Chapter 1: Play Date

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Levi's POV

Eren's arms were crossed as he stared out of the window. I could see his cheeks were puffed up and red with anger. I sighed, looking back on the road as we slowly pulled into the park. We were supposed to be here for a play date with some other young kids around. Right now, Eren was too busy pouting about going to the park.

Once I parked the car, he tried his best to stay stuck inside his car seat. When I walked around to get him out, he just stayed in his car seat. Once more, I took a heavy sigh, hearing some children screaming at the park. He's always been like this- no matter what, he didn't like socializing with other kids his age.

"Eren, come on."


"Please, Eren."


I sighed, crawling into the back seat and sitting next to him. He continues to pout as I tried to speak to him. "Why not? Eren, this time, it's a lot smaller than the last one. Remember? That one had at least 10 kids. This time, there's at least 3 other kids. It's way smaller. Plus we're gonna share the cupcakes that we both made..."

Eren turned his head, looking at me. The red color in his cheeks remained. "Because they're gonna get bully me and you're gonna get in trouble again."

"Well... I don't mind it. This time, it'll be different, okay?"

"That's what you said last time, Daddy..."

I kissed his forehead, chuckling a bit. "Well... who knows about this time? Come on, let's go out on the park with the cupcakes. If things don't go so well... then... I'll stop taking you to these kinds of stuff, okay? Last time."

Eren nods his head, getting off of his car seat. "Okay..."

"That's my son." I smiled softly, getting out of the car and getting the cupcakes from the passenger seat. "Don't run off yet, okay? I don't want you getting lost right now. Stay close me, Eren."

He nods once more, grabbing my pants and clutching close to me. I chuckled a bit, walking with him in tow towards the park. I apparently parked a little further than I should've been... but it was good enough for Eren. He ran forward, running around on the empty field.

"Um... sir?" I turned around, seeing this tall, brunette woman with this little girl by her side. Her glasses were on her head as she held this piece of paper. "I have to ask... are you here for the play date thing?"

"Yeah- my son's playing out there in the field. Are you a new member?"

The woman nodded her head. "Yeah... we've just recently moved into the area."

I chuckled a bit, walking forward with the cupcakes in hand. "We're somewhat new to this play date thing- but we're not near this area. I had to go out of my way a little bit. I just wanted my son to have some time around some other kids."

The woman chuckle, holding her daughter close. "That's nice to know that we're not the only ones being new here. I'm Hanji- Hanji Zoe."

I went to shake her hand, smiling softly. "I'm Levi Ackerman."

Hanji chuckles softly, tilting her head and pointing at the field. "You said your son was playing out in the field? Uh... I think he's running too far..."

I turned my head, seeing exactly that. I muttered a soft curse under my breath as I handed my cupcakes to Hanji. "Can you please take that to the group? I need to grab my son- he's a troublemaker like that."

"Of course- go and get him. We'll meet you at the play date area."

*   *   *

"You're such a troublemaker..." I growled as I picked Eren up from the shaded field area. He was too busy giggling to himself. "What were you trying to get at? Trying to escape from me? I would've lost my mind if I lost you, Eren."

He shrugged his shoulders, curling up in my arms. 

"Don't run off like that, understand? Not when we're in a park and I'm not keeping an eye out. I don't want to lose you too, okay? Eren, you hear me?"

"Yes, Daddy..."

"Come on, it's time to meet the group."

He nods as he didn't squirm out of my arms as I walked towards the only busy gazebo. It seemed that it was the play date area.

Hanji and her daughter was already there; Hanji seemed to have kept an eye out on me. She smiled, walking with her daughter. "It seems you found him- that's good. I didn't know if I should've called him out or told you..."

I chuckled a bit, putting Eren back down on the ground. He instantly wrapped his arms around my leg, looking at the two strangers in front of me. "I wouldn't have seen him run off like that. He's mischievous like that. It's interesting because I've never thought that he would act like this."

Hanji smiled, kneeling onto the ground and staring at Eren. He then proceeded to nudge his head into my leg. At a point, my leg nearly buckled because he kept pushing his hard-head into the back of my knee. "I'm Hanji, little man. What's your name?"

Eren looked up at me, looking for approval. I tapped his shoulder gently, smiling a bit. He then nods and peaked out of my leg. "E-Eren..."

"Hello, Eren. Want to meet my daughter? She's a bit... open than you are."

The little girl, who had matching looks like her mother, stepped forward and gave a smile. "Hiya, Eren! I'm Iris! I wanna be friends with you!"

Eren shied away once more. He held onto me tightly- I had to hold him with my hand to prevent him from running away. "Buddy, what's wrong?" I knelt down, looking at Eren and into his emerald eyes. "Eren, something wrong?"

He shook his head, but he continued to hide. Finally, he spoke to me. "Girls are scary..."

"There's no need to be afraid of her. She just wants to be your friend, alright?"

He nods once more, stepping a bit forward towards the little girl. "H-H-Hello..."

Iris continued to shine brightly, giggling mischievously. That reminded me all too well of Eren. "Can we go and play in the playground?"

"Not now, Iris. I think everyone's gonna eat lunch right now."


"You can play after we eat."

"Okay..." Iris then turned towards Eren, smiling brightly. "Do you want to eat with me, Eren? Pretty please?!"

Hanji chuckled a bit, holding her daughter close to her. "You're very energetic today, huh? Let's go find a place to sit down, alright?"


I nudged Eren as well, holding him tightly. "Let's go too- let's go eat some lunch, alright?"


*   *   *

The hours were well spent here. Eren had actually tired himself out of playing with the other kids. He didn't throw any other tantrum after he was able to play with the other kids. There was no crying from other kids fighting- the only cries was when they tripped and skinned themselves on the playground. 

At the end of the play date, I had to carry Eren to the car. As we were part of the new members, we had to exchange our phone numbers. I guess Eren overheard of us exchanging numbers because once we got into the car, Eren asked the weirdest question I ever heard him ask about. 

"Daddy... can I see Iris again?"

"You had fun playing with her?" I chuckled softly as I buckled him into his car seat. "Surprisingly, you didn't ask about the other 3 kids there."

Eren shook his head, looking away very sleepily. "W-We were gonna talk more about our mommies and daddies... but it was time to leave. I... I wanted to talk to her about it... please, Daddy?"

"I'll send out a text message to her mother to see when we can meet up again." I kissed his forehead, giving him his blanket. "For now, take a nap. It's a 20 minute car ride home..."

He nods his head, nearly passing out the second I turned on the car. It seemed today was quite successful... so we'll return to this group the next time they make a play date. Eren was a normal kid for once... such a good influence on him too.

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