Liam's pov
We have just finished our on the road again tour and I am feeling pretty stupid right now. Harry, Louis and Niall all got the flu vaccine but I didn't. I don't like needles. I pretended to but now I think I have the flu. Niall (my boyfriend) has gone out, I forgot that he was going out until I went to cuddle into him because I was cold, with his friends. It is only Harry and Louis in the house with me. I want Niall with me. I grab a tissue and I start sneezing into the tissue.
I stumble my way downstairs and I say "What time is Niall going to be home?" Louis looks over at me and says "He'll be back just before dinner." I look at the clock and see it is just before lunch. I feel a tear slip down my face. Harry says "Li. He'll be back before you know it. You don't need to cry." I start crying for some reason and I say "I don't feel well. I want Niaall" Louis says "I'll try and call him but I am not sure if he will answer" I nod and Louis tries to call Niall. After a few moments Louis puts the phone down and says "I'll try again later" I start crying again "I want Niall" Harry tries to hug me but I curl up into myself "I want Niall"
Louis pov
Liam has just cried himself to sleep. I go over to him and I take a proper look at his face "He does look sick. We both know that he will only let Niall touch him when he is sick." Harry nods and says "Why don't we try and call Niall again?" I nod and I grab my phone and I try to ring him. He doesn't pick up so I try again a few times but he doesn't answer. I say to Harry "He didn't answer. I don't want disturb him but I also want him to know Liam is sick." Harry nods and says "Maybe leave a voice mail." I nod.
I ring Niall again and it goes strait through to the voice mail. I say "Niall. Sorry to bother you on you day out with your friends. Liam is sick. Probably the flu or something. He is asleep but when he was awake he wouldn't let me or Harry touch him. He keeps on calling for you. Please call when you have time. See you later" the message gets sent to Niall and I say "We just need to wait now."
Half an hour later Liam starts to wake up and says "I want Niall" I respond "I know bud. I tried to call him but he didn't answer so I have left a voice mail for him." Liam curls into himself more and shivers. I grab a blanket from the cupboard. I go into the medicine cabinet and grab the thermometer. I go back out and say to Liam "If you want the blanket you have got to let me test your temperature" Liam nods and I put the thermometer in his ear and I press the button. "38 exactly Li" I put the blanket around Liam and he says "I want Niall"
About 5 minutes later still Louis pov
My phone begins to ring. I grab it and see Niall is ringing me. I answer the phone and say "Hey Ni" Niall responds "Sorry I was in the movies. How's Liam? You said he's sick" I respond "Yeah he is. I think he has the flu" Niall responds "We all had the fl... I bet Liam didn't have the flu jab. I bet he wishes he did now. I'll be home soon. I just need to let my friends know. I should be home in about about ten minutes" I say "Niall don't cut your day short" Niall responds "We had pretty much finished now anyways. I'll be home soon. Let Liam know for me" I responds "Of course" the call ends and I say to Liam gently "Li, Niall said he is going to be home soon" he nods and rubs his eyes.
Niall's pov
I have just finished on the phone to Louis. I go back over to my friends and one of them, Adam, says "Is Liam ok?" I shake my head and say "Liam probably has the flu and when he is sick he doesn't let anyone touch him except for me. Sorry I need to get home now. Can we meet up again?" Adam nods and says concerned "Liam's health is more important. Of course we can meet up. When Liam is better" I nod and say "Thanks. I'm heading home now" they nod and I start to head home.
Once I am home I open the front door and hear Liam's heartbreaking sobs. I go into the living room and I say "Li. Please stop crying" Liam looks up and he gets off the sofa and comes over to me. I hug him and he hides his face in my neck. I slowly lead him back over to the sofa. I sit down and he sits on my lap. "He feels warm. What was his fever earlier?" I ask who ever would answer "38 exactly" I nod and say "I'll take him up to bed and I'll take the thermometer so I can keep an eye on his fever" the others nod and I gently pick Liam up and I carefully grab the thermometer.
I carry Liam upstairs and into our room. I lay him down in the bed and I put the thermometer in his ear and press the button "38.4. It is slowly climbing higher. Li I'm just going to get a cold cloth for your forehead" Liam shakes his head but I leave the room quickly and I go into the bathroom. I grab a cloth and run it under cold water. I grab the bowl from under the sink to fill up so I don't have to keep on going to the bathroom. I carefully make my way back to our bedroom.
I quietly open our door and I place the bowl on the bedside table. I see Liam has got his eyes closed. I place the cold cloth on Liam's forehead. Liam jumps at the contact and opens his eyes "NiNi it's cold" I rub his stomach and say "I know babe. It needs to be cold" Liam cuddles into me and he falls asleep.
About half an hour later still Niall's pov
Liam begins to whimper and get restless in his sleep I gently shake Liam "Li babe wake up, it's just a dream" I shake Liam more and he shoots up and looks around. I say to him "Li are you ok?" Liam shakes his head and starts crying. I pull him to my chest and he cried into my chest. I gently rub his back and I gently rock him "Shhhh. It's ok" Liam clutched his hands in his fists on my top and says still crying "Never leave me" I rub his back and say "I will never leave you. I promise. Get some more rest babe. I'll be here when you wake up" Liam shakes his head "No. Don't leave me" I say "I won't leave you Li I will be here. I promise."
I start singing to him hoping that he will fall asleep again. "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me.
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I'll love them endlessly.
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do it's you oh it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all your little things
You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversation are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me.
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh you still have to squeeze into your jeans but your perfect to me
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you it's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all your little things
You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you and you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to if I let you know that I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I love you oh
And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's you oh it's you it's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all these little things
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you it's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all your little things." By the time I finish the song Liam is sound asleep snoring because of his blocked up nose.
A few minutes later Louis comes up and says "How is he?" I respond "He is quite congested and he has just fallen back asleep after a nightmare and he feels quite warm as well" Louis nods and says "what was his fever when you checked?" I respond "38.4. So I have put a cold cloth on his head
Over the next week Liam has had lots of rest, water and lost of cuddles. He is feeling better. I have been washing my hands at every chance I got. So I luckily didn't catch the flu. I am glad he is better.
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