in. We all watch Louis get flown around with a massive smile on his face. Once Louis finished Zayn goes in and Louis stands by me and says to me "You'll love it Li. You don't need to worry" I nod and watch Zayn.
After Zayn finishes Harry goes in and Zayn says to me "You'll be fine Liam. Don't need to look so worried" I nod and watch Harry fly around. I am getting more and more nervous as the time goes on. I have a horrible feeling something could go wrong and knowing my luck it will happen to me. So far all the boys has loved doing the indoor skydiving. Harry comes out and Niall goes in Harry says to me "You'll be fine. Nothing has happened to any of us" I nod and we all watch Niall fly around. I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves because it is me next.
When Niall comes out he pats me on the shoulder and says "Go on you can do it. It is really fun" I nod and the instructor leads me into the flight chamber he helps me to get into the air and he gently holds onto me for a while before he lets go and I am starting to really enjoy this. About a couple of minutes later I start to get blown towards the wall and I crash into it. I feel my ankle crack from the force of going into the wall. The instructor helps me back to the middle and out of the flight chamber. The instructor asks me "Are you alright?" I nod
Niall's pov
Liam has just gone in. He is looking a bit tense so the instructor is keeping a hand on him until he starts to relax then the instructor lets go of him and he flies for a little bit before he gets blown into the wall and he looks like he is in pain. The instructor brings him back to the middle and he helps Liam out. The instructor asks Liam "Are you alright?" Liam nods the instructor nods and we all take off our gear and we go and get our certificates.
We go back to Louis car. As soon ad we get to the car and sat down in the car Liam let's out a quite whimper that only I hear since I am sat in the middle next to Harry and Liam. I say to him "Li are you sure you are alright?" Liam shakes his head and says "My ankle hurts badly" I nod and Louis says "I'm driving to the hospital to get your ankle checked out" Liam nods and Louis drives to the hospital and I help Liam out and we get taken straight to a privet ward since we rang up on the way. The nurse checks Liam's ankle and the nurse says "I think your ankle is broken. I'll get an x-ray"
After the X-ray still Niall's pov
The doctor comes in and says "His ankle is broken. What colour cast would you like Liam?" Liam responds "Red" the doctor nods and puts the cast on and he says "You'll need to come back in 6 week to get your ankle checked" we both nod and go to the car.
6 weeks later no one's pov
Liam got his cast off and felt much better and thanked the boys for looking after him whilst he has his cast on.
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