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The heat of the day became suffocating  as Dimitri and Lia moved deeper into the undergrowth. They had moved off the main road leading to the compound in an attempt to make it harder for the pursuing soldiers to catch them. Dimitri was again slightly ahead of Lia as he tried to choose the easiest path for her to follow. Although she was pushing to stay up with him, Dimitri knew that Lia must be in agony. Once the initially numbness and shock of the gunshot had worn off, the pain must be excruciating.

Spotting a small area up ahead  protected from sight by the trees, Dimitri slowed to indicate to Lia that they should stop. Exhausted, she managed a small nod in agreement. There wouldn't be time for a long stop but it would give Lia a chance to catch her breath and Dimitri a chance to see how badly she was injured.

Dimitri tore a strip off the bottom of his shirt with his teeth. Blood still leaked from the wound in Lia's right side. He knew that the bullet was still lodged in the wound and would need to come out, but for now they only had time to strap it in order to stop the bleeding. Dimitri knew that the blood loss would seriously weaken Lia. All too soon they had to keep moving. As much as Lia was in agony, their only hope of survival was to move as far away as they could from the General's compound. Dimitri had no doubt that even as they rested the manhunt behind them was being coordinated.

Three days had passed and evening was falling. Dimitri's anxiety over Lia's condition was growing. Superficially the wound appeared to be healing but from Lia's too bright eyes, Dimitri knew that inside the wound infection had set in. They had heard sounds of the pursuit behind them, but for now had managed to keep ahead. Dimitri was concerned that the gap was closing though.  As Lia's condition had deteriorated they had been forced to slow down. Every time they rested Lia had tried to persuade Dimitri to leave her and carry on alone. Even if it meant they died together fighting the General's troops Dimitri knew he could never leave her. He would never forgive himself for the betrayal if he did. In that arena he had decided that it was better to die than to live without Lia.

Dimitri found a crevice where they could rest for the night. Lia needed water and something to eat. Even if it was only some berries, Dimitri hoped it would give her some strength for the next day. Lia had collapsed in the crevice. Giving her the last of their water Dimitri explained to her his plan. He would need to leave her alone for a while if he wanted to find enough supplies to last them for the next while. Ahead of them was a barren path and water and berries would be harder to find. Dimitri used some branches and leaves that lay around them to hide the small form of Lia from plain sight. He could see her shivering as she lay in the crevice so he touched her forehead. Lia was burning up with fever. Dimitri knew that he didn't have long. Making haste he left Lia in the crevice.

At first Dimitri thought that he had missed the crevice where he had left Lia. There were a few overhangs and crevices in the area so it was possible that he had been confused.  He had after all left in a hurry to try to find water and something to eat.

Then Dimitri saw the footprints and the disturbed branches and leaves. With a sinking feeling he recognised them as the ones he had left covering Lia. For a moment Dimitri stood still in shock while the reality hit him. The soldiers had discovered Lia's hideout. Dimitri felt his throat burn with unshed tears. The absence of Lia's body meant they had taken her with them. But that didn't give Dimitri any comfort. In the now dark crevice Dimitri sat absolutely alone. Around him the night noises began. He had never felt so alone and lost in his entire life.

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