Liam's pov
We are half way through our take me home tour. We are really busy today. I need to make sure I take my medication. We have 5 interviews, a meet and greet, rehearsals and a concert tonight.
The fans now know about my ADHD because I told them just after our up all night tour and most of them were supportive and understood and I helped a lot of fans who also suffers with ADHD. Most of the interviewers we have had has been alright with it and understood but we have had a few that has been a bit harsh towards me though. The boys has always been there to stick up for me though so I don't have to worry about not having someone there for me.
About half way through the first interview Louis pov
Liam isn't paying too much attention and he is staring out at the audience. I nudge him gently just as the interviewer asks him "What is your favourite song on the album Liam?" Liam shrugs and says "I like live while we're young. It is so fun to perform and sing because it is so up beat" the interviewer nods. About three quarters through the interview I notice Liam playing with a loose thread on his jumper. I watch him out of the corner of my eye to make sure hr doesn't break his jumper.
At the end of the interview I make sure Liam takes his medication to help his ADHD. Liam says "Thanks Lou. I almost forgot about taking my medication" I nod and we go to the van.
About a quarter of the way through the 4th interview Zayn's pov
Liam is looking around not really paying attention. The interviewer is looking annoyed at Liam for not paying attention to the interview. I gently tap him as the interviewer asks "Liam where do you see yourself in five years?" Liam says "I don't know. Hopefully still making music with these boys" The interviewer nods and Liam looks out into the audience again.
The interviewer asks "Why aren't you tired of him not paying attention" I say angrily "Because he has ADHD and can't help it. He can't sit still for more than half an hour. Leave him alone" I look over at Liam and see him looking at his lap with tears in his eyes. I rub his back to help comfort him. At the end of the interview Liam is sat very quietly. We all look at each other and Niall sits on the sofa next to him and the I crouch down in front of him, Harry sits on his other side and Louis sits on the floor next to me. I say to him "What's up Liam?" Liam shrugs and says "I always mess everything up. Why aren't you tired of me?" I notice a tear slip down Liam's face and I say "Liam you can't help it can you. The interviewer just doesn't understand. You are our brother and nothing can change that" Liam nods and wipes his eyes. We all pull him into a group hug.
About half way though the meet and greet Harry's pov
Liam is due for his next dose of medication in a few minutes and he is starting to act crazy. The fans are loving it though. I put my hand on Liam's shoulder and whisper to him "Try and calm down a bit Liam" he nods slightly and we continue to do the meet and greet doing poses with the fans. About five minutes before the end Liam is laughing about who knows what we need to get his medication in him soon. Once the meet and greet is over and all the fans are gone I pull Liam back stage and I give him his medication and he swallows it down with water.
About half way through the concert Niall's pov
Liam has been very crazy this concert. He has been running around the stage deliberately messing up the lyrics to make people laugh. Liam starts to come over to me and I wonder what he is going to do now. He puts an arm around my shoulder and whispers "I'm tired now" I nod and whisper back "Only a couple more songs Liam." Liam nods and sticks close to me for the rest of the concert but still messing up to make people laugh.
At the end of the concert still Niall's pov
We are backstage getting into comfy clothes. Liam comes over to me and rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I say "Li stay awake buddy" Liam nods and opens his eyes. We go out to the van and Liam says "Can I sleep now?" I nod and Liam leans his head on my shoulder and promptly falls asleep. When we get to the hotel I look and see that there is no fans outside. I smile and very gently unstrap us both before I gently lift Liam up. Liam starts to wake up "Nini don't go" I say "Shh go back to sleep buddy. I'll carry you" Liam nods and leans his head on my shoulder and he falls asleep again.
I gently carry Liam up to our room and Louis unlocks the door for me. I say "thanks Lou for unlocking the door." Louis says "Your welcome I didn't want you struggling. Night Niall." He gives me the key and I say "Night Lou." The door shuts and I gently place Liam on his bed and I put the duvet over Liam. He curls into himself and smiles. I smile and get into my own bed and fall asleep myself.
The next morning no one's pov
Liam felt better after a good nights sleep and all the boys made sure that Liam had his medication when he needed it so he wouldn't get too distracted during interviews or meet and greets and Liam is very thankful for the boys looking out for him.
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