Requested by 1D_luvs_spoons
Harry's pov
Today me and Liam has decided to go to the gum to workout. We have been here for about an hour and a half now. Both me and Liam are on a treadmill next to each other. I say to Liam out of breath "How much longer should we be working out for?" He says sounding even more out of breath than me "half an hour" He puts up his speed as high as It can go. I say "Li I think you should slow down" he shakes his head and says "I will be fine. I promise" I nod and leave him to it.
Half an hour later. I say "Liam I think we should finish now. We have been working out for two hours now" he nods and turns off the treadmill. He comes off and I hand him a bottle of water. He quickly downs the whole bottle and we both go and shower. Once we have showered and changed into comfy clothes we start to make our way back to the hotel room. Liam suddenly stops halfway up the last flight of stairs and grips the banister tightly and he has his eyes closed. "Li babe are you ok?" He shakes his head and says "M dizzy. Make it stop Harry" I nod and say "Li only a few more stairs. Do you think you could make it up them?" He shakes his head. I gently lift him up and carry him up the rest of the stairs.
When we are at the top of the stairs I put him down and say "Li can you open your eyes for me?" He shakes his head and falls against the wall. I help him down to the floor and say "Li are you ok?" He shakes his head and opens his eyes "The world is spinning. M feel dizzy" I grab my phone and call Paul "Hello Harry are you ok?" I respond "No not really Paul. Me and Liam has just finished working out and we are on our floor for our room but Liam says he is dizzy and the world is spinning. Could you come and help me please I don't know what to do" Paul says "I'll be there in a few minutes. Is Liam sat down?" I say "Yeah he is." Paul says "Keep him talking so he doesn't faint" I nod and say "Please hurry" the call ends and I notice that Liam's eyes are closed "Li open your eyes for me" he says "M dizzy though" I say "I know you are but you need to open your eyes for me" he opens his eyes but instantly closes them again "Li keep them open please" he says "No M dizzy, makes me feel worse" I think to myself 'Paul please hurry up'
Paul comes up behind me "Harry is he ok?" I nod and say "He was talking just now." Paul nods and says "Liam bud can you open your eyes for me" he says "No m dizzy" Paul says "I know you are but you need to have some water." He says "I had water in the gym" I say "He downed a whole bottle in the gym." Paul nods and says to Liam "Can you have some more please" Liam shakes his head I say "Li babe it will make you feel better. Please drink some" he nods and opens his eyes and takes the opened bottle of water off Paul. He drinks about half of the water before he gives it back to Paul "M finished" Paul says "How do you feel though?" Liam says "I still feel a little dizzy but no where near as much as earlier" Paul nods and says "I'll leave you two to it then. Call if you need anything?" I nod and Paul goes back down to where he came from.
After a couple of minutes I say to Liam "Do you think you are ready to walk the rest of the way back to our room. We just need to walk down this hallway then we can cuddle in bed" Liam nods and says "You'll have to help me up though" I nod and gently grab his upper arm and pull him to his feet. I pull his arm around my shoulders and I help him back to our room. Once we get back to our room I say "Let's cuddle in bed" he nods and we both crawl into bed and I hold Liam close. Soon I can hear his soft snoring meaning he is asleep. I smile and play on my phone.
The next day no one's pov
Liam felt much better and listened to Harry when they worked out so nothing like that happened to him again.
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