Liam's pov
We are half way through our take me home tour and we are on the second concert of the entire tour. We are in the O2 arena in London. We are singing one way or another. I am messing around with Louis and I don't see Zayn right behind me. I knock into Zayn which makes him fall down landing on his wrist. I fall down on top of Zayn and hurt my ankle. Louis gives me his hand and helps me up. I wince when I put weight on my left foot. Louis helps Zayn up and he keeps his hand close to his chest I notice that his wrist is quite swollen. I say "I'm sorry Zayn. I wasn't looking where I was going" Zayn ignores me and walks over to the other boys. I look at Louis and he says "I know you didn't mean to Liam. He is just in pain" I nod and Louis continues "How is your leg feeling. You looked like you were in pain when you put weight on your leg." I say "I'm fine. I hurt my ankle but that's about it" Louis says "We will check your ankle once the concert is over" I nod and we go to finish the song with the boys.
At the end of the concert Louis' pov
Liam and Zayn both look like they are in a lot of pain. Zayn sits as far away from us as possible. He hates telling people when he needs help. I say to Liam "Let's check your ankle bud" Zayn says from across the room "His ankle is fine. Liam stop faking an injury when you hurt me." Liam looks down and says "I'm sorry Zayn I honestly didn't mean to. I wasn't paying attention and my ankle really does hurt" Zayn says "Well I have probably got a broken arm because of you not paying attention" I look at Liam and notice a few tears falling down his face "Zayn me and Liam were messing around. He wasn't going to be looking at what's behind him he thought that no one was behind him" Zayn grunts but is silent and I say to Liam "Let's check your ankle bud" he nods and I carefully take off Liam's shoe. He whimpers and cries out in pain. "Shut up Liam" I glare at Zayn and I gently roll up Liam's trouser leg. Niall gently pulls off Liam's sock and I say "Li mate your ankle is swollen." Harry comes over with an ice pack and hands it to me and he says "I'm going to talk to Mr Grumpy over there" I nod and Harry goes over to Zayn.
Zayn's pov
I can't believe Liam is faking an injury to get the attention away from me. They are all over by Liam making sure he isn't in pain. What about me. I am hurt he is faking the injury. I see Harry come over to me "Are you ok Zayn?" I nod and say "Liam is faking that injury. I think my arm is broken because of him" Harry says "Liam isn't faking the injury. He really is hurt. His ankle is swollen. Could I have a look at your arm?" I nod and let Harry have a look. He gently touches where my arm is swelling and I whimper in pain Harry instantly pull his hand away and says "Sorry Zayn. We need to get both you and Liam to a hospital" I say "Liam does not need to go to the hospital. He is faking" Harry says "Zayn go and have a look at Liam's ankle for yourself and tell me is is faking the injury" I say "I don't need to I can see from here and his ankle looks fine" Harry says "I can't be dealing with this. Get to the van and we will take you to a hospital" I nod and stand up. I start to walk to the van
Liam's pov
I see Harry and Zayn leave the room I say "Where are they going" Niall says "Probably to the van" I nod and Louis says "Me and Niall will take one arm each and support you out to the van" I nod and Niall takes my right arm and Louis takes my left arm and they both put it around their shoulders. We eventually manage to get out to the van and Niall and Louis helps me in.
Once we are at the hospital Niall and Louis helps me out and takes me in followed by Harry and Zayn who hasn't said anything more to me. I think he is mad at me. It wasn't my fault we fell over.
A doctor comes over to us and hands a wheelchair for me to sit in Zayn says "He doesn't need it. He is faking" I shake my head and say "I really am not Zayn. My left ankle is almost twice the size of my right one" Zayn rolls his eyes as another doctor checks him over. "You need an x-ray on your arm. Come with me" the doctor takes Zayn away. The doctor that brought the wheelchair so us says "you will need to be examined in a room. Come with me". Louis wheels me into the room that the doctor takes us in and the doctor and Louis helps me on the bed. The doctor examines my ankle and says "I don't think your ankle is broken it is probably just a sprain. We are going to x-ray it just incase though" I nod and the doctor and Louis helps me to get back into the wheelchair and I get taken to the x-ray room.
After the x-ray Louis pov
The doctor comes back in and says "You ankle is just sprained. We will just fit a boot then you can be on your way. Your friend has just been fit with a cast for his broken arm" we nod and the doctor fits Liam for a boot. The doctor hands Liam some crutches and the doctor adjusts them to fit Liam. We leave the room and see Harry in the waiting room. "Zayn and Niall are in the van. How's your ankle Liam?" He says "I just sprained it. How is Zayn?" Harry says "He has broken his arm. He doesn't blame you Liam" he says "But he does though. He says that I am faking my injury" I say to him "He is just in pain" he nods and we go to the van. Zayn says "Li I am so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I was in pain and I don't know why I ever thought you would fake a sprained ankle" Liam smiles and says "I forgive you Zee"
A few weeks later no one's pov
Liam and Zayn are both out of their boot and cast and are both now not in pain. They are all more careful on stage
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