Q&A ☼

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I finally have the Q&A chapter finished! Sorry it took a long time. There was so many questions so I couldn't answer all of them. I'm thinking of having a thiscrush. Thoughts?

Anyway, here we go!


Do you know how awesome you are?
I don't think myself as awesome but thank you if you do!

Can I interest you the good word of our Lord and Savior?
This is my favorite question ever bless you.

What's your favorite band?
I have two actually. Twenty One Pilots and Panic! At The Disco. tRUE EMO RIGHT HERE XDDD :333

What is love?
Baby don't hurt me.

What's your favorite song?
My favorite song is always changing. My current one is The Sound by The 1975.

If you could meet any celebrity, who??
Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy).

Are you into potatoes....because I'm always here...
Potatoes are nice.

Favorite anime?

What are you complete trash for?

Have you struggled with depression or any other mental illness?
Yes I have and still do. When I was in the 6th and 7th grade, I struggled with depression and anxiety. 6th grade was the hardest time ever. I had no friends. I was self conscious over my body. And I was questioning my sexuality and gender identity. My "best friend" at the time left me and I was alone and scared. I began taking anti depressants and feeling much better about myself in 7th grade. Now I'm in 8th grade and close to high school, I still take the pills and have anxiety. But I'm much more happier than I was back then.

Any homophobes in your day?
I would say some of the annoying kids at school because they would use gay as an insult a lot (especially some kids in my spanish class). But I don't think they're really homophobic?? Just ignorant. So I would say yes and no.

Do you like ducks?

Favorite youtuber/s?
I have a couple. AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire (of course), Saccone Jolys, ChannelFrederator, and SuperMarioLogan.

Do you prefer Dan or Phil?

How and when did you come out?
I came out to my best friend as bigender at first. Then a couple of months later, I told her that I'm trans. She was perfectly okay with it. Then I came out to my dad in a text message on October 2015 (I have a screenshot of his emotional response which will remain a private image for me and not shown to anyone else). Then I came out to my sister that same day but in real life. On March 2017 I came out to mom by telling her while I was crying over stress when looking over high school forms. I have not come out to my brother yet. He's one of those people who thinks trans people are stupid. But I'm probably going to have one of my parents talk to him about it.

Do you ship Otabek and Yuri(o)?

Do you ship Joshler?
Kind of? Like I ship them but I don't see them happening irl since Tyler is married (also I love Jenna).

Do you ship Phan?

Do you live in an accepting community?
Not really. Being LGBT+ here in my city could get me bullied. But there's always a good side here where everybody is polite and very accepting. So I guess it's 50/50.

Ideal girl or boy?
I want a partner who has good humor and very nice. Someone who can understand me and accepts others. I want someone I can call up randomly if I'm sad and they're always there. I want someone who cares. Someone who can watch disney marathons with me and we would fall asleep on each other. Someone who I can make brownies with and we would just have fun rather than perfectly making them.
I want a boy or girl who can make me happy and love me for who I am.

A place you want to visit?
I want to visit Japan one day.

What motivated you to start this book?
I was on wattpad and trying to find a book that has LGBTQ+ tumblr posts. And I was surprised to see that there was none. So I was like "ya know what? I'm going to start one." At that time, I didn't think anybody would read it. But now I'm here :)

Okay that's all for the Q&A!!! Thanks for reading folks!


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