Liam bad migraine (request)

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Requested by- emmalowes1

Prompt- Where Liam has a migraine but he hides it really well but then it gets really bad.

Liam's pov

We have just started our take me home tour. We are having a couple of days off. We only have a couple of interviews and that is really it for about a week. I am really glad about that as well since I have woken up with a terrible headache. I know it is going to turn into a migraine because the pain is only really on the right side of my head. It is about 2:30am and I can't sleep because of the pounding in my skull. I quietly get out of the bunks so I don't wake up the other boys. I slowly walk into the kitchen area. I quickly grab some of my migraine medication and I swallow them down with some water.

I slowly walk back to the bunk room. I carefully get into bed I hear some rustling and Harry's curtains opens. He asks me "Li is that you?" I nod and say "Yeah." Harry nods and asks me "Are you alright babe?" I nod and say "I'm fine. I'm going back to sleep." Harry nods and I lay back down. I draw the curtains and put my arm over my eyes.

A few hours later. I must have fallen asleep. I feel someone shake me. I whine and I hear Harry say "I know babe. We need to get ready for the interview though love' I feel Harry press a kiss to my forehead. I open my eyes and Harry says to me "Come on then babe. Get dressed. I'll meet you out in the main area" I nod but that was a bad idea as my head starts to throb. Harry leaves the bunk area and I slowly sit up I hold my hand on my head in pain. It feels like Josh is using my brain as his drum kit.

I slowly start to get dressed. Once I am dressed I slowly walk out to the main area of the bus and I lean my head on Harry's shoulder. Harry says to me "You want some breakfast?" I shake my head and Harry asks "Are you sure? Are you feeling alright?" I nod and say "Yeah I'm fine" Harry nods and Paul comes over to us and says "We will be arriving at the interview in a few minutes." We all nod and Paul goes back to the front area of the bus.

I slowly stand up and walk to the kitchen area. I quickly grab my migraine medication and quickly take some. I go back over to Harry and lean my head back on his shoulder Niall asks me "Are you sure you are alright?" I nod and close my eyes to try and block out the light. I hear Harry say "Li you need to stay awake babe." I nod and say "I'm still awake. I just didn't sleep well last night" all the boys nod and Paul comes back in the main area of the bus. "We are here now boys. Straight in there is loads of fans outside. No signing stuff for the fans." Everyone nods and I slowly stand up.

We walk out of the bus and we are instantly met by screams. My head instantly starts pounding more at the noise and the light. I instantly start to feel nauseous. We quickly get ushered into the building by our security. I say "Just going to the toilet" the other boys nod and I rush to the bathroom. I crash to my knees and heave up all of what is in my stomach. About five minutes later I have finally finished and I flush the toilet. I slowly stand up. My head hurts more than it did five minutes ago. I slowly walk to the sinks and wash my hands before I splash water on my face.

I slowly walk out of the bathroom as Harry walks towards the bathroom. He says "There you are Liam. I was beginning to worry about you." I nod slowly.

Harry's pov just before he finds Liam.

I am worried about Liam. He has been gone for about five minutes. I say to the others. "I'm going to go and check on Liam." The others nod and I leave the dressing room. I walk towards the bathroom and I see Liam coming out of the bathroom. I say to him "There you are Liam. I was beginning to worry about you." Liam nods slowly and I say to him "Li are you alright? You are looking very pale" Liam nods slowly again and hides his face in my neck. I ask him "Are you sure you are alright you feel quite warm babe."

I feel him shake his head and he says "I have a headache and I think it can now be classed as a migraine. That is why I was awake at whatever time it was this morning." I say "Oh you poor thing why didn't you tell me earlier? I could have gotten you the day off babe" Liam just whimpers. I say to him "Let's get you back to the dressing room and I will talk to management" I feel Liam nod and he says quietly "Can you carry me? I feel really dizzy." I nod and gently lift Liam off his feet.

I carry him to the dressing room. I put him on the sofa and I sit next to him. He buries his face in my shoulder as management walk through the door. Manager says "Boys it is time for the interview now" I say "Liam has a migraine. He is struggling. Can he stay behind" Our manager says "No he needs to go for the interview. He doesn't look sick." Liam whimpers at the loud noise and he throws up all over himself and me. I say "He has just thrown up all over himself and me. He is not going out there." Liam gags and throws up again. Louis puts a bin under Liam's chin to catch the next few rounds of vomit.

Once Liam is done he is whimpering at how much pain he is in. Management says "He can stay behind. Paul can take him to the bus but you need to go and do the interview." I nod and say "I need to get changed first though." Management nods and I slowly detach myself from Liam. I quickly help him out of his vomit covered clothes before I get changed. Paul says "I'll help him get dressed if he needs it. Your management isn't going to be too pleased if you are late." I nod and quietly leave the room with the other boys.

Paul's pov

I say to Liam quietly "Would you like some help getting dressed buddy?" Liam nods slowly quietly crying to himself. I help Liam to put on a top and then I say to him softly "Li do you think you could stand to put your trousers on?" Liam shakes his head with his eyes shut tight. I go over to the light switch and I turn off the light and shut the curtains to block out all of the light.

I walk back over to Liam and say softly "Li buddy the room is nice and dark. Could you open your eyes for me?" Liam nods and slowly opens his eyes. I say to him "I'll put your trousers on your feet but you will need to stand up for me so you can pull them up" Liam slowly nods and I put his trousers on his feet and then pull them up to his knees and I help Liam to stand up slowly. He whimpers in pain and pulls up his trousers. I say to him "Let's get you to the bus Liam. We can make the bus nice and dark and quiet" Liam nods slowly and says quietly "I'm too dizzy" I nod and gently pick Liam up.

I slowly start to carry Liam out to the bus. As soon as we get outside Liam whimpers and buries his face in my neck. I say to him "We are almost at the bus buddy." I'm glad all of the fans have been told to leave by security otherwise this would take a while and I want to get Liam to the bus as soon as possible. I walk the rest of the way to the bus and I put Liam on the sofa. He instantly buries his face in the arm of the sofa. I turn off the light in the main area and the kitchen area and shut the curtains. I go back over to Liam and say to him quietly "Li when was the last time you took your migraine medication?" He shrugs and says "Probably about an hour ago." I nod and say "You can't have any at the moment then. I'm going to get you a glass of water and then you can get some sleep" Liam nods and I go into the kitchen.

I fill a glass up and take it back to Liam. I say to him "Drink at least half of the water please Liam" Liam nods slowly and slowly drinks about 3/4 of the water. He lays back down and puts his arm over his eyes. I quietly go into the bathroom and run a flannel under cold water. I take it back to Liam and say "Li move your arm buddy" Liam nods and I put the cloth over his eyes. He instantly sighs at the relief the cloth brought him. I say "Get some sleep Liam" Liam slowly nods and falls asleep.

Harry's pov

We are almost finished the interview. Through out this whole interview I have been worrying about Liam this whole interview. I haven't really been paying attention to the interview. About five minutes later the interview has finished. We say goodbye and we leave the stage. I rush straight to the bus. I quietly open the door and we all quickly get on the bus. Zayn shuts the door behind him. I go into the living area and I see Liam laying on the sofa with a flannel over his eyes. Paul says "He has been asleep for about an hour" I nod and gently lift Liam's head and sit down. I gently put Liam's head in my lap and I gently smooth his hair with my hand.

A few days later no one's pov

Liam felt much better after 3 days and he thanked Harry for looking after him. They all get back to their hectic schedule.

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