Nobody had questioned Quinn or myself yet, which was unusual since the glee club loves gossip. I think it had something to do with the fact that they were still really drunk. Now, I hadn't been doing too bad lately, but today - Friday - they kept handing out really good looking drinks! Yeah, so what, I'm a little drunk.
Today is the day of our assembly. I still think it's a very stupid idea, but hey, Mr. Schue let us go through with it. As of now, we were backstage preparing to go on. Mr. Figgins was currently having a police officer put on an "auto accidents" slide show, which sounds gory so I'm glad I'm not watching it.
Brittany walked over to our huddled group, saying, "Ke$ha's been a cultural icon for weeks, and I really want to do her music justice."
I adjusted my top, still feeling woozy from the drinks I'd been given today. "We haven't had enough rehearsal," Sam said simply.
"Or any at all," Mercedes added.
"And most of our assembly performances usually end in some kind of riot," Finn finished worriedly.
Rachel came by with a stack of red solo cups and a jug of some disgusting-looking liquid. "Never fear, teammates, now it's a Broadway tradition for nervous performers to take a shot of whiskey before going on to calm their nerves." She spoke too fast and I didn't really catch what she'd said. I tuned out the rest of whatever she was saying as she poured the dark liquid into a cup.
As she began listing the disgusting ingredients and everyone began to drink, I poured myself some and drank it in one gulp. It tasted like liquid dirt. "Cheers," I said, clinking my empty plastic cup with the rest of the glee clubs' full ones.
When Mr. Figgins dismissed the officer, we realized we'd be on soon and found our places. Not long after, he introduced us: "And now, performing the hit single, 'Tik' and also 'Tok' by rapper Ke-dollar-sign-ha... the New Directions." The microphone's feedback hurt my ears and there was barely any clapping. I giggled loudly at his introduction. I looked at Quinn, who was shushing me, and giggled even more because she was so pretty with her long curly hair.
I was still giddy when Brittany began to sing, and I think I was laughing throughout a lot of it - but I was too out of it to remember exactly what happened.
"Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy (ay, what up girl?)
Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city (let's go)
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back"
As the performance was nearing its end, my predictions were proved correct. Brittany puked on Rachel. It was revolting. Santana followed, luckily throwing up on the floor instead.
"Everybody drink responsibly," Brittany stated.
The reaction to our performance was very intense. After the months preceding being filled with underage drunk students everywhere, the students around us seemed scared to drink the following Monday. Even Stoner Brett was noticeably less high.
Along with this abnormality, this morning, Mr. Schue was publicly shamed by Coach Sylvester for his alleged alcohol addiction. She played a voicemail he sent to Ms. Pillsbury in front of the whole school, as any mature adult would do. Though I'm still wary of her abandoning Quinn when she was pregnant and nearly shooting Brittany out of a cannon, I found this hilarious.
The day progressed as peacefully as a Monday could.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday went by and soon enough it was March. On Friday, I heard a rumor that Ms. Holiday would be dropping in again next week. I hoped I wouldn't have to sit on Puck's jacket for the rest of class again.
Then it was the Monday following the sobering up of the school, and I was in glee club first as always. In walks Artie all freaked out.
"How am I supposed to be a father?" he questioned rhetorically while rolling to his spot next to me, resting his head in his hands frantically. He shot up after a moment, turning to look at me.
"Oh, hey Maya." As Artie said this, Richard and Alan walked in, waving to me.
"Hey... so um... who'd you knock up?" He didn't laugh.
"I'm not a cheater."
"So Brittany." The rest of the glee club walked in, in the form of a mob. Artie didn't get to answer my question. Tina was whispering something into Richard's ear, and Alan was walking over to us with a worried expression on his face.
"Is it true? You got Brittany pregnant?" he asked like it was the end of the world. Artie's lack of an answer was seen as a yes and Alan widened his eyes, clasping his hand over his mouth and going back to tell Richard.
Mr. Schue walked in as everyone was still caught up in Artie and Brittany's drama. "Alright folks, regionals is in a week. It's time to get deep into our setlist." He paused. "Artie... you okay?"
"My life is over. How am I supposed to support a baby?" was his reply. "How could you not tell me about this?" he asked, turning to Brittany who was sitting behind him.
"Wait... Brittany, are you pregnant?" Schue asked.
"Definitely. I'm so sorry Artie. I didn't want to upset you. I thought I could surprise you when I dropped him off. I'm pretty sure it's a boy."
"Um... babies don't get dropped off," Puck informed.
"You would know," I retorted.
He turned to me from a couple seats down. "This again?"
"Would you stop bickering?" Quinn questioned, clearly annoyed. She smiled at me after glaring at Puck though.
"Hey, you're choosing favorites! Just because she's your-"
"Guys, stop talking! We need to get to the bottom of this," Schue cut in. Puck and I glared at each other, while Quinn ignored us.
Mr. Schue continued, "Brittany, have you been to a doctor yet?"
"I don't need to go to a doctor, I just need to look outside my window." It turns out Brittany is a tad less educated than we all thought. Oh well.
Wednesday during glee practice was when Ms. Holiday proved the rumor right, singing a song... about sex... so I didn't know what to think about that, but it was cool I guess.
Friday Santana and Brittany sang to a love song to each other, which only Tina, Mike, Quinn and I seemed to pick up on. We didn't discuss it or tell anyone, we just knew.
When they sang the song - Landslide by Fleetwood Mac - I was reminded of Quinn and me. I missed kissing her.
So after school that day, much to her confusion, I dragged her behind the building and did just that - I kissed her.
She pulled away too soon. I think it will always be too soon. "What was that for-"
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I blurted. When she didn't immediately answer, I continued, "We don't have to be like, out or anything, I just-"
She silenced me with a tender kiss.
"I would love to be your girlfriend, Maya."
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