I have a confession.
Many, actually, but this one I want to-s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ write down, just to get it out, because you will never read this.
Don't be alarmed, because this might make me sound insane.
So... a lot of people bullied you at Elida. Did you ever notice how the numbers dwindled week by week?
Yeah, that was me. Shocker.
I didn't murder them - I would be in jail if that were the case, because I assume I would've been caught after nine. Nine, yeah.
The first happened when Henry LeRoy was making "hilarious" fat comments about you in private. You ran up to me crying. Henry LeRoy made my best friend cry, so I wanted to make him cry. Or at least try.
Henry LeRoy played the cello. He loved that cello. It was the cello his mummy and daddy dearest had bought for him.
When I got to school early and was wandering the halls, I "accidentally" stumbled across the band room, searching for his cello that I knew he didn't take home (okay, I did my research, sue me).
I opened the case cautiously, tilted the wooden thing back (still don't know what it's called), out of the strings and snapped it in half. I then slid one in each slim hole on the sides. I slipped a note where it would usually rest that said to never speak to you like that again. He didn't.
The people in Elida are cowards!
It wasn't the worst I could've done, because I wasn't ready to actually get sued if I got caught for breaking an expensive instrument. They never caught me.
And they never will, since you will never read this.
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