Liam's pov
We have just finished our take me home tour and we are board. We are currently playing truth or dare. It is my turn now and Louis says "Liam truth or dare" I respond "Dare" but I instantly regret the decision because of the look on Louis' face "I dare you to climb up that tree" I look to where he is pointing and I see that he is pointing to the tallest tree in the garden. My eyes widen but I know I have to do it otherwise Louis will have a worse forfeit dare for me to do. I go over to the tree and gulp. Louis says to me "Go on Liam you can do it" I nod and start to climb up the tree slowly.
Once I am near the top I stop and look down and I freeze noticing how high I am. "You can come down now Liam" I hear someone shout but I shake my head and grip the tree "Liam are you alright?" I hear someone else shout I shake my head again and whimper "Li come down slowly" I shake my head again
Louis pov
Liam looks terrified up there. I feel bad for causing this "LIAM COME DOWN. WE WON'T LET YOU FALL" I say but he sakes his head again. I am about to climb up the tree a but Zayn stops me "We don't need two people stuck up the tree" I sigh and say "I need to help him. I dared him to climb up the tree. I need to help get him down" I start to climb the tree. When I am half way up I say to Liam "Li come on bud grab my hand" Liam sakes his head and grips onto the tree. I hold back onto the tree and say "Why not Liam? Don't you want to get down?" He nods. I extend my hand to Liam again but he shakes his head. I realise he is frozen to the spot. I climb up more of the tree "Liam you'll be ok. Just come down the way you came up. You'll be fine I won't let anything happen to you and nether will the others I promise. Here watch me" he nods and watches me go down the tree "Come on Liam. We won't let you fall" Liam nods and starts to climb back down the tree.
Liam's pov
After I watch Louis climb down the tree I slowly start to climb down. When I am about a quarter of the way down I feel the branch break beneath me and I fall. I scream as I start to fall. I land on my arm and I felt it snap. Then nothing.
Louis pov
I hear a branch snap and Liam screaming I look over in time to see Liam falling. He falls on his arm and he goes very quite. We all run over to him and I see he is passed out with blood coming from his head "Zayn call an ambulance" I tell him because I know Zayn can't handle blood very well. Zayn nods and I say to Harry "Haz, go and get a clean towel from the bathroom quickly. It doesn't matter on the colour" Harry nods and runs inside and returns within 2 minutes and he hands me the cloth. I gently press it to Liam's head trying to figure out where the bleeding is coming from without moving him. Zayn comes over and says "The ambulance will be here in 5 minutes. I am going to wait for them and bring them back here" I nod and Zayn runs off to the front of the house.
5 minutes later still Louis pov
Zayn comes back followed by the paramedics. The paramedics carefully lift Liam onto the stretcher. One of the paramedics say, "One of you can come with him" I look round and say "I'll go, it's my fault he is like this" Harry says "It is not your fault Louis" I nod and follow the paramedics towards the ambulance.
When they get to the hospital still Louis pov
The doctors has told me to stay out in the waiting room. About 30 minutes later Zayn, Harry and Niall come over to me and says "How's Liam?" I shrug "The doctors took Liam back about half an hour ago and I haven't received any news on Liam. I am worried about him" Niall sits next to me and says "I am sure he is going to be fine" I nod.
2 hours later still Louis pov
The nurse comes out and says "Liam Payne" we all stand up and walk over to the nurse "How is he?" The nurse takes us into a privet room and says "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" I look at the others "Good news" The nurse nods and says "Liam is awake luckily. With a fall that high most of the time they end up in a coma. The bad news is that Liam has got a concussion and probably some sort of memory loss but it will be minor if any at all. He has also had stitches on his head to help heal the cut on his head. He has also broken his arm in two places when he landed. He is very lucky not many people that have a fall that high get out of that without more injuries or a coma or more severe memory loss. We are going to keep him here for tonight and possibly tomorrow night as well depending on how well his body reacts to the medicine that will start to help his concussion " I nod "Can we see him please?" The nurse nods and takes us to Liam's room
I sit by Liam's bed and gently take his hand not in the cast. Liam's eyes flutter open. I smile at him and say gently so I don't aggravate Liam's headache too much "How you feeling bud?" Liam looks up at me and smiles "Lou?" I gently rub his knuckles "Yeah bud. We are all here. I'm sorry we didn't keep our promise to you about not letting you fall" Liam squeezes my hand and says "It doesn't matter Lou. I'm fine just got a concussion and a broken arm but I will be fine. I promise. Stop blaming yourself." I nod and say "What do you remember about that fall?" Liam looks away and says "I remember we were playing truth or dare and you dared me to climb up the tallest tree so I did and I was to scared to come down but you helped me and the branch snapped and I remember hearing my arm snap before I blacked out" Liam looks at us and says "Louis it is not your fault that I fell. I should have payed attention." I smile at him and say "I know but I dared you to climb up that tree" Liam shakes his head but winces "Li don't move your head it will hurt your head more" Liam says "When can I get out of here?" We all laugh and I say "You have to stay here for tonight and possibly tomorrow night as well" Liam groans and I say "What's wrong? Do you need pain medication?" Liam says "No I don't need any pain medication at the moment but I don't want to stay in the hospital. I hate the hospital. I wanna go home" I gently rub his knuckles and say "They just want to make sure that you are ok Liam. You might be able to come home tomorrow" Liam gives me a puppy look "I wanna go home today" I gently smooth his hair with the hand Liam is not gripping "I know you do bud, but if you go home tonight without the proper medical attention then your concussion could get a lot worse" Liam sighs and says "Fine but at least one of you has to stay with me." I sigh knowing the hospital probably won't allow it but I say "We will try but you are over eighteen so you might have to stay on your own" Liam looks up at me with tear filled eyes and I say "We will try our best but I'm not promising anything" Liam nods and looks away.
About an hour later the doctor comes in "Hi Liam how are you feeling?" Liam shrugs his shoulders and says "I hurt everywhere" The nurse puts an iv drip with pain medication in Liam's arm and the doctor says "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over and Liam is over eighteen so he has to stay alone" I feel Liam grip onto my hand tighter. I look down at Liam and see he has got tears falling down his face. I gently rub his knuckles and say to him "We will be back first thing tomorrow morning" Liam shakes his head and whispers "I don't want to be alone" I pull him into a side hug and say "Liam I promise we will be back tomorrow morning" Liam shakes his head and says "I want someone to stay" Liam holds my top tightly with his good hand. I look up at the others and say "What am I meant to do? He's not letting go." Niall comes over and gently tries to pry Liam's hand off my top but Liam clutches on tighter and cries more. The nurse comes back in and says "I told my boss how upset he was and she agreed that only this once someone can stay with him and it might be useful if we have a familiar face here for when we need to check on him later then he might let us check him" I nod and Harry looks at me and says "You stay with Liam. We will be back tomorrow morning." I nod relived that someone could stay with Liam. The others leave the room and I gently rub Liam's back "Hey, Liam calm down. I'm staying with you now." I gently rock him and he eventually calms down and pulls away from me and I wipe the remaining tears off his face "Don't leave me" I smile at Liam and say "I'm staying Li bud don't worry"
During the night still Louis pov
I get woken up by the door opening and I see a nurse standing at the door "I need to check Liam" I nod and quietly go over to the bed and gently try to wake him up. I gently rub his arm and say "Li you need to wake up buddy" he groans but opens his eyes and looks at me "Why do I need to wake up?" I gently rub his back and say "The doctor need to check you Liam sighs but let's the doctor check him. Once the doctor is done Liam says "Can I go back to sleep now?" The nurse smiles and nods and Liam lays back down and instantly falls asleep. I go back over to the chair I was sitting on and I fall asleep
The next morning Liam's pov
I wake up at 6am and see I am at the hospital. I look round for someone but I don't see anyone. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I start crying. I don't know why. I feel someone pull me towards them and I look up. I see Louis and I start crying more "Hey what's wrong Liam?" I continue to cry and say "I-I-I thought y-y-you left mee" I feel Louis running his fingers through my hair and say to him "I won't leave you buddy" I cuddle into Louis side more and say "Don't leave me alone at the hospital" Louis smiles at me and says "I won't. How are you feeling today?" I shrug and say "My head feels better my arm hurts though" Louis smiles at me and says "I'm glad you are feeling better now"
A couple of hours later Louis pov
The others arrived about an hour ago and the nurse has just come in "Morning how are you feeling today Liam?" Liam shrugs and says "My head doesn't hurt that much any more but my arm hurts a bit" the nurse nods and checks Liam and says "Your concussion seems to be healing well and so does the cut on your head. You can go home tonight. As for the pain in your arm you can take paracetamol" Liam nods and says "Can I go home?" The nurse nods and says to the rest of us "Keep a close eye on Liam for the next twenty-four hours" I nod and we go to the car.
Over the next few weeks we all helped Liam with anything he needed unless he could do it himself. 8 weeks later Liam is out of his cast and feeling much better.
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